Records made by Judd Welwitch

Records: 11

The following is a list of the records made by Judd Welwitch in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
113408 Acampe pachyglossa 16 Jan 2012 JK Welwitch
JK Welwitch Road 483, North of Gile 0 Mozambique 1638A2 Z 222

iNaturalist record

113409 Ancylobothrys petersiana 14 Jan 2007 JK Welwitch
JK Welwitch Road 405 near Magude 0 Mozambique 2532B1 M 30

iNaturalist record

-25.061000 32.630000 5
109214 Capparis cartilaginea 9 Jan 2012 M Lötter
JK Welwitch
M Lötter 2153 M Lötter BNRH
Nacala District, Quissimajulo Beach, on road to the beach. 0 Mozambique 1440B4 N 6

Low procumbent shrub to 40 cm high, leaves thick and succulent, flowers pale pink, fruits reddish when ripe, longitudinally fissured. Rare in open shrubland [thicket] in full sun on bare rock [coral rag] on coastal plain.-x000D- [First record for Mozambiq

-14.491944 40.821389 6
119324 Duvalia polita var. polita 1 May 2010 JK Welwitch
JK Welwitch A10, Chiredzi 0 Zimbabwe 2131B1 S 0

iNaturalist record

-21.050000 31.690000 5
108144 Huernia verekeri var. verekeri 3 May 2010 JK Welwitch
JK Welwitch Along A9 near Birchenough Bridge 0 Zimbabwe 1932C4 S 536

iNaturalist record

-19.954905 32.317615 7
57266 Orbea umbracula 20 Apr 2013 JK Welwitch
JK Welwitch Wooded grassland in full sun Along Birchenough Bridge - Masvingo road about 25-30 km from Birchenough Bridge. 0 Zimbabwe 1932C3 S 730

Large clump growing in full sun

108145 Parkia filicoidea 31 Dec 2011 JK Welwitch
JK Welwitch BT Wursten Mopela, Zambezia Province 0 Mozambique 1736C1 Z 0

iNaturalist record

-17.700000 36.140000 4
108192 Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. multiflorus 16 Jan 2012 JK Welwitch
JK Welwitch EN7 between Enhaga and Malei, Mocuba, Zambezia 0 Mozambique 1736B2 Z 141

iNaturalist record

90691 Sphaerocoryne gracilis subsp. gracilis 5 Jan 2010 JK Welwitch
TLP Couvreur PH Hoekstra Roadside woodland Along Maputo-Xai-xai road between Macia and Chissano 0 Mozambique 2433C4 GI 80

Small tree / shrub understory bush growing under a Cordyla tree

-24.951300 33.283000 3
117054 Stapelia getliffei 1 May 2010 JK Welwitch
JK Welwitch BT Wursten A9 near Birchenough Bridge. 0 Zimbabwe 1932C4 E 0

iNaturalist record

-19.962200 32.349100 6
58607 Tetracera boiviniana 2013 JK Welwitch
JK Welwitch Coastal forest Near Vontade, NE of Quelimane 0 Mozambique 1737A4 Z 50

-17.309690 37.388580 7

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Records made by Judd Welwitch., retrieved 31 March 2025

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