Amblygonocarpus andongensis (Welw. ex Oliv.) Exell & Torre

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Mozambique records: View all records (32)

Records of this taxon from Mozambique are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
11832768 Nov 2022BT Wursten
P Shadwell
BT Wursten
BT Wursten



Miombo woodland Chironde area, Coutada 12, Cheringoma 1840Mozambique1835A4 MS179-18.32843035.3589907
97301010 Apr 2018BT Wursten
T Castigo
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
BT Wursten

At margin of somewhat degraded sand forestSouthern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma830Mozambique1835A2 MS224With old fruit -18.23844035.3252707
9058401 Dec 2017BT Wursten
P Ballings
T Castigo
MP Victor
HMC Mussa
OM Meneses
LAI Machamacha
MP Victor
BT Wursten

Secondary regenerating woodland Chironde area, Coutada 12, Cheringoma 1840Mozambique1835A4 MS185-18.33607035.3646007
84992013 Apr 2017BT Wursten
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
Tall miombo woodlandSwanepoel Concession, Cheringoma 1980Mozambique1835C1 MS243-18.55172035.0300207
85100027 Mar 2017BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
Mixed miombo woodland Entrance road to Chironde Camp, Coutada 12 1840Mozambique1835A4 MS172-18.32875035.3588907
73786312 Apr 2016BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
By large termite mound in woodland. Near Nhago Camp, Coutada 12.1840Mozambique1835C2 MS74-18.65676035.4525107
6657502 May 2013M Stalmans
BT Wursten
BT Wursten



Mixed miombo woodlandUpstream from Cloud Pool, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza 140Mozambique1934B1 MS140-19.03410034.6906005
47947013 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave


Road 213 between Inhamitanga and Inhaminga, 2.9 km SW of Rio Chissazde bridge0Mozambique1835A3 MS191-18.30738935.1064447
110421013 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave


Road 213 between Inhamintanga and Inhaminga 2.9 km NE of Rio Chissazde bridge.0Mozambique1835A3 MS191UJ DNA No. UJ04921-18.30738935.1064446
110419027 Nov 2008JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows



Quiterajo, road west of airstrip on road to Banana Forest0Mozambique1140C4 N70Large tree to 18 m tall with spreading crown; bark grey, rough; flowers pale yellow. Occasional, in open woodland/thicket mosaic on sandy soils.-11.76055640.4083337
110420025 Nov 2008J Timberlake
J Timberlake

Macomia district, Namacubi Forest, c. 1 km W of Quiterajo.0Mozambique1140C4 N90Edge of Guibourtia - Pteleopsis dry forest.-x000D- Notes: Large tree to 16 m, dbh 42 cm. Bark fissured, grey. Leaves bipinnate. Flowers white, thecae yellow. Pods (on ground) angular, dark brown. Locally common on dry forest margin.-11.75833340.4116676
19170312 Mar 2007BT Wursten
JE Burrows
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
M Lötter
BT Wursten
Miombo woodland with riverine influencesLevasflor, Cheringoma, Mozambique.880Mozambique1834D4 MS200-18.75898334.9248337
59070020 Apr 2005M Coates Palgrave
MJ Inacio
M Coates Palgrave

SandforestCatapú, Via Lavu, 3.9 km from Tissadze river drift, 50 m E of Muangomo turn-off, S side820Mozambique1835A1 MS80Tree, 22 to 25 m tall, trunk 40 cm diameter, bark dark rough almost corky-18.07419435.2028067

Total records found: 13

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Species information: Records of: Amblygonocarpus andongensis., retrieved 12 March 2025

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