Flora of Mozambique: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 9 May 2015

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
AnemiaceaeAnemia simii Along path on slopes above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.Record (with image)
AsteraceaeBidens schimperi Along path on slopes above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.Record (with image)
RubiaceaeBreonadia salicina River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa national Park Record
LamiaceaeClerodendrum incisum River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park Record
LamiaceaeColeus rhodesianum Along path on slopes above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record (with image)
CommelinaceaeCommelina africana Along path to Nharizengere Falls, northwesten Gorongosa National Park. Record
RubiaceaeCoptosperma supra-axillare River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa national Park Record (with image)
OrchidaceaeCyrtorchis arcuata subsp. arcuata River Above Nharizengere Falls, nortwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record (with image)
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeHibiscus altissimus At the top of Nharizengere waterfalls, Northwestern Gorongosa National Park.Record (with image)
PhyllanthaceaeHymenocardia ulmoides River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park Record
RubiaceaeHymenodictyon parvifolium subsp. parvifolium River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeIndigofera ormocarpoides River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park Record
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea pileata River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and SecamonoideaeKanahia laniflora River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa national Park Record (with image)
MeliaceaeKhaya anthotheca River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa national Park Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeLablab purpureus subsp. uncinatus var. uncinatus River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeMacrotyloma axillare var. glabrum River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeMerremia tridentata subsp. alatipes Along path to Nharizengere Falls, northwesten Gorongosa National Park. Record
OrchidaceaeMicrocoelia exilis River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record
PolypodiaceaeMicrosorum scolopendria River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record (with image)
SapotaceaeMimusops obtusifolia River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record (with image)
DipterocarpaceaeMonotes engleri Along path from Zebra Ranger Camp to Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park Record (with image)
CelastraceaeMystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. schlechteri River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaePsophocarpus scandens River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record (with image)
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeRaphionacme monteiroae Along path towards bottom of Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park. Record (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeSynadenium kirkii River Above Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park Record
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeTriumfetta rhomboidea Along path towards bottom of Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park Record (with image)

Number of records found: 27

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.mozambiqueflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2015&month_search=May&day_search=9, retrieved 31 March 2025

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