Checklist: Meliaceae



This is a checklist of taxa generated from the database. Genera and species which are purely cultivated have been excluded.

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Toona ciliata
Styles, B.T. & White, F. (1991) Meliaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa  
White, F. & Styles, B.T. (1963) Meliaceae Flora Zambesiaca 2(1)  
NamesFZ Divisions
Xylocarpus granatum J.König N,Z,MS,M
Carapa moluccensis sensu Oliv.
Carapa obovata Bl.
Xylocarpus benadirensis Mattei
Xylocarpus obovatus (Bl.) A. Juss.
Xylocarpus moluccensis (Lam.) M. Roem. N
4156.000 TOONA (Endl.) M. Roem. 
CEDRELA P. Browne 
*Toona ciliata M. Roem. MS (other?)
Cedrela toona Roxb. ex Rottler & Willd.
Toona australis (F. Muell.) Harms
Toona microcarpa (C. DC.) Harms
4159.000 KHAYA A. Juss. 
Khaya anthotheca (Welw.) C. DC. N,Z,T,MS,GI
Khaya nyasica Stapf ex Baker f.
Entandrophragma caudatum (Sprague) Sprague M
Entandrophragma utile sensu Gomes & Sousa
Pseudocedrela caudata Sprague
4163.010 LOVOA Harms 
Lovoa swynnertonii Baker f. MS
4171.000 TURRAEA L. 
Turraea floribunda Hochst. Z,MS,M
Turraea heterophylla sensu Sond.
Turraea holstii Gürke
Turraea nilotica Kotschy & Peyr. N,Z,T,MS,GI
Turraea randii Baker f.
Turraea tubulifera C. DC.
Turraea obtusifolia Hochst. GI,M
Turraea oblancifolia Bremek.
Turraea obtusifolia Hochst. var. matopensis Baker f.
Turraea robusta Gürke N
Turraea wakefieldii Oliv. GI,M
Turraea zambesica Sprague & Hutch. ex Hutch. T
4175.000 MELIA L. 
*Melia azedarach L. N,MS,GI,M
4193.000 EKEBERGIA Sparrm. 
Ekebergia benguelensis Welw. ex C.DC. N,Z,T
Ekebergia arborea Baker f.
Ekebergia capensis Sparrm. N,T,MS,GI,M
Ekebergia meyeri C. Presl ex C.DC
4195.000 TRICHILIA P. Browne 
Trichilia capitata Klotzsch N,Z,T,MS,GI
Trichilia dregeana Sond. MS
Trichilia chirindensis Swynn. & Baker f.
Trichilia emetica Vahl
subsp. emetica N,Z,T,MS,GI,M
Trichilia natalensis Sond.
Trichilia roka Chiov.
4195.010 PSEUDOBERSAMA Verdc. 
Pseudobersama mossambicensis (Sim) Verdc. MS,GI,M
Bersama mossambicensis Sim

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Checklist: Meliaceae]., retrieved 29 March 2025

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