Flora of Mozambique: Utilities: All images of Hymenophyllaceae

Images for each species

The purpose of this page is to display all images (whether of herbarium specimens or of living plants) for each species within a particular family.

Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Mozambican site.

Separate pages exist which display images of living plants only and of herbarium specimens only for this family.

Abrodictyum rigidum Z,MS
Abrodictyum rigidum

Photo: Petra Ballings

Abrodictyum rigidum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Tessa's pool area, Haroni river, Chimanimani

Abrodictyum rigidum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Tessa's pool area, Haroni river, Chimanimani

Abrodictyum rigidum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Small tributary of upper Nhandar river, Mt. Gorongosa

Abrodictyum rigidum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Small valley North-east of Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts

Abrodictyum rigidum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Small valley North-east of Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts

Crepidomanes frappieri No images found
Crepidomanes melanotrichum N,Z,MS
Crepidomanes melanotrichum

Photo: Petra Ballings

Crepidomanes melanotrichum

Photo: Petra Ballings

Crepidomanes melanotrichum

Photo: Petra Ballings

Didymoglossum erosum Z,MS
Didymoglossum erosum

Photo: Petra Ballings

Didymoglossum erosum

Photo: Petra Ballings

Didymoglossum erosum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Forest Canda side, Mt. Gorongosa

Didymoglossum erosum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt Gorongosa

Didymoglossum erosum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt Gorongosa

Didymoglossum erosum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt Gorongosa

Didymoglossum erosum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt Gorongosa

Didymoglossum erosum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt Gorongosa

Hymenophyllum capense Z,MS
Hymenophyllum capense

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum capense

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side

Hymenophyllum capense

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side

Hymenophyllum capillare Z,MS
Hymenophyllum capillare

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum capillare

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum capillare

Photo: Petra Ballings
At the base of unnamed peak north of plateau below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa

Hymenophyllum hirsutum
Hymenophyllum hirsutum

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum hirsutum

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum kuhnii Z,MS
Hymenophyllum kuhnii

Photo: Petra Ballings
John Meikle Forestry Estate, Stapleford

Hymenophyllum kuhnii

Photo: Petra Ballings
John Meikle Forestry Estate, Stapleford

Hymenophyllum kuhnii

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum kuhnii

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum kuhnii

Photo: Petra Ballings
Small valley North-east of Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts

Hymenophyllum kuhnii

Photo: Petra Ballings
Small valley North-east of Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts

Hymenophyllum mossambicense MS No images found
Hymenophyllum sibthorpioides Z,MS
Hymenophyllum sibthorpioides

Photo: Petra Ballings
Top end Nyazengu Gorge, Inyanga

Hymenophyllum sibthorpioides

Photo: Petra Ballings
Top end Nyazengu Gorge, Inyanga

Hymenophyllum splendidum
Hymenophyllum splendidum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense MS
Hymenophyllum tunbridgense

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense

Photo: Petra Ballings

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt. Gorongosa, scrub plateau

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense

Photo: Petra Ballings
Small valley North-east of Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense

Photo: Petra Ballings
Small valley North-east of Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense

Photo: Petra Ballings
Small valley North-east of Mt Binga, Chimanimani Mts

Polyphlebium borbonicum MS
Polyphlebium borbonicum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Tessa's pool, Haroni river, Chimanimani

Polyphlebium borbonicum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Nyamkombe River, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley

Polyphlebium borbonicum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Nyamkombe River, Aberfoyle, Honde Valley

Polyphlebium borbonicum

Photo: Petra Ballings
Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side

13 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave 2007-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Mozambique: Utilities: All images of Hymenophyllaceae.
https://www.mozambiqueflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-all-images-by-family.php?family_id=106, retrieved 21 December 2024

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