Records made by Barbara Turpin

Records: 84

The following is a list of the records made by Barbara Turpin in species name order.

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No   Species   Record date   Recorder(s)   Coll.   Det.   Conf.   Herbaria   Habitat   Location   Loc code(s)   Outing code   Planted code   Country   QDS   Grid ref.   FZ Div   Alt. (m)   Notes   Lat   Long   Loc Acc Code   
110395 Acacia sieberiana var. sieberiana 8 Sep 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1851 M Lötter BNRH
Moz Hunters Concession, Pundanhar to Nangade. 0 Mozambique 1039D4 N 34

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Trees 8 m tall with rounded canopy, not flat-topped. Bark papery and flaking, yellowish brown pieces. Rare-x000D- Habitat: Floodplain, open woodland, in soil.

-10.868056 39.919722 6
110933 Agathisanthemum bojeri subsp. bojeri 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11502 JE Burrows BNRH
Casa Lisa campsite, between Marracuene and Manhica. 0 Mozambique 2532D1 M 55

Erect ca. woody herb scattered in grassy area on sands, area periodically mown, in full sun; flowers white

-25.585278 32.654722 7
109432 Aneilema aequinoctiale 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11571 BC Turpin BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2533A1 GI 67

A 'sticky' herb with trailing stems and erect flowering stems; flowers yellow. Scattered along sandy roadside in dappled shade of evergreen forest on low hill on coastal plain.

-25.191944 33.210000 7
109433 Aneilema aequinoctiale 5 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 292 BC Turpin BNRH
Moribane forest, 'Agalaea' site. 0 Mozambique 1933C2 MS 555

Climbing herb to 3 m high with yellow flowers. In the foothills of Chimanimani Mountains; at the roadside in dappled shade.

-19.712778 33.349722 6
109435 Aneilema hockii 4 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 290 RB Faden BNRH
Save floodplain. 0 Mozambique 2134A2 GI 74

Herb with striped calyx, in open Brachystegia torrei woodland. In shade of tree.

-21.039722 34.261111 6
109436 Aneilema indehiscens subsp. lilacinum 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11577 BC Turpin BNRH
Licuati Thicket, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632B3 M 32

A fairly common herb. The lilac flowers have two equal-sized petals and a large, cup-shaped third petal. Leaves are striped with lighter green. On sandy margins of track, on ecotone between Licuati Thicket and coastal woodland.

-26.381944 32.509722 7
109437 Aneilema nyasense var. nyasense 6 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 293 RB Faden BNRH
Moribane forest Campsite. 0 Mozambique 1933C2 MS 499

Trailing herb with tiny yellow flowers and purple stamens. Locally common in Afromomum riparian forest near river.-x000D- [Extract from R.B. Faden's e mail sent to B.C. Turpin in 2010]-x000D- Turpin 293 Aneilema nyasense C.B.Clarke-x000D- This is only the second reco

-19.743889 33.355833 6
109439 Aneilema pedunculosum 12 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 299 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp. 0 Mozambique 1933C1 MS 592

Herb 10 cm tall with lilac flowers in tightly compact heads. Occasional. In humus-rich soil in dappled shade of riverine growth., Occurrence: occasional

-19.586389 33.085000 6
109438 Aneilema pedunculosum 20 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 260 RB Faden BNRH
18 km S of Macomia. 0 Mozambique 1240A3 N 246

An erect herb 20 cm tall with a small, tight terminal inflorescence of tiny flowers and buds. Pedicels blue. Growing on a roadside verge in the shade of a tree.-x000D- [photograph of live plant attached to sheet]

-12.388056 40.125000 6
109440 Aneilema petersii subsp. petersii 6 Sep 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1815 RB Faden BNRH
27 km S of Palma. 0 Mozambique 1040C4 N 87

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Prostrate., Occurrence: occasional

-10.973611 40.355000 6
109441 Aneilema petersii subsp. petersii 21 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 261 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 20 km NW of Mocimboa da Praia. 0 Mozambique 1140A2 N 78

Lilac flowers borne on erect flowering stems. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, some up to 8 cm long, hairy. Lower part of stems 'sticky'. Growing at the roadside in woodland on sand.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

-11.201389 40.263056 6
109442 Aneilema petersii subsp. petersii 21 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 262 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 20 km NW of Mocimboa da Praia. 0 Mozambique 1140A2 N 78

A herb with lanceolate leaves. The lilac flowers have 3 almost equal-sized petals. Growing at the roadside in woodland on sand.

