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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Rosaceae | Alchemilla kiwuensis | Along road on Mt Tsetsera | Record (with image) |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Ancylobothrys petersiana | Vunduzi River crossing, Gorongosa to Inhaminga road. | Record |
Cannabaceae | Celtis gomphophylla | Gorongosa to Inhaminga road, just west of Vunduzi R., SE of Gorongosa Mt. | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Croton sylvaticus | Along road up to mt Tsetsera | Record (with image) |
Dichapetalaceae | Dichapetalum barbosae | Ca. 10 km north of Maxungue about 1 km off the EN1, between the Save & Buzi rivers. | Record |
Sapotaceae | Englerophytum magalismontanum | Gorongosa to Inhaminga road, just west of Vunduzi R., SE of Gorongosa Mt. | Record |
Musaceae | Ensete ventricosum | Along road up to Mt Tsetsera | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Erythrophleum africanum | Between Revue R. bridge and Inchope on EN1. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Erythrophleum africanum | Ca. 15 km south of Inchope on the EN1, in grounds of school next to road. | Record |
Clusiaceae | Hypericum revolutum | Tsetsera plateau | Record (with image) |
Clusiaceae | Hypericum roeperianum | Along road up to mt Tsetsera | Record (with image) |
Stilbaceae | Nuxia oppositifolia | Vunduzi River crossing, Gorongosa to Inhaminga road. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Pericopsis angolensis | Ca. 156 km south of Inchope on the EN1. | Record |
Araliaceae | Polyscias fulva | Along road up to Mt Tsetsera | Record (with image) |
Rubiaceae | Sericanthe sp. F | Ca. 10 km north of Maxungue about 1 km off the EN1, between the Save & Buzi rivers. | Record |
Apiaceae | Steganotaenia araliacea var. araliacea | Western escarpment of Urema Trough, on Gorongosa to Inhaminga road. | Record |
Myrtaceae | Syzygium cordatum | Bonde River crossing along road from Manica to Tsetsera road. | Record (with image) |
Number of records found: 17
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