Collections made by Gerald Pope

Records: 78

The following is a list of the collections made by Gerald Pope in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Mozambique (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
53241 Actiniopteris dimorpha subsp. dimorpha4 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 1106 SRGH
Granite outcrop up to 1420m high, fern occuring in small colonies in shallow soil pockets on the rock.Sikanjena Hill, Belingwe district0Zimbabwe2030C1S0

53229 Actiniopteris dimorpha subsp. dimorpha9 Mar 1978GV Pope
GV Pope 1628 SRGH
Granite outcrop, sponge area on rock.Nyamahere Hill, Mtoko district0Zimbabwe1732A3N0

Tufted fern

73225 Adenia stenodactyla8 Dec 1971TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 543 BT Wursten SRGH
Mixed woodland of Commiphora, Strychnos and Albizia.c. 60 km Northeast of Mopeia Velha, Zambezia0Mozambique1736C1Z65

This specimen is stored at SRGH under the name Adenia kirkii but clearly represents a specimen of A. stenodactyla.

48871 Adiantum incisum29 Jan 1975GV Pope
E Russell
GV Pope E Russell 4842 SRGH
Near top of wooded gully in limestone cliffs in leafmould Confluence of Musiriswi-Bwasi River, Jersey, Chipinga district0Zimbabwe2032D1E500

48860 Adiantum incisum30 Jan 1970GV Pope
GV Pope 218 SRGH
Shade of deeply cut banks of Nyarandi River Nyarandi River W. of Mavuradonha mission0Zimbabwe1631B4N760

Common and tufted fern

48840 Adiantum incisum24 Mar 1969HM Biegel
GV Pope
HM Biegel GV Pope 14237 SRGH
On steep, tall-wooded limestone slope, in leafmouldWhindale ranch, Mangula, Makonde district.0Zimbabwe1630C3N914

Tips of some fronds arching over and where they touch ground new plants develop

32660 Aneilema pedunculosum1 Feb 1975HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
GV Pope
HM Biegel GE Gibbs-Russell GV Pope 4841 BR
Base of wooded gully in limestone cliffsOn Musirizwi River 200 m upstream from its confluence with the Bwazi River, Chipinge district0Zimbabwe2032D1500

Herb. Flowers dark mauve/ light purple.

34911 Anemia simii4 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 48 SRGH
Brachystegia woodland, in open. Turwi R W-bank, 2 miles below Cherere School, Bikita0Zimbabwe2031B1UN46-75-E1000

102605 Angraecopsis parviflora2 Jun 1971GV Pope
GV Pope 40 SRGH
Serra Macuta, Sussundenga District.0Mozambique1933A3 MS900

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 11 part 2: 396 (1998).

35329 Asplenium boltonii3 May 1973GV Pope
GV Pope 1088 SRGH
Forest floor on W-slopes Mt. Buhwa, Belingwe580Zimbabwe2030C2TN27-19-S1500

35293 Asplenium boltonii11 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 162 SRGH
Moss-covered boulders in shade Mt. Horzi, Bikita0ZimbabweS1190

35644 Asplenium erectum2 May 1973GV Pope
GV Pope 1069 SRGH
Gully forest on perennial stream Mt. Buhwa E-slopes, Belingwe580Zimbabwe2030C2TN27-19-S1160

35934 Asplenium lobatum30 Oct 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
N Gosden
HM Biegel GV Pope N Gosden 1130 SRGH
Steep gully in forest Mt. Buhwa W-slopes, Belingwe580Zimbabwe2030C2TN27-19-S1600

36193 Asplenium rutifolium11 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 161 SRGH
Shade, moss covered boulder, moist Mt. Horzi (Chirorgwe?), Bikita0Zimbabwe2031B1UN45-81-S1190

36192 Asplenium rutifolium8 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 119 SRGH
Half shade, moss covered boulder on river bank 3 miles below Cherere school, Torgwani River Gorge, Bikita0Zimbabwe2031B1UN46-75-S915

36172 Asplenium stuhlmannii18 Feb 1978GV Pope
GV Pope 1587 SRGH
In shade moist rock crevices Nyamahere Hill, Mtoko0Zimbabwe1732A3N0