-11.201389 40.263056 6
109443 Aneilema welwitschii 14 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 303 RB Faden BNRH
Serra Choa. 0 Mozambique 1833A1 MS 1560

Small erect herb with tiny yellow flowers in tightly clustered heads, growing in long grass on forest edge.

-18.015556 33.114167 6
77306 Aneilema zebrinum 7 Jan 2017 H Matimele
BC Turpin
A Jordaan
S de Villiers
H Matimele BC Turpin A Jordaan S de Villiers BCT 1501 LMA
Licuati Thicket, in dappled shade of shrubs along sand track. It seems to favour bare, dry sand beneath the shrubs with little or no undergrowth competition or leaf-litter. c. 19.2 km W of Bela Vista along road 202, c. 150 m South of turn-off on to sand track, Matutuine district, Maputo Province. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 49

Small densely mat-forming succulent herb with variegated leaves and adventitious roots. The tiny, axillary lilac flowers of 3 ± equal petals were fully open at 11.45 am on an overcast dull day. small densely mat-forming succulent herb with variegated leaves and adventitious roots. The tiny, axillary lilac flowers of 3 ± equal petals were fully open at 11.45 am on an overcast dull day. Mostly prostrate, but occasional ascending stems were noticed. Mostly prostrate, but occasional ascending stems were noticed.

-26.330463 32.468394 7
108396 Artabotrys stolzii 13 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2061 M Lötter BNRH
Serra Choa Mountain, Barue district. 0 Mozambique 1733C3 MS 1473

Scrambler 8 m high. Occasional-x000D- Habitat: drainage line in forest. Medium shade.

-17.996944 33.090833 6
109199 Boscia angustifolia var. corymbosa 8 Sep 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1848 DJ Goyder BNRH
Moz Hunters Concession, Pundanhar to Nangade. 0 Mozambique 1039D4 N 38

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- 8 m tall, single-stemmed; smooth grey bark. Fruits brown. Occasional-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland. In sandy clay.

-10.878889 39.905278 6
109203 Boscia mossambicensis 2 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2016 M Lötter BNRH
Sand forest along Massingir to Chokwe road. 0 Mozambique 2432A2 GI 158

Shrub 1.5 m tall. Multi-stemmed. Flowers yellow-green, musty-smelling, not that visible and smell noticeable. Flowering near base. Occasional-x000D- Habitat: Closed shrubland, in well-drained sand. In full sun.

-24.145556 32.290833 6
110951 Bullockia setiflora 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11506 JE Burrows BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2532A1 GI 67

Slender understorey tree to 2.5 m tall, with horizontal branching, in evergreen coastal forest on low hill.-x000D- -x000D- = Burrows & Burrows 8576 from same locality.

-25.191944 32.210000 7
109444 Coleotrype natalensis 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11569 BC Turpin BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2533A1 GI 67

A robust herb with erect stems ca. 30 cm tall. The lilac flowers emerge from bracts which pierce through the leaf sheaths. Abundant along sandy roadside in dappled shade of evergreen forest on coastal plain.

-25.191944 33.210000 7
109445 Commelina africana 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11574 RB Faden BNRH
Albizia Campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 53

Small-flowered bushy herb with erect wiry maroon stems ca. 20 cm high. Leaves lanceolate-acuminate, slightly recurved and folded. One population seen in the shade of a huge spreading Albizia adianthifolia, on sandy soils in a clearing in Licuati Thic

-26.344722 32.473056 7
109446 Commelina africana 4 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 289 RB Faden BNRH
Save Sand forest. 0 Mozambique 2134B1 GI 76

Spreading herb with yellow flowers; glabrous except for cilia on leaf sheath. In dappled shade of Brachystegia torrei sand forest. On a sand bank.

-21.215833 34.670833 6
109447 Commelina africana 11 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 297 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp. 0 Mozambique 1933C1 MS 592

Erect bushy herb 30 cm tall with yellow flowers and narrow leaves. Growing at campsite in bare sandy soil, still flowering in the afternoon.

-19.586389 33.085000 6
109448 Commelina aspera var. aspera 10 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 250 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 55 km S of Lichinga. 0 Mozambique 1335C4 N 1053

A 20 cm tall, erect herb with yellow flowers, mauve claws and purple filaments. Spathes terminally clustered and acuminate. Leaves partially folded. Growing in Miombo woodland in dappled shade.

