Utilities: Location search results

Results for Location: 122 (Lumangwe Falls)

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Family Name No Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia coriaria 5297223 Sep 2008MG Bingham
MG Bingham
At margin of riverine forest above falls. Lumangwe Falls, Kalungwishi River, Mporokoso District.1220Zambia0929C2 N120015m tall tree .-9.54167029.3883336
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia glaberrima var. glabrescens 882103 Oct 2017MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi River; Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1200-9.54166729.3883335
OrchidaceaeAncistrorhynchus ovatus 1173605 Apr 2018MG Bingham
N Wightman
R Pope
A Pope
JK Mulomba
MG Bingham
N Wightman
R Pope
A Pope
JK Mulomba
B Bytebier

Riverine forest Lumangwe-Kabwelume Falls, Mporokoso Distr. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1126Collected from a riverine island in Kalungwishi R. above Kabwelume Falls and flowered at Dabuyu Farms, Lilayi, Lusaka 6
SapindaceaeAporrhiza paniculata 882113 Oct 2017MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi River; Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1200-9.54166729.3883335
OchnaceaeCampylospermum densiflorum 6062123 Sep 2008MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi River, Lumangwe Falls.1220Zambia0929C2 N1200-9.54166729.3883334
AnthericaceaeChlorophytum sphacelatum var. hockii 9078329 Mar 2017MG Bingham
N Wightman
MG Bingham
N Wightman
Miombo woodland Understory of miombo woodland growing amongst grasses and herbs near Kalungwishi River between Lumangwe and Kabwelume Falls 122,1340Zambia0929C2 N1185-9.52914329.3893586
PhyllanthaceaeCleistanthus polystachyus subsp. milleri 8138912 Oct 1980MG Bingham
MG Bingham
RB Drummond
Riverine forestMporokoso District; Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia N0Small tree.0.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCraibia grandiflora 8153912 Oct 1980MG Bingham
MG Bingham
RB Drummond
Riverine forestMporokoso District; Kalungwishi River; Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N13000.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeCryptosepalum maraviense 492596 Nov 2010MG Bingham
Lumangwe falls1220Zambia0929C2 N0-9.53875029.3873335
VitaceaeCyphostemma nanellum 10055015 Oct 2018N Wightman
N Wightman
High rainfall Miombo woodland Woodland upstream of Lumangwe Falls, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 1220Zambia0929C2 N1173-9.54506129.3918166
MoraceaeDorstenia psilurus var. psilurus 11793628 Mar 2017MG Bingham
N Wightman
A Pope
MG Bingham
Riverine forest margin Lumangwe-Kabwelume Falls, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Prov. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1124Locally common growing in small clumps in open clearings of riverine forest and miombo woodland margins -9.52348129.3543426
DracaenaceaeDracaena fragrans 8202912 Oct 1980MG Bingham
MG Bingham
RB Drummond
Gorge forestMporokoso District; Kalungwishi River; Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N13000.0000000.0000000
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeErythrina excelsa 7442212 Oct 1997MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi River; Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1173Seed collected from rapids above Lumangwe Falls. -9.54857529.3965005
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeErythrophleum suaveolens 5184023 Sep 2008MG Bingham
Lumangwe Falls1220Zambia0929C2 N1150Flower0.0000000.0000000
OrchidaceaeEulophia macaulayae 10686315 Oct 2018N Wightman
N Wightman
B Bytebier

Miombo woodland above Lumangwe Falls in sandy loam growing with Nervilia kotschyi var. kotschyi Lumangwe Falls, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 1220Zambia0929C2 N1161 6
MoraceaeFicus asperifolia 5292329 Jul 2013MG Bingham
Lumangwe falls, Ikelenge District.1220Zambia0929C2 N1150Up & down sides-9.53875029.3873335
IridaceaeGladiolus gregarius 9078729 Mar 2017MG Bingham
N Wightman
MG Bingham
N Wightman
Miombo woodland among rocks Understory of miombo woodland among rocky patches near Kalungwishi River between Lumangwe and Kabwelume Falls 122,1340Zambia0929C2 N1165 6
IridaceaeGladiolus melleri 10059615 Oct 2018N Wightman
N Wightman
Margin of dambo and miombo woodland in sandy to clay loam soil Lumangwe Falls area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 1220Zambia0929C2 N1170 6
AcanthaceaeHygrophila cataractae 6586224 Sep 2008MG Bingham
MG Bingham
KB Vollesen

