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Fernandes, R. & A. (1966) Anacardiaceae Flora Zambesiaca 2(2)
Trees, shrubs or suffrutices; dioecious, monoecious or polygamous, sometimes producing latex. Stipules 0. Leaves mostly compound, sometimes simple (Lannea p.p., Ozoroa, Mangifera), usually alternate, rarely opposite or whorled. Flowers actinomorphic or rarely zygomorphic, (3)4-5-merous. Inflorescences of axillary or terminal panicles. Stamens inserted around (or sometimes on) a disk. Ovary superior, 1-6-locular; loculi with 1 ovule. Fruit a drupe. Worldwide: 70 genera and 875 species, tropical, subtropical, Mediterranean and temperate North America. Mozambique: 10 genera and 43 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Anacardium L. | Description, Image |
Harpephyllum Bernh. | Description |
Lannea A.Rich. | Description, Image |
Mangifera L. | Description, Image |
Ozoroa Delile | Description, Image |
Pseudospondias Engl. | Description |
Sclerocarya Hochst. | Description, Image |
Searsia F.A. Barkley | Description, Image |
Sorindeia Thouars | Description, Image |
Trichoscypha Hook. f. | Description |
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