-13.784722 35.354722 6
109449 Commelina benghalensis 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11578 RB Faden BNRH
Road to school, western boundary of Licuati Forest Reserve. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 60

Blue flowers. In light shade of coastal woodland in woodland /thicket mosaic on sands.

0.000000 0.000000 2
109450 Commelina benghalensis 20 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 258 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 55 km S of Macomia. 0 Mozambique 1240C1 N 179

An uncommon herb with erect stems to 40 cm tall. Flowers blue. Subterranean flowers collected, too! Growing in woodland at the base of a granite outcrop in shade. In deep soil.

-12.663056 40.023333 6
109451 Commelina benghalensis 23 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 264 RB Faden BNRH
Nangade. 0 Mozambique 1139B1 N 236

A herb with 1 m long stems scrambling through grass. Tiny blue flowers. Ovate leaves and red cilia on leaf-sheaths.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

-11.021944 39.709167 6
109454 Commelina bracteosa 24 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 265 RB Faden BNRH
Alto Ligonha. 0 Mozambique 1538C1 N 591

A herb with blue flowers and erect shoots. Leaves linear-elliptic. Growing on a steep S-facing granite outcrop; in shallow pockets of soil.

-15.515833 38.188333 6
109455 Commelina bracteosa 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11575 RB Faden BNRH
Albizia Campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 53

Bushy herb to 20 cm tall, with trailing and erect stems. The blue flowers open early in the morning. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, ca. 60 mm long, with oblique base and auricles at the sheath. Cilia at the mouth of the sheath are white. Spathe ca 20 mm lo

-26.344722 32.473056 7
109456 Commelina bracteosa 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11576 RB Faden BNRH
Licuati Thicket, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632B3 M 32

As var. lagosensis in BNRH. Small trailing herb, glabrous, with blue flowers. On sandy margins of track, on ecotone between Licuati Thicket and coastal woodland.

-26.381944 32.509722 7
109453 Commelina bracteosa 19 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 254 RB Faden BNRH
Reserva de Crusse. 0 Mozambique 1440D2 N 45

A groundcovering herb with blue-green leaves and blue flowers. Locally common.-x000D- Habitat: Growing in coastal Androstachys sand forest in shade along the gravel roadside., Occurrence: locally common

-14.731111 40.813056 6
109452 Commelina bracteosa 19 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 256 RB Faden BNRH
Reserva de Crusse. 0 Mozambique 1440D2 N 56

A locally common herb with 'variegated' lanceolate leaves, forming a ground cover. Flowers blue. Growing in coastal Androstachys sand forest in the shade next to the gravel road., Occurrence: locally common

-14.703889 40.810000 6
109457 Commelina diffusa subsp. diffusa 13 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 300 RB Faden BNRH
Choa. 0 Mozambique 1833A1 MS 1382

Herb, rooting at the nodes; with tiny blue flowers with conspicuous 3rd petal. Rare. Growing in semi-shade of forest edge next to road on an earth bank., Occurrence: rare

-18.054444 33.126111 6
84979 Commelina eckloniana 7 Jan 2017 H Matimele
BC Turpin
A Jordaan
S de Villiers
BC Turpin BCT1500 RB Faden BNRH
In dappled shade of Licuati Thicket along sand track. c. 19.2 km W of Bela Vista along road 202, c. 2.4 km S of turn-off on to sand track, Matutuine district. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 49

This is also a first record of the species and subspecies from Mozambique. The subspecies is otherwise known only from Zimbabwe, South Africa and Swaziland. (Robert Faden pers. comm with Barbara Turpin, 2017).

-26.347710 32.477460 6
109464 Commelina erecta 4 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 291 RB Faden BNRH
Save floodplain. 0 Mozambique 2134A2 GI 74

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. Bushy herb with lilac flowers and scabrid leaves; in dappled shade of forest margin.

-21.039722 34.261111 6
109463 Commelina erecta 26 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 266 RB Faden BNRH
Save Sand Forest, 16 km SE of Save River bridge on EN1. 0 Mozambique 2134B1 GI 80

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. A trailing herb with blue flowers on ascending shoots. Much-branched. Leaves linear-elliptic. Growing along the road in sand forest.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

-21.212778 34.670556 6
109462 Commelina erecta 11 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 295 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp. 0 Mozambique 1933C1 MS 592

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. Herb with lilac flowers, lanceolate leaves with light green mid-rib. Growing on the edge of forest near the Little Mussapa River.