36326 Asplenium theciferum29 Apr 1973GV Pope
GV Pope 1001 SRGH
Epiphyte on stunted Brachystegia spiciformis Mt. Buchwa, Belingwe580Zimbabwe2030C2TN27-19-S1700

102145 Bersama abyssinica subsp. abyssinica9 Dec 1971TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1979 SRGH
Mixed evergreen forestSerra Morrumbala, upper western slopes0MozambiqueZ1000

10 m slim tree; slash bright yellow; bark smooth pale brown

15519 Blechnum attenuatum2 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 4264 SRGH
Deep shade at base of cliff near streamBelingwe, Mt. Buhwa580Zimbabwe2030C2TN27-19-S1200

15560 Blechnum tabulare3 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 1078 SRGH
Moist, shallow gully in deciduous woodland with Smilax and Aloe arborescensBelingwe, Mt. Buhwa580Zimbabwe2030C2TN27-19-S1300

52349 Christella dentata2 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 4269 SRGH
Gully forest on south slope above Buhwa schoolMount Buhwa, Belingwe district580Zimbabwe2030C2S1050

Fronds to 1.6 m high

52672 Christella gueinziana1 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 4241 SRGH
Gully forestMount Buhwa, north west slope, Belingwe district580Zimbabwe2030C2S1200


99110 Cuscuta campestris9 Sep 1971HM Biegel
GV Pope
HM Biegel GV Pope 3601 SRGH
Parasitic on Mikania cordataWaterfalls, banks of Mukuvisi River10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Masses of yellow to brown-yellow threads. Flowering and fruiting profusely. Plant covers c. 2 x 3 m area.

30202 Cyathea dregei1 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 4242 SRGH
Gully forestBelingwe, Mt. Buhwa580Zimbabwe2030C2TN27-19-S1000

25510 Cynanchum gerrardii subsp. gerrardii24 Mar 1969HM Biegel
LC Leach
GV Pope
HM Biegel LC Leach GV Pope 14238 On steep, tall-wooded limestone slope above farm-houseWhindale Ranch, Mangula0ZimbabweN910

Leafless green-twigged climber forming a dense mass of branches ± 7 feet above ground. Flowers whitish.

53844 Dichapetalum madagascariense var. madagascariense22 Nov 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 3684 SRGH
Degraded evergreen rain forestRoslyn, Chipinga District0Zimbabwe2032B2VN773613E820

97284 Elytraria acaulis29 Jan 1975GV Pope
GV Pope 1439 SRGH
Western end of Mwangazi Gap, Chibunje (Chibuwe), Chipinge District.0Zimbabwe2032C2E525

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 8 part 5: 8, 2013.

21223 Emilia coccinea16 Nov 1980TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1774 SRGH
Brachystegia utilis / Uapaca woodlandE of Nyankombe R., 2 km N of Rakonde Hill, Mutasa District0Zimbabwe1833A3WQ026726E780

Soft erect annual. Young leaves purple below.

122787 Euphorbia serpens23 Apr 1976HM Biegel
GV Pope
HM Biegel GV Pope 1539 S Carter SRGH
Growing beside railway tracks.Harare Industrial site.10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Prostrate herb. Collector number is for GV Pope.

69887 Euphorbia transvaalensis30 Jan 1975HM Biegel
GE Gibbs-Russell
GV Pope
HM Biegel GE Gibbs-Russell GV Pope 4869 SRGH
c. 1 km West of confluence Musirizwi and Bwazi Rivers, Chipinge Distict0Zimbabwe2032D1E500

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 9 part 5: 378, 2001

108022 Ficus bussei7 Dec 1971TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1944 SRGH
c. 50 km NE of Mopeia Velha on the road to Quelimane.0Mozambique1736C1Z100

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 9 part 6: 58 (1991)

35215 Galopina circaeoides7 Jul 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 3654 SRGH
Degraded evergreen rain forestRatelshoek Estate, Chipinge0Zimbabwe2032B4VN793608E800

5529 Gleichenia polypodioides30 Oct 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
N Gosden
HM Biegel GV Pope N Gosden 1123 SRGH
In rock cracks, sheltered by rock overhangMt Buchwa, ridge at NE end580Zimbabwe2030C2S1600

