Records made by Patel

Records: 13

The following is a list of the records made by Patel in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
61069Bothriocline glomerata H Patel
H Patel 7419 K
Mt Namuli860Mozambique1537A3Z0

Cited in Harris, Darbyshire & Polhill, Kew Bulletin 66(2): 247, 2011.

73930Brillantaisia cicatricosa23 Aug 1980H Patel
BJ Hargreaves
H Patel 707 SRGH
Edge of montane forestNear edge of Mughesse Forest, Chipita District0Malawi0933D1N1800

Blue-purple flowers

61048Crotalaria namuliensis28 May 2007H Patel
H Patel 7359 RM Polhill T Harris K
Montane grasslandMt Namuli, Guruve, Zambézia860Mozambique1537A3 Z1920

Type specimen

69059Diclis ovata12 May 1981JD Chapman
H Patel
JD Chapman H Patel 5788 BR
In a shady place below an overhangChinzama Forest Reserve, on the path up to the hut, from the stream, Mt Mulanje1790Malawi1535D3S0

Delicate little herb with white flowers, several together.

69060Diclis ovata08 Jul 1982JD Chapman
H Patel
EJ Tawakali
JD Chapman H Patel EJ Tawakali 6274 BR
Under rock overhangSoutheastern aspect above the boma, Chiradzulu Mt Forest Reserve0Malawi1535C1S1650

Locally abundant prostrate creeping herb the flowers white with a spur.

69061Diclis ovata28 Apr 1973H Patel
H Patel 6694 K
Kafimba Forest, Nyika Plateau1800Malawi1033D1N1875

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 8 part 2:14 (1990)

97840Dombeya burgessiae RK Brummitt
H Patel
JH Seyani
RK Brummitt H Patel JH Seyani 14942 Dzalanyama.0Malawi1433A4C0

Cited in Evergreen Forest Flora of Malawi: 500 (2001).

61173Erica silvatica H Patel
H Patel 7387 K
Mt Namuli860Mozambique1537A3Z0

Cited in Harris, Darbyshire & Polhill, Kew Bulletin 66(2): 248, 2011.

61055Helixanthera schizocalyx26 Oct 2008H Patel
C Congdon
H Patel C Congdon 8017 RM Polhill I Darbyshire T Harris K
Montane forest edgeMt Mabu, Zambezia870Mozambique1636A4 Z1638

In bud

98693Hippocratea goetzei12 Nov 1977RK Brummitt
H Patel
RK Brummitt 15070 SRGH
In thicket margins on rocks. Near summit Dedza Mountain. 2120Malawi1434A4C2135

Scrambling and climbing, smothering bushy vegetation.

61180Pilea rivularis H Patel
H Patel 7336 K
Mt Namuli860Mozambique1537A3Z0

Cited in Harris, Darbyshire & Polhill, Kew Bulletin 66(2): 250, 2011.

61181Platycaulos mahonii subsp. mahonii H Patel
H Patel 7332 K
Mt Namuli860Mozambique1537A3Z0

Cited in Harris, Darbyshire & Polhill, Kew Bulletin 66(2): 250, 2011.

102164Thunbergia alata20 Sep 1985H Patel
H Patel Kwatha 2704 K
Lingazi River, Lilongwe Nature Reserve0Malawi1333D4C1042

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 8 part 5: 33, 2013


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Records made by Patel., retrieved 5 February 2025

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