Records determined by Noyes

Determinations: 14

The following is a list of the records determined by Noyes in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
81018Apodytes dimidiata16 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1900 RD Noyes MO
Collections in small mushitu forest and mixed miombo with large termite mounds. Kasanka National Park, ca. 1 km E of Musande Tent Camp.990Zambia1230C1C1260

Frequent shrub to tree 15 m tall; seed black; aril yellow to orange to deep red.

81423Cocculus hirsutus6 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1879 RD Noyes MO
Along roadside in woodland (miombo)Simonga Village, along Nakatindi Road (Livingstone-Sesheke Road) approx. 32 km W from Livingstone. . 0Zambia1725D4S0

Twining on low shrubs; young fruits light green, turning red with age.

82198Erythrocephalum longifolium1 Dec 1993CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma 76 RD Noyes MO
Miombo woodland in hilly topography. Mbala District; 24 km west of Mbala along Mbala-Mpulungu Road to Power Station Road (D549). By stream 3 km along road D549. 0Zambia0831C3N1320

Greyish plant with purple hairs on the stem. Upper leaf green, underside grey. Purple flower stalk. Bright red flower head.

82450Haplocarpha scaposa20 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2006 RD Noyes MO
Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soil, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona.1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Frequent in marshy area; leaves light green above, white below; bracts light green; rays and disk florets yellow.

82984Myrothamnus flabellifolius23 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2110 RD Noyes MO
Collections around Kundalila Falls; below falls, in rocky soils and quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona. 1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Occasional small shrub above falls; petiole and leaf veins tinted red below; inflorescence red; bracts red; calyx and corolla red; anthers light yellow-white.

81510Nidorella welwitschii9 Dec 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2245 RD Noyes MO
At bridge over Katutwa River, in dambo on both sides of the road. Deep black soils. Mporokoso District; along Mporokoso-Kasama Road, 33.5 km ESE of intersection of Mporokoso-Nsama-Kasama Roads N of Mporokoso. 0Zambia0930A4N1470

Occasional; lower stems purple; leaves light green, tipped in purple; ray florets light, bright yellow; disk florets deeper yellow; outer anthers tinged in purple.

83049Olax dissitiflora6 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1868 MC Merello RD Noyes Along roadside. Thicket vegetation on Kalahari sands.Simonga village, along Nakatindi Road (Livingstone-Sesheke Road), ca. 20 km W of Livingstone. 0Zambia1725D4S0

Occasional shrub to 4 m tall; older bark grey; younger shoots red-brown; calyx green; petals white, fertile; anthers yellow; staminodes white, sweetly fragrant.

83050Olax dissitiflora6 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1869 MC Merello RD Noyes Along roadside. Thicket vegetation on Kalahari sands.Simonga village, along Nakatindi Road (Livingstone-Sesheke Road), ca. 20 km W of Livingstone. 0Zambia1725D4S0

Occasional shrub to 2 m tall; young fruits green, some fruits with style attached.

83054Olax obtusifolia2 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello 945 MC Merello RD Noyes MO
Forest patches among cultivated areasMbala District; Mpulungu Protected Forest Area No. 45, off Mbala-Mpulungu Road along dirt road D13 6.4 km from beginning. 0Zambia0831C3N930

Tree 4 m; foliage glaucous; bark blackish-grey; young fruits green and ridged.

83108Oxygonum dregeanum subsp. strictum22 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2088 RD Noyes MO
Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy.1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Occasional semi-woody suffrutex among rocks; outer tepals creamy white with vertical red stripes; inner tepals creamy white.

83772Stomatanthes africanus21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2049 RD Noyes MO
Collections in grasslands along stream. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area ca. 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona. 1210Zambia1330B1C1570

Occasional in woodland; stems tinted red; buds tipped in red; florets white and tinted in purple; styles white.

84120Vernonia calyculata20 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2017 RD Noyes MO
Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soil, quartz sand, basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona.1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Abundant in recently burned area; disk floret petals purple; pappus white.

84186Wahlenbergia capitata21 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2082 RD Noyes MO
Collections in grasslands along stream. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area ca. 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy. at Kanona. 1210Zambia1330B1C1570

Occasional among rocks; stems purplish from slightly bulbous taproot; bristly hairs on all parts; calyx green; corolla tube white outside, blue on lobes inside; anthers white; style and stigma purple.

84237Zonotriche inamoena2 Dec 1993MC Merello
MC Merello 947 RD Noyes MO
Disturbed forest along stream bed.Mbala District; Mpulungu Protected Forest Area No. 45, along dirt road D13 1.7 km west of its intersection with Mbala-Mpulungu Road. 0Zambia0831C3N1040

Perennial grass along roadside to 1 m tall; calyx green covered with soft golden hairs; awns green at apex, purple at base; anthers cream-white.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Records determined by Noyes., retrieved 31 March 2025

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