E aspect

34954 Haumaniastrum dissitifolium17 Nov 1980TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1795 SRGH
Moist grassland beside riverine fringeChitema River, south end Rureche Ridge, Mutasa 0Zimbabwe1832B4VQ898666E780

35057 Haumaniastrum villosumNo dateGV Pope
GV Pope 145 K
Southern slope of Mt Horzi, Bikita Distr.0Zimbabwe2031B1S0

Record cited in A revision of Haumanniastrum (Labiatae), Alan Paton in Kew Bulletin 52-2: 293-378 (1996)

26162 Hexasepalum sarmentosum11 Jun 1971GV Pope
GV Pope 475 BR
Mixed evergreen forest, N of Haroni RiverSouthern end Chimanimani Mts in the Haroni-Makurupini forest520Zimbabwe2033A1E270

Scandent herb with long trailing bracnhes over large boulder

26161 Hexasepalum sarmentosum17 Nov 1980TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1797 BR
Wet grassland beside riverine fringe vegetationChitema R., at S. end of Rureche ridge, Mutasa District0Zimbabwe1832B4VQ898666E780

Prostrate perennial with white flowers

98712 Hippocratea goetzei3 Jul 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 3646 SRGH
Small patch of evergreen rainforest on steep slopeSlopes to Rusitu River, Chipinga District.0Zimbabwe2032B1E800

Climber in the sapling layer.

94292 Hippocratea parviflora24 Oct 1972HM Biegel
GV Pope
E Russell
HM Biegel GV Pope E Russell 853 SRGH
At base of hill among boulders in Kirkia acuminata grove.Gubatsa Hills, Chobe National Park0Botswana1824C1N936

Scrambling shrub with stems up to 3 m long trailing over rocks. Perianth green with light green margins to the segments.

98717 Hippocratea volkensii23 Nov 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 3688 SRGH
Growing in opening surrounded by evergreen rainforest Between Haroni and Makurupini River520Zimbabwe2033A1E370

Liane; flowers creme; conspicuous orange underbark.

98710 Hippocratea volkensii6 Dec 1971TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1914 SRGH
Mixed evergreen forest25 km from Lacerdonia (Chupanga), North of new railway line0Mozambique1835A2MS200

Liane; slash greenish-cream, orange underbark

22668 Huperzia verticillata13 Nov 1980TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1684 SRGH
Forest fringe, dense growth over rockMutasa, Nyamingwa river0Zimbabwe1832B4E0

53017 Justicia nyassana9 Jul 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 3678 SRGH
Degraded evergreen rainforestRoslyn, Chipenge0Zimbabwe2032B2VN773613E820

73899 Kleinia fulgens9 May 1970HM Biegel
GV Pope
HM Biegel GV Pope 3289 SRGH
In Brachystegia spiciformis and B. glaucescens woodland on rocky Southeast facing slopeInyoni Mts, Chivi District0Zimbabwe2030D4S900

Rootstock tuberous. Flowers deep blood red

117907 Lobelia sonderiana23 Oct 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 186 SRGH
VleiGroombridge vlei, between Teviotdale Road and Waller Avenue.1,80Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Cited in FZ 7(1), p. 143.

52790 Loxogramme abyssinica11 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 160 SRGH
Transverse ravine on South slope; continuous tree canopy 40-60' above; granite boulders moss covered, atmoshere humid.Mt. Horzi, Bikita district.0Zimbabwe2031B1S1190

Rhizomatous fern growing on rocks

22700 Lycopodiella cernua15 Nov 1980TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1739 SRGH
Woodland beside riverMutasa, Nyamawanga R., 2 miles S of St. Michael School0Zimbabwe1832B4VQ883634E760

22703 Lycopodiella cernua2 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 1064 SRGH
Woodland with Bequaertiodendron, Albizia and Uapaca treesBelingwe, Mt. Bukwa, E-slopes580Zimbabwe2030C2TN27-19-S1230

