Flora of Mozambique: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 5 Mar 2007

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
EuphorbiaceaeArgomuellera macrophylla Lower forested slopes below Nhandore peak, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
TectariaceaeArthropteris monocarpa Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium aethiopicum Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium anisophyllum Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium blastophorum Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium blastophorum Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium christii Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium dregeanum Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium inaequilaterale Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium preussii Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium preussii Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side Record
OrchidaceaeCalanthe sylvatica Forested slopes below Nhandore peak, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCanavalia africana Lower slopes between Morumbodzi Falls and forest Mt Gorongosa.Record (with image)
AnthericaceaeChlorophytum comosum Along forest path up to top plateau, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
AraceaeCulcasia falcifolia Lower forested slope below Nhandore Peak, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
DryopteridaceaeDidymochlaena truncatula Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
HymenophyllaceaeDidymoglossum erosum Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side Record
DioscoreaceaeDioscorea quartiniana Path between Morumbodzi Falls and forested slopes, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa.Record (with image)
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris manniana Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
LamiaceaeEquilabium stenosiphon Along path from Morumbodzi Falls to forested slopes Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
OrchidaceaeHabenaria macrandra Forested slopes below Nhandore Peak, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
LycopodiaceaeHuperzia dacrydioides Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
AcanthaceaeJusticia sp. A cf. engleriana Forested slopes below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa.Record (with image)
CucurbitaceaeMomordica foetida Small river crossing along path between Morumbodzi Falls and the forested slopes, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa.Record (with image)
GelsemiaceaeMostuea brunonis var. brunonis Forested slope below Nhandore peak, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeOldenlandia affinis var. fugax Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
OleandraceaeOleandra distenta Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
RubiaceaeOxyanthus speciosus subsp. stenocarpus Forested slope below Nhandore peak, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
RubiaceaePauridiantha symplocoides Forested slope below Nhandore peak, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
HymenophyllaceaePolyphlebium borbonicum Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord
UrticaceaeProcris crenata Forested slope below Nhandore peak, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)
PteridaceaePteris muricella Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord (with image)
PolypodiaceaePyrrosia rhodesiana Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda sideRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeSenecio inornatus Path between Morumbodzi Falls and forested slopes, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa.Record
GesneriaceaeStreptocarpus brachynema Gorongosa Mountain, as the path enters the forest.Record
AcanthaceaeThunbergia usambarica Forest on slopes below Nhandore peak, Mt GorongosaRecord (with image)

Number of records found: 36

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.mozambiqueflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2007&month_search=Mar&day_search=5, retrieved 31 March 2025

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