Collections made by Rupert Davies

Records: 19

The following is a list of the collections made by Rupert Davies in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Mozambique (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
5462 Alepidea peduncularis3 Mar 1956RM Davies
JA Whellan
RM Davies JA Whellan 985 SRGH
Summit ridge, Mt Nyangani0Zimbabwe1832D4E2440

52105 Ampelopteris prolifera Sep 1955RM Davies
RM Davies 1545 AHG Alston SRGH
In river bed behind fallen treeNebiri Camp, Bumi R., Sebungwe district0Zimbabwe1728B1N0

24707 Barleria lancifolia May 1958RM Davies
RM Davies 2453 SRGH
Acacia veld, sandy soilDevuli, Buhera District0Zimbabwe530

Herb 2 ft, in shade, usually of trees. Purple flower.

35462 Barleria ventricosa Mar 1961RM Davies
RM Davies 2896 SRGH
Edge of antheap in sandveldTsonzo Purchase Area, Mutasa District0Zimbabwe1832D1E1675

21900 Coleus gracillimus Sep 1955RM Davies
RM Davies D1551 SRGH
Dry 'simanga' Combretum mopane.Kakwali River, Sebungwe District0ZimbabweN760

Herb, 12 - 18 inches. Blue flowers.

32011 Duosperma quadrangulare Sep 1955RM Davies
RM Davies 1459 BR
River bank alluviumKafauke River, Zambezi Valley, Sebungwe0ZimbabweW460

32013 Duosperma quadrangulare Sep 1955RM Davies
RM Davies 1440 BR
River bank alluviumSinasanga, Zambezi Valley, Sebungwe 0ZimbabweW460

25639 Gymnosporia oxycarpa Nov 1955RM Davies
RM Davies D.1620 SRGH
Riverine forestNuanetsi District0Zimbabwe S1250


77292 Hippocratea indicaNo dateRM Davies
RM Davies s.n.(32074) NKB Robson SRGH
Near River bank.Shangani River, Shangani District.0Zimbabwe1827C2W920

5 petals; 3 stamens

34745 Hygrophila spiciformis 1958RM Davies
RM Davies 1389 BR
Bank of dry riverDry tributary of the Sessami River, Sebungwe District0ZimbabweN760

Common herb along face of bank. 12-18 inches purplish, very aromatic and sticky

119380 Indigastrum costatum subsp. macrum Jan 1955RM Davies
RM Davies 948 BD Schrire SRGH
Plot 11, Mount Hampden Road.0ZimbabweC0

37102 Lygodium kerstenii Feb 1960RM Davies
RM Davies 2718 SRGH
Climber, rainforest Inyanga, Holdenby S.N.A0Zimbabwe1832B4E700

29120 Mellera nyassana Sep 1955RM Davies
RM Davies 1532 SRGH
Beside a stream in shade of waterberry, Berchemia etc.Vulanduli Camp, Sebungwe District, Zambezi Valley0ZimbabweN610

4 ft high common, very aromatic geranium-like smell.

119464 Oldenlandia corymbosa var. caespitosa12 Mar 1971RM Davies
RM Davies 3139 SRGH
Weed in lawn. In Mnondo Msasa mixed veld.Church House, Baines Avenue, Harare.10Zimbabwe1731C3C1524

On reddish-brown clay.

107425 Pleurostylia africana Nov 1953RM Davies
RM Davies 610 SRGH

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 2 part 2, 1966

74670 Pycnostachys urticifolia Apr 1956RM Davies
RM Davies 1929 SRGH
Harare - Marondera rd near Jamaica Inn.0Zimbabwe1831A2C1570

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 8 part 8: 330 (2013).

35604 Raphionacme splendens subsp. splendensNo dateRM Davies
RM Davies 1540 HJT Venter SRGH
Sebungwe, Nyabini0Zimbabwe1727D3W0

34730 Ruellia bignoniiflora Dec 1955RM Davies
RM Davies 1841 SRGH
Sandveld mopane-combretumNuanetsi Ranch, Nuanetsi District0ZimbabweS610

Herb 1-2 feet. White flowers.

22192 Tragia kirkiana May 1971RM Davies
RM Davies 3352 SRGH
Chesa Purchase Land, Darwin District0Zimbabwe910

A creeper.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Collections made by Rupert Davies., retrieved 31 March 2025

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