22705 Lycopodiella cernua7 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 111 SRGH
On streambank under Syzygium cordatumBikita, 4 miles from Bikita, stream crossing Bikita/ Cherene School Rd.0Zimbabwe2031B1UN49-78-S954

22730 Lycopodium clavatum17 Nov 1980TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1805 SRGH
Forest margin in moist patch of montane grasslandMutasa, Nyazengu E-slopes opposite Rureche0Zimbabwe1832B4VQ873706E1320

37104 Lygodium kerstenii28 Jan 1975HM Biegel
GV Pope
E Russell
HM Biegel GV Pope E Russell 1390 SRGH
High rainfall woodland, climbing Chipinga, 9 Km NE of Muzirizwe/Bwazi River confluence0Zimbabwe2031D1E0

106612 Macroptilium atropurpureum21 Mar 1982RM Polhill
GV Pope
RM Polhill GV Pope 2077 SRGH
Roadside in Brachystegia woodlandMazoe Dam0Zimbabwe1730D2N0

Perennial with trailing stems, erect inflorescences, dark purple flowers. [The earliest record of this species in Zimbabwe].

42475 Marsilea minuta var. minuta21 Sep 1981GV Pope
GV Pope 1989 SRGH
Drying out seasonally flooded bed of pool, clay soil W end of long pool, Mana Pools590Zimbabwe1529C4N360

Dense growth in deep holes left by elephanth feet

35040 Mohria lepigera9 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 137 SRGH
In riverine fringes among granite rocks in shade of O. holstii. Mt. Honzi, Bikita.0Zimbabwe2031B1UN45-81-S1130

51852 Ophioglossum polyphyllum9 Mar 1978GV Pope
GV Pope 1633 SRGH
Wooded rocky outcrop, grassy slopes between boulders, coarse sandy soil.Mtoko, Tsiko.0Zimbabwe1732A3E0

Erect herbs in an area of c. 5 x 5m square

27626 Osmunda regalis5 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 78 SRGH
Forming dense clusters on riverbank, commonBikita, Turwi River, 2 miles below Cherere school0Zimbabwe2031B1UN46-75-S0

52898 Pleopeltis macrocarpa29 Apr 1973GV Pope
GV Pope 994 SRGH
Moist SE aspect, patches of stunted Brachystegia spiciformis with closed canopy. Dense epiphytic growth on stem, branches and rocks under trees.Main ridge Bukwa Mt., Belingwe district580Zimbabwe2030C2S1700

Associated epiphytes include Polypodium polypodioides, Asplenium theciferum and A. aethiopicum.

53067 Pleopeltis polypodioides subsp. ecklonii8 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 120 SRGH
Rhizomatous fern on granite boulders with Asplenium rutifolium and mosses, in deep shade.Turgwe River Gorge, +/- 3 miles below Cherene School, Bikita district0Zimbabwe2031A1S940

53063 Pleopeltis polypodioides subsp. ecklonii27 Apr 1973GV Pope
GV Pope 955 SRGH
Brachystegia glaucescens woodland in a situation where mists and ? are frequent; rhizomatous fern on a tree stump.Mt Buhwa, saddle on NW slopes, Belingwe district580Zimbabwe2030C2S1200

53066 Pleopeltis polypodioides subsp. ecklonii11 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 152 SRGH
Growing on non-covered granite boulderRiverine forest on S. slope of Mt. Horzi, Bikita district0Zimbabwe2031B1S1100

36159 Polystachya zambesiaca30 Oct 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
N Gosden
HM Biegel GV Pope N Gosden 1122 SRGH
Mt Buhwa, Mberengwe District580Zimbabwe2030C2 S1600

Cited in Flora Zmbesiaca Vol. 11 part 2: 349 (1998)

73924 Pseudocalyx saccatus4 Jul 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 3752 SRGH
In open patch in degraded evergreen rainforest.1 km NE of Rusitu River0Zimbabwe2032B1VN729841E920

Liane; petals pink; calyx rusty brown

53275 Pteris catoptera2 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 1071 SRGH
Moist deciduous woodland; fern growing at the edges of a steep sided stream.Bukwa Mt., E slopes, Belingwe district.580Zimbabwe2030C2S1160

