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Ross, R. (1983) Ericaceae Flora Zambesiaca 7(1)
Trees, shrubs, or sub–shrubs, usually much branched with flexuously ascending sterns. Branchlets slender. Leaves normally in whorls of 3–4(6), or occasionally spirally inserted, very small, the margins usually revolute and meeting in the centre line on the under side of the leaf. Inflorescence normally consisting of capitate clusters of up to 20 flowers on the tips of the branchlets, but sometimes spicate with the flowers in the axils of leaves on branches whose vegetative growth may continue after flowering. Pedicels short and 1–flowered, normally bearing 1 bract and 2 opposite bracteoles. Calyx and corolla actinomorphic and hypogynous. Calyx segments 4, free or fused to a greater or lesser extent. Corolla globular to tubular, 4–lobed, the lobes usually appreciably shorter than the tube. Ovary 4 (8) loculate, placentation axile. Fruit a cartilaginous loculicidal capsule contained within the persistent calyx and corolla. Seeds several per loculus. Worldwide: c. 735 species, most in the SW Cape; also in tropical Africa, Madagascar, Macaronesia and Europe Mozambique: 13 taxa. |
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
benguelensis (Welw. ex Engl.) E.G.H. Oliv. | N,Z,T | Description, Image |
evansii (N.E. Br.) E.G.H. Oliv. | MS | |
hexandra (S. Moore) E.G.H. Oliv. | T,MS | Description, Image |
johnstoniana Britten | MS | Description, Image |
lanceolifera S. Moore[NrEnd][LR-lc] | MS | Description, Image |
mannii (Hook. f.) Beentje | Z, MS | |
microdonta (C.H. Wright) E.G.H.Oliv. | Z | |
natalitia Bolus | GI | |
pleiotricha S. Moore[NrEnd][LR-nt] | MS | Description, Image |
silvatica (Engl.) Beentje | Z,MS | Description, Image |
simii (S. Moore) E.G.H. Oliv. | N,Z,MS | Image |
whyteana Britten | MS | |
wildii Brenan[NrEnd] | MS |
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