Sticky aromatic herbin rocks Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi River, Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1200Perennial herb rooted in cracks in pavement above falls. -9.54166729.3883335
ColchicaceaeLittonia lindenii 628188 Dec 2005MG Bingham
Lumangwe Falls 1220Zambia0929C2 N1200-9.54166729.3883335
EuphorbiaceaeMonadenium pedunculatum 10180115 Oct 2018N Wightman
MG Bingham
Disturbed miombo woodland in rocky sandy loam soil Lumangwe Falls area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 1220Zambia0929C2 N1170-9.54298329.3889626
OrchidaceaeNervilia kotschyi var. kotschyi 10180215 Oct 2018MG Bingham
N Wightman
MG Bingham
N Wightman
Undisturbed miombo woodland Lumangwe Falls area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 1220Zambia0929C2 N1161 6
OchnaceaeOchna schweinfurthiana 6046224 Sep 2008MG Bingham
Lumangwe falls1220Zambia0929C2 N1050-9.54166729.3883333
AsteraceaePleiotaxis dewevrei 10664329 Mar 2017MG Bingham
N Wightman
N Wightman
Undisturbed miombo woodland in sandy loam soil between Lumangwe and Kabwelume Falls Chimpempe area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 1220Zambia0929C2 N1160-9.53072729.3828456
OrchidaceaePolystachya concreta 10181828 Mar 2017N Wightman
N Wightman
Epiphytically growing on Brachystegia sp. in undisturbed miombo woodland. Woodland between Lumangwe and Kabwelume Falls, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 122,1340Zambia0929C2 N1171 6
ProteaceaeProtea angolensis var. roseola 10182129 Mar 2017MG Bingham
N Wightman
MG Bingham
Undisturbed miombo woodland in sandy loam soil Woodland between Lumangwe and Kabwelume Falls, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 122,1340Zambia0929C2 N1141-9.53028129.3792116
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeSaba comorensis 851283 Oct 2017MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Mporokoso District, Kalungwishi River; Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1200-9.54166729.3883335
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeSterculia subviolacea 5966612 Oct 1997MG Bingham
MG Bingham
DJ Goyder
DJ Goyder

River bank Mporokoso District, Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1200Tree, 20m, on river bank. Capsules red. -9.54166729.3883335
DilleniaceaeTetracera alnifolia 4905023 Sep 2008MG Bingham
MG Bingham
J Timberlake

Riverine forest Mporokoso, Lumangwe Falls1220Zambia0929C2 N1231Woody climber of riverine forest above falls; imm. fruit -9.55000029.3666666
DilleniaceaeTetracera alnifolia 5249928 Jul 2013MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Gorge forest Lumangwe Falls: Luapula Province, Kawambwa District. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1161Climbing shrub, flowers white. -9.54278029.3877807
DilleniaceaeTetracera alnifolia 5857723 Dec 2008MG Bingham
Mporokoso District, Lumangwe Falls.1220Zambia0929C2 N1231Fruits-9.55000029.3667006
CucurbitaceaeTrochomeria polymorpha 10186415 Oct 2018N Wightman
N Wightman
Disturbed miombo woodland along path Lumangwe Falls area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 1220Zambia0929C2 N1169-9.54355829.3889196
AnnonaceaeXylopia rubescens 7492424 Sep 2008MG Bingham
MG Bingham
River bank Mporokoso District, Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1200-9.54166729.3883335
AnnonaceaeXylopia rubescens 7492212 Oct 1997MG Bingham
MG Bingham
MG Bingham
River bank Mporokoso District, Lumangwe Falls. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1200Tree, 20m, on river bank. Flower strongly scented. -9.54166729.3883336
IridaceaeZygotritonia atropurpurea 11735831 Mar 2017W McCleland
N Wightman
W McCleland
N Wightman
W McCleland
N Wightman



Miombo woodland Lumangwe-Kabwelume Falls, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Prov. 1220Zambia0929C2 N1173Type collection for Z. atropurpurea 6

Number of records found: 35

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Utilities: Location search results: Lumangwe Falls.
https://www.mozambiqueflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-location-query.php?location_id=122, retrieved 12 March 2025

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