-19.586389 33.085000 6
109461 Commelina erecta 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11570 RB Faden BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2533A1 GI 67

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. A sub-erect herb with glabrous leaves with lighter coloured midrib. Spathes and leaf sheaths hispid. Spathes terminally clustered, producing ink-blue flowers. Locally common in clearing in evergreen forest on coastal plain, on gentle slope.

-25.191944 33.210000 7
109460 Commelina erecta 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11567 RB Faden BNRH
Casa Lisa Campsite, between Maracuene and Manhica, Maputo Province 0 Mozambique 2532D1 M 55

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. A sub-erect herb with glabrous leaves with lighter coloured midrib. Spathes and leaf sheaths hispid. Spathes terminally clustered, producing ink-blue-flowers. Locally common in open short grassy area, occasionally mown.

-25.585278 32.653333 7
109459 Commelina erecta 6 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 294 RB Faden BNRH
Ndzhou Campsite. 0 Mozambique 1933C2 MS 630

As Commelina erecta erecta in BNRH.Common herb with blue flowers, growing in a clearing in the forest., Occurrence: common

-19.733056 33.338889 6
109458 Commelina erecta 4 Mar 2007 BC Turpin
BC Turpin 40 BC Turpin BNRH
Layby on EN1 (lunch stop!) before Save River crossing. 0 Mozambique 2134B1 GI 100

As Commelina erecta erecta in BNRH.Blue flowers. Hairy, lanceolate leaves, 7.5 cm long. In grass, trailing.

0.000000 0.000000 4
109466 Commelina forskaolii 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11572 BC Turpin BNRH
Ca. 5 km north of Costa do Sol on track to Marracuene, Maputo. 0 Mozambique 2532D3 M 4

Prostrate herb with a distinctive maroon line edging the spathes. Quite common in full sun on the grassy verges of the road traversing saline tidal flats.

-25.878611 32.661667 5
109469 Commelina forskaolii 16 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 306 RB Faden BNRH
Changara area, road 103. 0 Mozambique 1633C4 T 485

Herb with tiny blue flowers and blue filaments. Capsules present. Rare - only one plant seen. Growing in rocky, sandy soil next to the road in full sun on a quartzite outcrop., Occurrence: rare

-16.971944 33.320833 6
109468 Commelina forskaolii 7 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 247 RB Faden BNRH
Along the road, EN 1, 10 km S of Chilene. 0 Mozambique 2235C3 GI 97

A mat-forming herb with erect flowering shoots and tiny blue flowers. In coastal thicket on deep sand in deep shade.

-22.769722 35.154444 6
109467 Commelina forskaolii 19 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 253 RB Faden BNRH
Reserva de Crusse. 0 Mozambique 1440D2 N 45

A blue flowered herb with erect flowering stems 15 cm tall. Growing in coastal Androstachys sand forest in full sun along the gravel roadside.

-14.731111 40.813056 6
109465 Commelina forskaolii 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11568 RB Faden BNRH
Casa Lisa Campsite, between Maracuene and Manhica, Maputo Province 0 Mozambique 2532D1 M 55

A creeping herb with erect flowering stems. Scabrid, light green leaves. Locally common in open short grassy area, occasionally mown.

-25.585278 32.653333 7
109473 Commelina zambesica 11 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 296 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp. 0 Mozambique 1933C1 MS 592

Herb with blue flowers and colourless hairs on leaves. Growing near the Little Mussapa River on edge of forest.

-19.586389 33.085000 6
109472 Commelina zambesica 23 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 263 RB Faden BNRH
Nangade. 0 Mozambique 1039D1 N 210

A robust herb with large leaves with undulating margins. The big blue flowers have 'cup-hook'-shaped purple stamens [illustration]. Growing at the roadside in tall mixed woodland.

-10.656389 39.746111 6
109471 Commelina zambesica 20 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 257 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 55 km S of Macomia. 0 Mozambique 1240C1 N 179

An uncommon herb with stems looping along the ground rooting at the nodes. Flowers already over when collected. -x000D- In woodland at the base of granite outcrop in shaded, shallow soil.

-12.663056 40.023333 6
111062 Coptosperma littorale 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11519 JE Burrows BNRH
Licuati Forest Reserve, west of Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632B3 M 32

Evergreen shrub or small tree 1-5 m tall, flowers creamy-white, with a musty-sweet scent; on margins of dense thicket on ecotone with open woodland.

