Lobelia erinus L.

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All records: View Mozambique records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
11702103 May 2022BT Wursten
P Ballings
F Andicene
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten



In montane grasslandMt Gorongosa40Mozambique1834A3 MS1702-18.43927034.0467207
11552009 Aug 2021BT Wursten
P Ballings
F Andicene
MA Rodrigues
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

Margin of secondary forest Morumbodze Falls. lower slopes Mt Gorongosa 4,710Mozambique1834A3 MS934-18.48337034.0431907
99845119 Dec 2018BT Wursten
P Ballings
OK Vheriwa
BT Wursten
Rocky montane grasslandSlopes Mt Nyangani, Nyanga National Park.46,54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4 E2258-18.28420032.8321907
99947016 Dec 2018BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In shallow soils on rockMt Susurumba, Juliasdale0Zimbabwe1832B3 E1932iNaturalist record-18.37280032.6381607
99873112 Dec 2018BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
On damp seepage roadside bank in montane forest.John Meikle Forestry Reserve, Stapleford2100Zimbabwe1832D2 E1742-18.73309032.8245007
79639024 Jun 2017MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Bare groundGarden of 12, Zimre Way, Mandara, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1549Tiny plant-17.79598631.1567267
74735027 Oct 2014J Timberlake
K Mutasa
J Timberlake
J Osborne




Schistose grassland, associated with old termite mounds. near Rio Mucano/Rio Mufomodzi, Chimanimani mountains. 1680Mozambique1933C3 MS1120Annual herb to 30cm. Few small narrow leaves, +/- leafless, basal leaves rounded. Flowers in terminal inflorescence, small, lilac. -19.81605633.1561117
79690126 Oct 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
J Timberlake
K Mutasa
BT Wursten
In rocky grassland on quartzite sands.Ridge on Mt Shangani, eastern Chimanimani Mts, Mozambique.1680Mozambique1933C3 MS1324-19.82085033.1874807
64893026 Oct 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
J Timberlake
K Mutasa
BT Wursten
By small stream at margin of forest and grassland.Mutandani River Valley, eastern Chimanimani Mts.1680Mozambique1933C3 MS992-19.81522233.1698167
58917013 Apr 2014MA Hyde
TM Müller
MA Hyde
In grassy vleiNear dam, Carolina Wilderness0Zimbabwe1730D4 C1396-17.96501030.8156907
97016324 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

