Records determined by Stevens

Determinations: 25

The following is a list of the records determined by Stevens in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
81283Ceropegia meyeri20 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3824 WD Stevens MO
Collections along roadside in Mutemwa thicket on Kalahari Sand. Livingstone District; ca. 18.1 km W of intersection of Livingstone-Sesheke and Lusaka Road, ca. 3 km W of Simonga ca. 1.5 km E of Makunka. 0Zambia1725D3S930

Rare, in grasses near margin of open marsh; twining on grasses; corolla tube inflated at base and white; corolla lobes deep purple-black; striped within.

81284Ceropegia nilotica14 Mar 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 1144 WD Stevens MO
Mopane woodland.Gwembe District; Siavonga area, Mutulanganga PFA No. 183, 35.4 km from Siavonga Boma along Siavonga-Lusaka Road in mopane woodland. 0Zambia1628B3S420

Climbing, rare among grasses. Stems green with clear sap. Leaves light green. Flowers spotted brown. Corolla lobes green on tips.

81196Ceropegia plocamoides31 Jan 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2535 WD Stevens MO
In miombo woodland once grazed. Soil silty, sand and hard-packed clay. Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba. Ca. 7 km W of Great North Road on road to Wardy Farm, collections on farm between farm house and Wangwe (sp?) River at western edge of property. 0Zambia1528C3C1140

Occasional in miombo woodland; usually in small groups; tuber latex creamy yellow; petiolar sap clear; peduncle, tepals and upper nodes purple; corona yellow.

81287Ceropegia purpurascens14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7546 WD Stevens MO
Brachystegia woodland. Kitwe District; Mwekera River near Forestry College. 0ZambiaW0

Growing in shade.

81290Ceropegia purpurascens25 Feb 1996DK Harder
DK Harder 3533 WD Stevens MO
Open woodland near habitations, deep miombo soils with some limestone outcrops. Lusaka District; Lusaka East; Kanyanja; Senyame Farm; Kafue Powerline Road; ca. 5 km S then ca. 3.5 km W to open woodland near habitations, deep miombo soils with some limestone outcrops. 0Zambia1528C2C1350

Rare; in woodland; "traps" pendulous; from fleshy corm; stems and pedicels with red colour; calyx light purple, corolla light green with some purple; edges of trap openings deep purple-black inside green; young fruit dark purple.

81291Ceropegia purpurascens3 Mar 1996B Luwiika
B Luwiika 237 WD Stevens B Luwiika MO
Yellow sand.Kaoma District; On the Kaoma/Lukulu road; 57.2 km NW of Lusaka-Mongu road junction in yellow sand. 0Zambia1424C2B930

Creeping/trailing; approx. 1 m long; stem dark green towards the base, light green towards the tip; leaves smooth, dark green on top, light green underneath; flower petals grey at base, reddish brown at the top; forming a corolla tube.

81299Ceropegia stenantha18 Feb 1996DK Harder
DK Harder 3481 WD Stevens MO
Collections in remnant forest, along cultivations on limestone and quartz outcrops. Lusaka District; Nachitete: along Kafue Powerline; 8.5 km S along Chifwema Road; then 5 km E along Kafue Powerline Road, S-SE of Lusaka. 0Zambia1528C2C0

Widespread; stems light green; calyx with minute purple spots; corolla tube light yellow; lobes yellow inside.

81301Ceropegia stenantha18 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 2558 WD Stevens MO
In miombo woodland and riverine community. Lithosol-Cambisol soils. Gwembe District; Travelling northwest on the Gwembe/Munyumbwe Road. 13.2 km from Munyumbwe. 0Zambia1627D1S950

Vine; climbing in vegetation. Leaves with thickened midvein below. Calyx pinkish-white. Corolla cream.

81302Ceropegia stenantha8 Mar 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 1043 WD Stevens MO
Undifferentiated Miombo-Combretum woodland. Brown Kalahari sands. Choma District; 40.9 km from Choma along Choma-Namwala Road. 0Zambia1626B4S1120

Rare, twining to 3 m in woodland. Exuding milky latex. Leaves light green. Fruits light green and in pairs.

81704Cryptolepis oblongifolia25 May 1994CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma 294 WD Stevens MO
In the flat miombo woodlands. Isoka District; Ca. 67.9 km from the turnoff on the Isoka-Nakonde Road towards Muyombe. 0Zambia1033B4N830

Shrub ca. 30 cm tall, occasional in the woodlands. Leaves light green on both sides; fruit long, ca. 2 cm in diameter, light green fading to purple.

81711Cryptolepis oblongifolia9 Mar 1995MM Nawa
MM Nawa 212 WD Stevens MO
Kabompo District; Manyinga, ca. 20 km from Loloma Hospital junction along the Kabompo-Mwinilunga Road. 0Zambia1324A4B1140

Originally recorded as Cryptolepis producta.
Climber, on another plant; in woodland; opposite leaves; stem red; fruits in pairs or singly.

81709Cryptolepis oblongifolia5 Mar 1995NB Zimba
NB Zimba 684 WD Stevens MO
WoodlandKasempa District; 13.2 km W of Kalombe Primary School in Chief Kasempa's Area; 35 km from Kasempa along the road to Ndenda National Forest. 0Zambia1325B3W1230

Small shrub; in woodland; rare; stem brown, latex white; leaves green; fruits light green, in pairs.

