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Mackinder, B. et al. (2001) Papilionoideae Flora Zambesiaca 3(5)
Climbing or prostrate, rarely erect, herbs or subshrubs. Stipules present. Leaves 1-or 3-foliolate; leaflets usually with conspicuous resinous gland-dots beneath. Flowers spreading. Calyx 5-lobed, lobes unequal, the upper pair ± joined. Corolla frequently yellow, lined with brownish-purple. Ovary (1-)2-ovulate. Pods 3-4 × as long as broad, almost circular to narrowly oblong, flattened, often falcate, frequently glandular and velvety. Seeds flattened-spherical or subreniform; funicle inserted at middle of the circular hilum. Derivation of name: Gk. rhynchos, a beak, snout or horn, referring to the keel of the flowers Worldwide: c. 300 species, tropics Mozambique: 41 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
albissima Gand. | Z,GI,M | |
buchananii Harms | T | Description |
caribaea (Jacq.) DC. var. caribaea | T,MS,GI,M | |
chimanimaniensis Verdc.[NrEnd][VU] | MS | Description, Image |
clivorum S. Moore subsp. gurueensis Verdc.[End] | Z | |
clivorum S. Moore subsp. pycnantha (Harms) Verdc. | Z,T,MS | Description, Image |
densiflora (Roth) DC. subsp. chrysadenia (Taub.) Verdc. | M | |
divaricata Baker | N,Z,MS | Description, Image |
galpinii Baker | M | |
genistoides Burtt Davy[NrEnd] | M | |
goetzei Harms | MS | |
hirta (Andrews) Meikle & Verdc. | N,Z,T,MS | Description, Image |
holstii Harms | MS | |
insignis (O. Hoffm) R.E. Fr. | N,T,MS | Description, Image |
luteola (Hiern) K. Schum. var. luteola | N,Z,T,MS | |
luteola (Hiern) K. Schum. var. velutina Verdc. | N | |
micrantha Harms | N,GI | |
minima (L.) DC. var. prostrata (Harv.) Meikle | N,Z,T,MS,M | |
minima (L.) DC. var. minima | T,MS,GI,M | |
minima (L.) DC. var. A | GI | |
minima (L.) DC. var. nuda (DC.) Kuntze | M | |
minima (L.) DC.[Agg] | N,Z,T,MS,GI,M | Description, Image |
monophylla Schltr. | MS | Description, Image |
procurrens (Hiern) K. Schum. subsp. floribunda (Baker) Verdc. | T,MS | |
pseudoteramnoides Hauman | MS | |
pseudoviscosa Harms | MS | |
resinosa (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Baker | N,Z,T | Description, Image |
sordida (E. Mey.) Schinz | MS | |
stipata Meikle[NrEnd][LR-nt] | MS | Description, Image |
sublobata (Schumach. & Thonn.) Meikle | N,Z,T,MS,GI | Description, Image |
swynnertonii Baker f.[NrEnd] | MS | |
torrei Verdc.[End] | Z | |
totta (Thunb.) DC. var. totta | MS,GI,M | |
totta (Thunb.) DC. var. fenchelii Schinz | T,MS,M | Description |
totta (Thunb.) DC. var. elegantissima (Schinz) Verdc. | M | |
tricuspidata Baker f. subsp. tricuspidata | N,Z | |
velutina Wight & Arn. var. velutina | ? | |
velutina Wight & Arn. var. discolor (Baker) Verdc. | N,GI | |
viscosa (Roth) DC. subsp. viscosa var. viscosa | MS | |
viscosa (Roth) DC. subsp. viscosa var. breviracemosa (Hauman) Verdc. | GI | |
wildii Verdc. | T | Image |
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