Checklist: Lythraceae



This is a checklist of taxa generated from the database. Genera and species which are purely cultivated have been excluded.

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Nesaea heptamera
Fernandes, A. (1978) Lythraceae Flora Zambesiaca 4  
NamesFZ Divisions
5473.000 ROTALA L. 
Rotala mexicana Cham. & Schltdl.
Rotala pusilla Tul.
Rotala myriophylloides Welw. ex Hiern N
Rotala hutchinsoniana A. Fern.
Rotala longicaulis Fernandes & Diniz
Rotala nashii A. Fern.
5473.010 HIONANTHERA A. Fern. & Diniz 
Hionanthera garciae A. Fern. & Diniz MS
Hionanthera mossambicensis A. Fern. & Diniz [NrEnd] N
Hionanthera graminea A.Fern. & Diniz
Hionanthera torrei A.Fern. & Diniz
5474.000 AMMANNIA L. 
Ammannia auriculata Willd. N,Z,T,MS,GI,M
Ammannia baccifera L.
subsp. baccifera Z,MS,GI,M
Ammannia elata A. Fern. [End] Z
Ammannia prieuriana Guill. & Perr. N,Z,T,MS,GI,M
5480.000 GALPINIA N.E. Br. 
Galpinia transvaalica N.E. Br. M
5481.000 PEMPHIS J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. 
Pemphis acidula J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. N,GI
Lythrum pemphis L. f.
Melanium fruticosum Spreng.
5486.000 NESAEA Comm. ex Juss. 
Nesaea aspera (Guill. & Perr.) Koehne GI
Nesaea cordata Hiern N,Z,MS,GI
Nesaea crassicaulis (Guill. & Perr.) Koehne GI,M
Nesaea drummondii A. Fern. GI
Nesaea erecta Guill. & Perr. N,Z,MS,GI,M
Nesaea gazensis A. Fern. [End] GI
Nesaea heptamera Hiern MS
Nesaea linearis Hiern [NrEnd] N,Z,MS
Nesaea moggii A.Fern. [End] N
Nesaea ondongana Koehne
subsp. ondongana var. evansiana (A. Fern. & Diniz) A. Fern. GI
Nesaea ondongana Koehne
subsp. ondongana var. beiriana A. Fern. MS
Nesaea ondongana Koehne
subsp. ondongana var. ondongana GI,M
Ammannia intermedia (Koehne) A. Fern. & Diniz
Nesaea pedroi A. Fern. & Diniz [End] N
Nesaea polycephala Peter [NrEnd] N
Nesaea pygmaea A. Fern. & Diniz [End] N
Nesaea radicans Guill. & Perr.
var. floribunda (Sond.) A. Fern. Z,MS,GI,M
Nesaea floribunda Sond.
Nesaea radicans Guill. & Perr.
var. radicans N,Z,GI,M
Nesaea ramosa A. Fern. & Diniz [End] GI
Nesaea ramosissima A. Fern. & Diniz [NrEnd?] N
Nesaea sarcophylla (Welw. ex Hiern) Koehne GI
Nesaea schinzii Koehne GI
Nesaea spathulata A. Fern. [End] MS
Nesaea tolypobotrys Koehne M

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Checklist: Lythraceae]., retrieved 29 March 2025

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