On moist mossy rock Mount Buhwa, area close to tunnel 580Zimbabwe2030C2 S1382Branched, erect herb; flowers pale blue.-20.62262030.3279807
57070015 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
T Thomsen
F Thomsen
In shallow soil pockets on granite rockMt Chinaka, Juliasdale1630Zimbabwe1832B3 E1880-18.36639732.6474827
5095407 Jan 2013MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
Rocky Helichrysum splendidum scrubNear World's View, Nyanga1550Zimbabwe1832B2 E2260-18.16198032.7770707
781220 May 2012MP Kennedy
A Bruce
MP Kennedy
A Bruce
luku2612 - S245
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 20% of sample points.-11.95063030.2330506
39183016 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
J Varden
In vleiTingwa Raphia Palm Botanical Reserve76,790Zimbabwe1630D2 N1280-16.59501030.8281807
38982014 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
J Varden
Open area by riverTingwa River, near Kopje Tops, Mavhuradonha Wilderness Area760Zimbabwe1630D2 N1220-16.58043030.8471307
38714010 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Seepage zone on whalebackMutirikwi CL, Murray MacDougall Drive0Zimbabwe2031A3 S1140-20.25123031.0464207
781210 Jul 2011MP Kennedy
MP Kennedy
kash0111 - S209
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelKashitu (FEOW: Middle Zambezi - Luangwa)0Zambia1328D4 C1168Species present in 20% of sample points.-13.78669028.9999506
3206609 Jan 2011MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Open rocky miombo woodlandVal D'Or120Zimbabwe1731C4 C1540-17.83641031.2768507
3448605 Jan 2011BT Wursten
P Ballings
Roadside margin in montane evergreen forestJohn Meikle Forestry Estate, Stapleford156,2100Zimbabwe1832D2 E1612-18.72481032.8359207
3442514 Jan 2011BT Wursten
P Ballings
Margin of vleiEntrance of Sheba Forestry Estate0Zimbabwe1832D2 E1562-18.74838032.7907107
33738127 Dec 2010BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Lithophytic under overhanging cliffHadange Gorge, Chimanimani National Park330Zimbabwe1932D4 E1325-19.77179032.9988907
781190 Nov 2010MP Kennedy
MP Kennedy
luap0110 - S139
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLuampa (FEOW: Upper Zambezi Floodplain)0Zambia1424C4 B1092Species present in 20% of sample points.-14.95802024.3402806
781200 Nov 2010MP Kennedy
MP Kennedy
muta0110 - S149
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelMutanda (FEOW: Zambezian Headwaters)0Zambia1226A3 W1250Species present in 20% of sample points.-12.39092026.2450806
30661015 Aug 2010MA Hyde
Open area at base of large rockGosho Park700Zimbabwe1831B1 C1670-18.18344031.6244600
19835023 Mar 2008MA Hyde
BT Wursten
In damp soil above rocksDomboshawa, wet valley below Cave150Zimbabwe1731C1 UR061525C16000
122696010 Dec 2007BT Wursten
P Ballings
S Dondeyne
BT Wursten
Rocky montane grasslandTsetsera plateau.850Mozambique1932B4 MS1975iNaturalist record-19.39836432.8438057
124050019 Aug 2007BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Rocky forest margin at waterfallMorumbodzi Falls, Mt Gorongosa4,710Mozambique1834A3 MS815iNaturalist record-18.48351734.0427337
16037017 Jun 2007MA Hyde
In shade of rocky riverine woodlandNgomakurira360Zimbabwe1731C1 UR132582C1470-17.55784031.2397306
1521006 Jan 2007MA Hyde
BT Wursten
In rocky seepage zonesMaonza, Vumba63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP811862E13600
4047311 Feb 2006BT Wursten
P Ballings
C Sharp
T van de Ruit
BT Wursten
Sandy moist grasslandAlong Muhohwa River, Corner, Chimanimani650Zimbabwe1932D2 E1205-19.70049032.9627406
5303015 Jan 2006MA Hyde
BT Wursten
In sandy miombo woodlandKutsaga, nr Dam170Zimbabwe1731C3 UR010175C14700
3601116 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Montane grassland in shelter of rocksMt Nyangani, Nyanga National Park46,54,1550Zimbabwe1832B4 E2350-18.28740032.8378006
66915 Nov 2004MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Edge of dam, damp grasslandCleveland Dam1,30Zimbabwe1731C3 UR037266C1530-17.84250031.1473306
4856029 Aug 2004MA Hyde
BT Wursten
GrasslandNr bridge, Borrowdale Common1,80Zimbabwe1731C3 TR948352C15000
2692021 Aug 2004MA Hyde
BT Wursten
In rocky Brachystegia woodlandGlobe Rock, Vumba41,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2 VP800847E14200
668117 Dec 2003BT Wursten
Shallow soils in cracks on rock in grassland.Near Bunga Forest, Vumba630Zimbabwe1932B2 E1715-19.11546032.7582306
18556016 Feb 2003MA Hyde
Vegetation patches on bare rocky slopesDomboshawa150Zimbabwe1731C1 UR060518C15900
9442705 Jan 1959DJB Killick
OA Leistner
DJB Killick
OA Leistner
M Thulin

Occasional on edge of marsh.Caprivi, Katima Mulilo: Mpola, 24 km from Katima Mulilo on road to Ngoma.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C2 914Decumbent herb, 45 cm high. Flowers blue.-17.52300024.4230004
301050 Aug 1954OB Miller
OB Miller

Besna Kobila Farm, Matopos570Zimbabwe2028B3 W1430Leaves: pinkish. [See note 16]0
230880No dateThestor survey area1,80Zimbabwe1731C3 C0Checklist 20
230870No dateMukuvisi Woodlands1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C0Checklist 10

Total records found: 42

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Species information: Records of: Lobelia erinus.
https://www.mozambiqueflora.com/speciesdata/species-display.php?species_id=157790, retrieved 14 March 2025

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