73849 Pterocelastrus echinatus3 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 1099 SRGH
In stunted Brachystegia spiciformis woodlandNear beacon at highest point, Mt Buhwa580Zimbabwe2030C2S1666

Small bush to 1.5 m tall

22764 Ptisana salicifolia2 May 1973HM Biegel
GV Pope
BK Simon
HM Biegel GV Pope BK Simon 1060 SRGH
Perennial stream in gully forest. Uncommon, growing at waters edge, sheltered by high banksBelingwe, Bukwa Mt., lower E slope580Zimbabwe2030C2TN27-19-S0

22051 Pyrenacantha kirkii22 Nov 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 2022 SRGH
Evergreen forestW edge of Ratelshoek Estate0Zimbabwe2032B2VN777618E820

Herbaceous forest twiner.

40655 Rhinacanthus zambesiacus1 Feb 1975HM Biegel
GV Pope
E Russell
HM Biegel GV Pope E Russell 4908 SRGH
In woody vegetation on sandy streambank, in partial shade5 km South of Rusongo Hill on Border rd, Remayi0Zimbabwe2032C4S400

69005 Salacia leptoclada21 Nov 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 3683 SRGH
Degraded evergreen rain forestRoselyn, Chipinga0Zimbabwe2032B2VN773613E820

2 m tall shrub with horizontal branches; petals pale green, yellow at the tip; style orange; bark pale grey

69004 Salacia leptoclada28 Jan 1975HM Biegel
GV Pope
E Russell
HM Biegel GV Pope E Russell 4822 SRGH
In woodlandJersey, 5 km North of confluence of Musirizwi and Bwazi rivers, Chipinga district0Zimbabwe2032D1E500

Shrub, 4 m, fruiting heavily; fruit red.

41858 Selaginella dregei5 May 1964GV Pope
GV Pope 83 SRGH
Shallow sandy soil on granite outcrop W bank of Turgwe, 2 miles below Cherere school, Bikita0Zimbabwe2031B1UN46-75-S945

42101 Selaginella mittenii4 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 47 SRGH
Shaded, moist, granite rocks on riverbank Turgwe river, 400 yards above confluence with Dafora river, Bikita0Zimbabwe2031B1S945

42100 Selaginella mittenii9 May 1969GV Pope
GV Pope 126 SRGH
Riverine forest, damp rocks of perennial stream Mt. Horze, S slope base, Bikita0Zimbabwe2031B1UN45-81-S1065

107413 Senecio hochstetteri3 May 1989GV Pope
GV Pope 2279 K
Skyline path to Chambe, Mulanje Mt.1790Malawi1535D3S0

35553 Stomatostemma monteiroae19 Jan 1975HM Biegel
GV Pope
E Russell
HM Biegel GV Pope E Russell 1440 SRGH
Shrubby vegetation and thickets on sandy soil.West end of Mwangazi Gap, Chipinga District0Zimbabwe2032C2E440

58470 Streptocarpus acicularis25 Apr 1974TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 1307 K
Streambanks in evergreen forestConfluence of Nyazengwe and Mevumozi Rivers, c. 28 km west of Dombe, eastern foothills of Chimanimani Mountains, Sussundenga District, Manica Province, Mozambique0Mozambique1933C3 MS280

Plants in flower and fruit

112617 Telosma africana2 Jul 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 3644 SRGH
Evergreen rainforest on steep slope.Moodies Rest, c. 2 kn North of Chipinga rd. 0Zimbabwe2032B1E1140

Climbing to 5 m.

112614 Telosma africana7 Jul 1981TM Müller
GV Pope
TM Müller GV Pope 3655 SRGH
Degraded evergreen rain forestRatelshoek Estate, Chipinge0Zimbabwe2032B4E800

Climbing in the sapling layer

28709 Vincetoxicum anomalum23 Jul 1973GV Pope
GV Pope 1113 SRGH
Gully forest bordering perennial streamMt Buhwa, lower NW slope.580ZimbabweS0

Climber with twining stems to ± 3 m high, on small trees and shrubs. Leaves ± fleshy, sap clear, flower colour is green.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Collections made by Gerald Pope., retrieved 12 March 2025

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