-26.381944 32.509722 7
109873 Crotalaria insignis 8 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2035 BNRH
Along trail just after crossing the Mussapa Grande River, leading up on to Chimanimani mountain, Sussendenga district. 0 Mozambique 1933C1 MS 720

Erect shrub 3.5 m tall, branching in top half of plant. Flowers yellow. Rare-x000D- Habitat: Poorly-drained floodplain; in open woodland; in full sun

110247 Cryptocarya liebertiana 14 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2066 M Lötter BNRH
Serra Choa Mountain, Barue district. 0 Mozambique 1833A1 MS 1501

Rounded tree on forest margin. Bark dark grey-brown. Leaves largely bi-coloured and glaucous beneath.

-18.002222 33.106667 6
109475 Cyanotis barbata 14 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 301 RB Faden BNRH
Choa. 0 Mozambique 1833A1 MS 1501

Erect herb 40 cm tall with cauline leaves. Rosulate leaves absent. Bulb-like root near surface of soil. Localised. Growing on forest edge in long grass. Rocky., Occurrence: locally common

-18.002222 33.106667 6
109477 Cyanotis lanata 8 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2034 RB Faden BNRH
Trail leading up on to Chimanimani Mountain, Banks of Nhamadza River, Chimanimani National Park, Sussendenga district. 0 Mozambique 1933C1 MS 750

Growing in crevices in granite boulders., Occurrence: common

-19.728333 33.041111 6
109478 Cyanotis sp. aff. C. lapidosa 11 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 298 JE Burrows BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp. 0 Mozambique 1933C1 MS 592

Locally common herb with large rosulate leaveswhich are somewhat lanate beneath. Flower stems shrivelled. Growing on rocky outcrop near river in shallow pockets of soil/leaf mould., Occurrence: locally common

-19.586389 33.085000 6
109108 Dialium schlechteri 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11513 JE Burrows BNRH
Campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, west of Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 53

Spreading tree to 8 m tall, in dense thicket on sands, locally frequent to sporadic; flowers pale yellowish.

109677 Diospyros natalensis subsp. natalensis 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11508 JE Burrows BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2532A1 GI 67

Evergreen tree to 7 m tall, component of evergreen forest on low hill on coastal plain; flowers ivory white.

-25.191944 32.210000 7
109245 Elaeodendron fruticosum 10 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2049 JE Burrows BNRH
Mussapa River bank, Binga camp - between Chimanimani National Park entrance and hiking trails base camp area. 0 Mozambique 1933C1 MS 640

Large erect tree 10 m tall, bark greyish brown and lightly fissured. Fruits green. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: River bank in open woodland.

111137 Empogona coriacea 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11509 JE Burrows BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2532A1 GI 67

Evergreen small tree to 3 m tall, flowers white, corolla hairs turning brown with age; in understorey of evergreen forest on sandy soils, on low hill on coastal plain.

-25.191944 32.210000 7
109764 Erythroxylum emarginatum 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11510 JE Burrows BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2532A1 GI 67

Small evergreen tree to 3 m tall, flowers white; in understorey of evergreen forest on sands, on low hill on coastal plain.

-25.191944 32.210000 7
110835 Faurea rubriflora 8 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2038 M Lötter BNRH
Banks of the Mussapa Grande River, near trail leading up on to Chimanimani Mountain, Chimanimani National Park. 0 Mozambique 1933C1 MS 722

10 m tall. Bark dark grey and rough. Fruiting branches drooping. Common.-x000D- Habitat: In closed woodland in full sun. On river bank, seasonally waterlogged.

108863 Helichrysum candolleanum 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11504 JE Burrows BNRH
Casa Lisa campsite, between Marracuene and Manhica. 0 Mozambique 2532D1 M 55

Prostrate to low herb in open grassy area, periodically mown, on sandy soils. Flowers white.

-25.585278 32.654722 7
109917 Indigofera atriceps subsp. atriceps 11 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1661 M Lötter BNRH
Lulimbo town, ± 103 km N of Unango on road to Rovuma River Bridge. 0 Mozambique 1235A2 N 791

2 m tall; flowers red, growing on the margins of swamp forest dominated by Syzygium owariense.

