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Ross, R. (1983) Ericaceae Flora Zambesiaca 7(1)
Small trees, shrubs or subshrubs. Stipules 0. Leaves simple and (in ours) in whorls of 4, usually evergreen; leaf margins strongly reflexed ± meeting along the midrib on the abaxial side of the leaf where there is a groove. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic, occurring (in ours) in capitate clusters at the tips of the branches. Calyx and corolla (in ours) (3-)4(5)-partite; calyx with 1 sepal longer than the others, this sepal usually free, the others connate to a varying degrees. Corolla campanulate to urceolate with obtuse lobes. Stamens (5-)6-8(-10). Ovary superior or inferior, 3 or (in ours) 4-locular. Style 1, expanded into a disk. Fruit a capsule. Worldwide: 107 genera and 3,400 species, cosmopolitan, but scarce in Australasia. Mozambique: 4 genera and 15 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Agauria (DC.) Hook. f. | Description |
Erica L. | Description |
Ericinella Klotzsch | Description |
Vaccinium L. | Description |
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