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Wild, H. (1960) Capparaceae Flora Zambesiaca 1(1)
Usually woody plants, i.e. shrubs, trees or climbers, less often herbs (Cleome). Stipules 0 or incompletely developed, rarely spiny (Capparis). Leaves alternate, simple or digitately 3-9-foliolate. Inflorescences terminal or axillary. Flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic, bisexual or unisexual (by abortion), usually 4-merous, hypogynous. Receptacle cup-shaped, funnel-shaped or cylindric, sometimes very short. Sepals 3-4(-5). Petals (0-)4(5,6 or more). Stamens 2-many. In this family there is often a stalk between the sepals and the point of attachment of the stamens (androgynophore) and a further stalk between there and the ovary or fruit (gynophore). Ovary usually 1-locular. Style short or 0. Fruit a capsule or berry, variously shaped. Comment: The members of this family (excluding Cleome) are particularly common at lower altitudes and also on termite mounds at higher altitudes. Worldwide: 39 genera and 650 species, mostly warm areas with a few in arid temperate zones. Mozambique: 8 genera and 52 taxa. Insects associated with this family:
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Genus | Content |
Boscia Lam. | Description, Image |
Cadaba Forssk. | Description |
Capparis L. | Description, Image |
Cladostemon A. Braun & Vatke | Description, Image |
Cleome L. | Description, Image |
Maerua Forssk. | Description, Image |
Ritchiea R.Br. ex G. Don | Description, Image |
Thilachium Lour. | Description, Image |
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