Records made by Andrew Angus

Records: 36

The following is a list of the records made by Andrew Angus in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
80712 Acacia amythethophylla 1 Jun 1957 A Angus
A Angus 1628 RE Gereau MO
Mt. Makulu Research Station near Chilanga. 151 0 Zambia 1528C1 C 0

Small tree 10-15 ft.

-15.566667 28.233333 5
80724 Acacia gerrardii var. gerrardii 15 Jun 1957 A Angus
A Angus 1630 RE Gereau MO
In Acacia-Albizzia-Terminalia-Lonchocarpus scattered tree-tall grass woodland on red clay loam overlying limestone. Mt. Makulu Research Station near Chilanga. 151 0 Zambia 1528C2 C 0

Tree 20 ft., rounded crown.

-15.600000 28.283333 4
80762 Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha 27 Apr 1962 A Angus
A Angus 3206 Brachystegia boehmii woodland Kalomo District; Dumdumwengi, S end of Kafue Game Reserve. 0 Zambia 1726C1 S 0


-17.666667 26.166667 5
80761 Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha 17 Nov 1956 A Angus
A Angus 1443 Alluvial soil Along Makulu stream Mt. Makulu 12 mi. S Lusaka. 0 Zambia 1528C2 C 0

Tree 35' somewhat flat-topped, conspicuous with white flowers. Bark yellowish with papery scales.

-15.600000 28.283333 4
80760 Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha 14 Oct 1952 A Angus
A Angus 635 JPM Brenan In Isoberlinia-Brachystegia woodland on Kalahari sand near Zambesi River. Balovale District; Shingi Village, 7 mi. N of Chavuma. 0 Zambia B 0

Tree 30 ft. high with bole 8-9 in. d.b.h. Crown flat-topped. Bark roughly deeply longitudinally fissured, the fissures 1-2 cm apart, exfoliating at base in pieces 1.4 x 1-1.5 cm. Flowers pale yellow. Fruits collected from ground.

0.000000 0.000000 0
80772 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii 13 Jun 1957 A Angus
A Angus 1626 RE Gereau MO
Mt. Makulu Research Station near Chilanga. 151 0 Zambia 1528C1 C 0

Tree 30 ft. high. Upper bark yellowish, bole more or less smooth. Old trees have rough bark, deeply longitudinally furrowed.

-15.566667 28.233333 5
84844 Bulbostylis contexta 17 Dec 1956 A Angus
A Angus 1469 EA Robinson C Archer MRSC
Degraded Brachystegia boehmii woodland, Mt Makulu 0 Zambia C 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
85043 Bulbostylis hispidula 21 Jul 1961 A Angus
A Angus 3016 A Angus C Archer MRSC
Weed of "litongo" garden Namushakende, edge of Barotse Plain 0 Zambia B 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
85042 Bulbostylis hispidula 1 Apr 1956 A Angus
A Angus 1193 C Archer MRSC
Mt Makulu 0 Zambia C 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
85056 Bulbostylis macra 22 Nov 1959 A Angus
A Angus 2080 C Archer MRSC
Woodland Kapiri Mposhi 0 Zambia C 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
85067 Bulbostylis pilosa 2 Jan 1953 A Angus
A Angus 1096 PRE
Livingstone District 0 Zambia S 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
85066 Bulbostylis pilosa 19 Nov 1959 A Angus
A Angus 2055 MRSC
Miombo Ndola W 12 km., Masama Forest Reserve 0 Zambia W 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
85098 Coleochloa setifera 27 Mar 1961 A Angus
A Angus 2515 MRSC
In alluvial pockets between large outcrops of rock, on drainage channels, very wet. Near Mkushi, rocky hill of Katanga sandstone 0 Zambia C 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
81449 Combretum molle 29 Apr 1956 A Angus
A Angus 1265 Mt. Makulu Research Stn. 11 mls. S. Lusaka. 151 0 Zambia 1528C2 C 0

Tree 20 ft. high, dense crown. Fruits - wings greenish yellow.

-15.583333 28.283333 5
81694 Croton longipedicellatus var. longipedicellatus 19 Dec 1952 A Angus
A Angus 946 A Radcliffe-Smith K
In Baikiaea plurijuga 'mutemwa' on Kalahari sands. Livingstone District; Lonze Forest, E boundary, ca. 9 mi. N of Machili. 0 Zambia 0831D4 S 0

Shrub 2.8 m high.

-8.900000 31.800000 5
88221 Cyperus amabilis 10 Apr 1961 A Angus
A Angus 2801 MRSC
cultivated ground Luapula Valley, Chibongo 0 Zambia N 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
81945 Diospyros senensis 26 Apr 1962 A Angus
A Angus 3184 Rocky Lopje. Hot Springs near the Rochinsar Ranch homestead. 0 Zambia 0

Small tree.

0.000000 0.000000 0
81944 Diospyros senensis 25 Apr 1962 A Angus
A Angus 3180 Termite hill Lochinvar Ranch. 0 Zambia 0

Small tree.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82082 Ekebergia capensis 25 Jan 1964 A Angus
A Angus 3832 F White With Trichilia roka, Ficus capensis, Nuxia, Maesa lanceolata, etc. in evergreen vegetation Along the Makulu stream, Mt. Makulu Research Station, near Chilanga 0 Zambia 1528C2 C 0

tall evergreen tree. In fruit

-15.600000 28.283333 4
82080 Ekebergia capensis 11 Sep 1952 A Angus
A Angus 406 F White Dense riverine forest On the Solwezi river near Solwezi 0 Zambia 1226A2 W 0

