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Shrubs, unarmed or with spine-tipped lateral branchlets. Leaves simple; margin entire. Flowers ± zygomorphic. Sepals 4, ± equal. Petals 0 or 2-4. Disk large and conspicuous. Androgynophore elongated, longer than the sepals. Stamens 4-8. Ovary on an elongated gynophore, 1-locular. Fruit indehiscent or tardily dehiscent, cylindric. Worldwide: 30 species in the Old World tropics, mostly Africa Mozambique: 3 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
kirkii Oliv. | N,Z,T | Description, Image |
natalensis Sond. | GI,M | Description |
termitaria N.E. Br. | T,MS,GI | Description, Image |
Home | > | List of families | > | Capparaceae | > | Cadaba |