Vernonia longipedunculata De Wild.
var. longipedunculata

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Vernonia longipedunculata var. longipedunculata

Miombo woodland
Zambezi Rapids, c. 5 km N of Kalene Hill, Ikelenge District
Oct 2024
Photo: Nick Wightman

Vernonia longipedunculata var. longipedunculata

Miombo woodland
Zambezi Rapids, c. 5 km N of Kalene Hill, Ikelenge District
Oct 2024
Photo: Nick Wightman

Vernonia longipedunculata var. longipedunculata

Miombo woodland
Zambezi Rapids, c. 5 km N of Kalene Hill, Ikelenge District
Oct 2024
Photo: Nick Wightman

Vernonia longipedunculata var. longipedunculata

Miombo woodland
Zambezi Rapids, c. 5 km N of Kalene Hill, Ikelenge District
Oct 2024
Photo: Nick Wightman

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Synonyms: Baccharoides longepedunculata (De Wild.) Isawumi, El-Ghazaly & B.Nord.
Common names:
An erect leafy or subscapose perennial herb, 10–90 cm tall from a small woody rootstock; roots c. 3–10, ± thong-like, each swelling abruptly 1–8 cm from the rootstock to form a root-tuber, or tubers sessile; tubers up to c. 6.5 x 2 cm, subfusiform to ovoid. Stems annual, 1-several, simple or branching above, ± uniformly leafy, or with leaves crowded below or subrosulate at 2–10 cm above the stem base, pubescent to whitish-lanate or tomentose becoming less densely so above, or glabrescent; indumentum a variable mixture of white short-stalked ± appressed-crisped hairs and fewer long purple-stalked patent hairs with oblique terminal cells. Leaves sessile, 4–20 x 1.5–7 cm, obovate to oblanceolate, apex rounded to acute, base long-attenuate, margins serrulate to coarsely irregularly serrate-dentate, lamina finely whitish pubescent sometimes more densely so beneath, usually also with few to numerous long patent purplish hairs mostly on veins and the margins, densely glandular beneath, occasionally glabrescent. Capitula mostly solitary and terminal, less often up to c. 9 corymbiformly cymose. Involucres 15–20 x 25–35 mm, very broadly campanulate. Phyllaries apically appendaged, many-seriate, ± appressed-imbricate; outer phyllaries strap-shaped, 6–11 mm long including a greenish oblong appendage slightly wider than the phyllary, puberulous or glabrous; middle phyllaries 11–14 mm long (including appendage), stramineous in lower part, oblong-ovate, glabrous or puberulous where exposed; inner phyllaries to c. 17 mm long, narrowly strap-shaped with appendages greatly reduced; appendages from c. 9 x 8 mm on the outer phyllaries reducing in size on the inner, broadly ovate or oblong-ovate, greenish-white or purple-tinged, puberulous or glabrescent. Florets c. 30–70 per capitulum. Corollas purple or pale-mauve fading to white, 17–22 mm long, slender tubular below, abruptly widening into a short cylindric limb c. 5 mm long and well exserted above the pappus. Achenes pale- to dark-brown when mature, 4–5 mm long, narrowly turbinate-cylindric, 10-ribbed, with a flat annular carpopodium, strigose-hispid; pappus of several-seriate, copious, ± caducous setae barbellate on the margins, the outer c. 2 mm long and paleate, increasing to c. 14 mm long inside, becoming flattened and ribbon-like.
Var. longipedunculata is separated from the other varieties in the leaves mostly more than c. 10 x 4 cm and drying brownish.
Type location:
Derivation of specific name: longipedunculata: with a long peduncle or flower stem..
Altitude range: (metres)
Flowering time:Aug - Nov
Worldwide distribution: DRC, Tanzania, Mozambique and Zambia
National distribution: N
Growth form(s): Perennial.
Endemic status:
Red data list status:
Insects associated with this species:
Spot characters: Display spot characters for this species

Pope, G.V. (1992). Compositae Flora Zambesiaca 6(1) Pages 128 - 130.

Other sources of information about Vernonia longipedunculata var. longipedunculata:

Our websites:

Flora of Zambia: Vernonia longipedunculata var. longipedunculata

External websites:

African Plants: A Photo Guide (Senckenberg): Vernonia longipedunculata
African Plant Database: Vernonia longipedunculata
BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library): Vernonia longipedunculata
EOL (Encyclopedia of Life): Vernonia longipedunculata
GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility): Vernonia longipedunculata
Google: Web - Images - Scholar
iNaturalist: Vernonia longipedunculata
IPNI (International Plant Names Index): Vernonia longipedunculata
JSTOR Plant Science: Vernonia longipedunculata
Mansfeld World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops: Vernonia longipedunculata
Plants of the World Online: Vernonia longipedunculata
Tropicos: Vernonia longipedunculata
Wikipedia: Vernonia longipedunculata

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Species information: Vernonia longipedunculata var. longipedunculata., retrieved 31 March 2025

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