Large tree 45-50ft high 3ft dbh. Crown dense, rounded. Bark rough more or less deeply longitudinally fissured with transverse cracks forming areas 0.5-1 x1-2cms. Slsh deep red pink

-12.183333 26.400000 5
82081 Ekebergia capensis 20 Aug 1957 A Angus
A Angus 1673 F White Bank of perennial stream, Chilanga 12 miles south Lusaka 0 Zambia 1528C2 C 0

Tree 25 ft high, bark smooth dark grey crown rounded, dense. Foliage dark green shining. Flowers cream with greenish tinge

-15.600000 28.283333 4
82213 Euclea divinorum 9 Jan 1953 A Angus
A Angus 1131 F White In small gorge Livingstone. In small gorge leading down to main gorge below the Victoria Falls. 120 0 Zambia S 0

Shrub 8 ft. high.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82215 Euclea divinorum 8 Sep 1957 A Angus
A Angus 1696 Siamambo Forest Reserve, 10 miles SE of Choma. 0 Zambia 0

Tree 20 ft. high with several stems. Bark dark +/- smooth.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82214 Euclea divinorum 8 Jul 1957 A Angus
A Angus 1635 Woodland Hubert Young Drive Woodlands 4 miles E of Lusaka. 0 Zambia C 0

Fastigeate shrub to 10 ft. leaves dark green. Flowers yellow, dull.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82212 Euclea divinorum 28 Jul 1952 A Angus
A Angus 71 F White Mazabuka. Siamambo Forest Reserve, Choma. 0 Zambia S 0

Shrub 2 m high, with several stems arising from common base. Leaves yellowish green. Bark grey-brown with pale grey, longitudinal striations & conspicuous, small, grey, transversely elliptical lenticels. Slash-zoned, purple, green then white, last turns orange on exposure.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82211 Euclea divinorum 28 Jul 1952 A Angus
A Angus 70 F White Mazabuka. 0 Zambia S 0

Small shrub 2 m high, with several stems from common base. Bark pale steel grey, smooth. Leaves yellowish green.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82210 Euclea divinorum 23 Jul 1952 A Angus
A Angus 7 F White Mazabuka. Siamambo Forest Reserve, Choma. 0 Zambia S 0

Shrub 5 m high with about 10 stems each 8 cm d.b.h. arising from single base. Bark smooth mottled with light grey & dark grey crustaceous lichens. Slash-OB: thin, dark brown: IB: 0.3 cm. thick, pink outside, whitish inside but rapidly turning yellow on exposure.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82219 Euclea schimperi 30 Jul 1952 A Angus
A Angus 88 Mazabuka. Siamambo Forest Reserve, Choma. 0 Zambia S 0

Small shrub 2 m high, with several stems, 2-5 cm. d.b.h. arising from common base. Bark grey, smooth with numerous slit-like lenticels 2-4 mm long. Slash pinkish-red outside, orange-yellow inside. Leaves dark green, glossy.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82220 Euclea schimperi 4 Oct 1952 A Angus
A Angus 590 Mwinilunga. 2 miles north of its confluence with the Lusangwa R. 0 Zambia W 0

Small tree 2 m high with dense crown. Bark dark grey peeling transversely in large pieces. Fruits pale green.

0.000000 0.000000 0
82846 Maesa lanceolata 14 Apr 1956 A Angus
A Angus 1219 J Ricketson MO
Bank of Makulu River near Mt. Makulu, 11 mi S Lusaka 0 Zambia 0

Small Tree, flowers

0.000000 0.000000 0
82988 Myrsine africana 22 Nov 1952 A Angus
A Angus 829 J Ricketson MO
Mafingi Range above Chisenga 0 Zambia 0

Shrub, flowers

0.000000 0.000000 0
82987 Myrsine africana 4 Oct 1952 A Angus
A Angus 591 J Ricketson MO
Tshikundulu stream just below its crossing with the new Mwinilunga - Kabompo road 0 Zambia 0

Subshrub, 0.3 m, Sterile

0.000000 0.000000 0
83012 Newtonia buchananii 27 Aug 1952 A Angus
A Angus 321 In 'sacred mushitu' near shore Fort Rosebery: In 'sacred mushitu' near shore of L. Bangweulu at Samfya, L. Bangweulu. Found with Trichilia emetica, Conopharyngia angolensis etc. 112 0 Zambia 1129B3 W 0

Large tree 70 ft high, with bole 3-4 ft d.b.h. Bark smooth bluish-grey with pale brown (on branches) or rusty brown (on trunk) lenticels bark thin 1/2 cm thilck, resinous. Said to be a sacred tree. Fruits collected from ground.

-11.350000 29.550000 4
83244 Phoenix reclinata 14 Sep 1957 A Angus
A Angus 1773 Islands at the Victoria Falls 120 0 Zambia 1725D4 s 0

Tree, leaves 8-10feet long, bottom pinnae spinons. Common palm on riverbank at the Victoria Falls

-17.916667 25.850000 5
77377 Scleria distans 4 Apr 1961 A Angus
A Angus AA_2667 A Angus MRSC
Kasama, Misamfu 0 Zambia N 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
83767 Stereospermum kunthianum 23 Aug 1952 A Angus
A Angus 295 F White A Angus In chipya vegetation Western Province. District Fort Rosebery. Growing in chipya vegetation near Samfya Mission, Lake Bangweulu. 112 0 Zambia 0

Tree 8 m high, 20 cm dbh. Crown sparse, open. Barkvery smooth, pale grey, 1 cm thck. Slash with concentric rings-brown then green; IB white, somewhat granular. Flowers pale pink, the 3 anterior lobes each with a purple band running longutudinally in region of throat.

0.000000 0.000000 0

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Records made by Andrew Angus., retrieved 31 March 2025

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