81708Cryptolepis oblongifolia12 Feb 1995NB Zimba
NB Zimba 501 WD Stevens MO
Collections along Kifubwa Gorge and river in forest on shallow soils and in woodland. Solwezi District; Kifubwa (Chifubwa) Gorge National Monument. Approximately 4.6 km along Kyalalankuba Road; S of Solwezi and ca. 2 km S of entrance to Solwezi Teacher Training College. National Heritage Site. 0Zambia1226A2W1230

Small shrub growing on the fringe of the gorge; flowers white.

81707Cryptolepis oblongifolia14 Feb 1995MM Nawa
MM Nawa 21 WD Stevens MO
Near an old camp site. Solwezi District; 78 km west of Solwezi along Solwezi-Mwinilunga Road. Ca. 5.5 km from main road going northwest along the Lumwana east river. 0Zambia1225B2W1410

Small shrub; root woody; in the woodland; latex white; fruits in pairs; upper leaf surface dark green.

81706Cryptolepis oblongifolia10 Apr 1994PP Smith
PP Smith 485 WD Stevens MO
North Luangwa National Park910Zambia1132C1N850

81705Cryptolepis oblongifolia11 Mar 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 2490 WD Stevens MO
In Combretum-Brachystegia woodland, disturbed by human occupation. Gleysol soils with limestone outcrops. Kalomo District; Travelling northwest on the Kalomo Road (D 714), toward the southern entrance to Kafue National Park. Ca. 51 km from Kalomo. 1000ZambiaS1200

Shrub; branches trailing along ground. Plant with white latex. Stems tan, smooth. Leaves thick, waxy, whitish-green below. Fruits greenish-white blushed with purple, paired. Calyx green-purple.

81703Cryptolepis oblongifolia1 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma 105 WD Stevens MO
Open woodlandMbala District; 24 km west of Mbala along Mbala-Mpulungu Road to Power Station Road (D549). Open woodlands between 22.6-25.6 km along D549 becoming road RD2. 0Zambia0831C3N1740

Shrub with white inflorescence and red-purple fruit.

81702Cryptolepis oblongifolia31 Jan 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2542 WD Stevens MO
In miombo woodland once grazed. Soil silty, sand and hard-packed clay. Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba. Ca. 7 km W of Great North Road on road to Wardy Farm, collections on farm between farm house and Wangwe (sp?) River at western edge of property. 0Zambia1528C3C1140

Frequent in miombo from woody root; stems brown-purple; sap milky; calyx light green; petals white.

81701Cryptolepis oblongifolia22 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2071 WD Stevens MO
Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy.1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Spreading, prostrate suffrutex; latex white; leaves deep green above, lighter below; calyx green; lobes tipped in purple; petals light green.

82426Gomphocarpus fruticosus subsp. fruticosus6 Sep 1956HM Richards
HM Richards 6122 WD Stevens MO
Mbale District; Mbala [=Mbala District], Kawimbe0Zambia0831C4N1524

Small shrub 5 feet, on ant-hill close to river. Wet ground. Stem stiff, green leaves, verticilate, glabrous. Flowers cream. Seeds green.

83222Pentarrhinum insipidum8 Mar 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 1042 WD Stevens MO
Undifferentiated Miombo-Combretum woodland. Brown Kalahari sands. Choma District; 40.9 km from Choma along Choma-Namwala Road. 0Zambia1626B4S1120

Rare, creeping to 2 m, in disturbed woodland. Stems green with brown colorations, white latex. Leaves green. Flowers white. Calyx green.

83426Raphionacme welwitschii22 Feb 1995NB Zimba
NB Zimba 599 WD Stevens MO
Mwinilunga District; Lwawu Mission ca. 47 km W of Mwinilunga; 4.7 km W of Lwawu mission, along Lushimba River. 0Zambia1124C1W1280

Small shrub; to 0.4 m; in woodland; rare; stem with milky sap; large root; leaves and fruit green.

83850Tacazzea apiculata21 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 470 WD Stevens B Luwiika MO
Boiling Pots, rain forestLivingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. 1200Zambia1725D4S860

Shrub, 50 cm, growing on the banks of Zambezi River. Leaves dark green on top, glabrous, light green, hairy underneath; stems green hairy with brown tint; flowers with yellow petals, silky golden filaments, white crown in the center.

83851Tacazzea apiculata18 Feb 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 2316 WD Stevens MO
On the escarpment and down valley to the Zambezi River. Mopane-Terminalia woodland with lithosol-cambisol soils. Livingstone District; Trust Land directly east of Mosi Oa Tunya National Park. Below Victoria Falls, along Sonqwe Gorge, 9.2 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road.106,1200ZambiaS850

Shrub; erect to 1.5 m. Plant with white latex. Stems grey. Plant softly pubescent. Corolla greenish tinged with red. Plant among rocks, common. DNA sample.

96422Vincetoxicum monticola9 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3817 WD Stevens SRGH
In relatively undisturbed undifferentiated afroalpine forest.Just outside Bunga Botanical Forest Reserve, Vumba. Trailhead at picnic area, ca. 3 km from Bvumba Botanical Garden, collections along trail to waterfall.63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 E1670

Wiry twiner on low shrub; leaves lighter green below, calyx light red/green, corolla light red-pink outside, deeper red near center inside; corona deep red, stigma and complex yellow-green. Identified as Tylophora tenuipedunculata K. Schum.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Records determined by Stevens., retrieved 31 March 2025

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