-12.087467 35.465450 6
109920 Indigofera lyallii subsp. lyallii 9 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2042 BNRH
Along road leading up to Chikukwa within the Chimanimani National Park. 0 Mozambique 1932D2 MS 935

Slender tree 4 m tall with red flowers. On forest margins or riparian edge. Drainage line. Occasional

-19.713611 32.991111 6
110630 Jasminum meyeri-johannis 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11511 JE Burrows BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2532A1 GI 67

Slender climber to 3 m high, flowers white; in understorey of evergreen forest on sandy soils, on low hill on coastal plain.-x000D- -x000D- The use of the name J. meyeri-johannis follows Kupicha in FZ, recorded from coastal southern Mozambique, and quite distinc

-25.191944 32.210000 7
109223 Maerua aethiopica 8 Sep 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1855 DJ Goyder BNRH
13 km NE of Nangade. 0 Mozambique 1039D3 N 177

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Scrambler to 2 m. Fruits green. Stems green, smooth. Rare-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland, in sandy loam.

-10.987778 39.747222 6
109224 Maerua juncea subsp. juncea 14 Sep 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1912 M Lötter BNRH
Outskirts of Madanda dry forest. 0 Mozambique 2033D1 MS 289

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Scrambler. Fruit ellipsoid, more or less smooth surface. Occasional-x000D- Habitat: Coastal plain, thicket. In well-drained sandy soil.-x000D- -x000D-

-20.541111 33.697778 6
109225 Maerua juncea subsp. juncea 14 Sep 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1913 M Lötter BNRH
Outskirts of Madanda dry forest, along path into forest. 0 Mozambique 2033D1 MS 289

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Scrambler to 5 m high. Leaves bluish green, narrow. Flowers green-white. Fruit ellipsoid, smooth. Common.-x000D- Habitat: Coastal plain, thicket, sandy soil.

-20.541111 33.697778 6
109226 Maerua kirkii 7 Sep 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1833 DJ Goyder BNRH
Moz Hunters Camp entrance road, Pundanhar to Nangade. 0 Mozambique 1039D4 N 116

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Tree 5 m tall. Bark brown, slightly corky. Fruit covered in waxy bluish layer. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Closed woodland, in well-drained sandy soil.

-10.901111 39.871111 6
110440 Mimosa mossambicensis 17 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2084 M Lötter BNRH
Lupata Gorge area. 0 Mozambique 1634C3 MS 177

Scrambler 7 m high. Rare.-x000D- Habitat: Drainage line, thicket, in seasonally-waterlogged sand.

109480 Murdannia simplex 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11573 BC Turpin BNRH
Albizia Campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 53

Erect herb with pale lilac flowers opening in the early evening. Growing in sandy soils on margins of Licuati Thicket.

-26.344722 32.473056 7
109481 Murdannia simplex 21 Mar 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 267 RB Faden BNRH
Palma Camp 26 km W of Palma. 0 Mozambique 1040C3 N 125

A herb with lilac flowers - 3 equal-sized petals - flowering in the late afternoon. Erect stems. Growing in open woodland/Berlinia thicket.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

-10.835278 40.248333 6
109953 Ormocarpum schliebenii 7 Sep 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1838 M Lötter BNRH
Nthumbue and Rovuma River confluence. 0 Mozambique 1040C3 N 32

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Shrub 3 m tall. Stem smooth. Flowers creamy white with numerous purple markings along veins. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Floodplain, open shrubland, in sandy loam.

111326 Pavetta catophylla 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11520 JE Burrows BNRH
Licuati Forest Reserve, west of Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632B3 M 32

Deciduous shrub to 1.5 m high, flowers white; scarce on margins of dense thicket on ecotone with open woodland.

-26.381944 32.509722 7
109968 Platysepalum inopinatum 8 Sep 2009 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1853 M Lötter BNRH
Nondje Village, Nangade area. 0 Mozambique 1039D4 N 173

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Climber to 2 m high, sepals chocolate-brown. Flowers pink. Growing in closed woodland in sandy soil. Occasional

-10.958611 39.778889 6
109893 Pleurolobus gangeticus 6 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2024 M Lötter BNRH
Moribane forest, Moribane camp. 0 Mozambique 1933C2 MS 500

Herb 1 m tall. Pink standard, purple keel. Common-x000D- Habitat: Forest on mountain slope in medium shade. In soil.

-19.743889 33.355833 6
111530 Psydrax locuples 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11518 JE Burrows BNRH
C. 1 km S of the campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, west of Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 50

Small evergreen tree 2-3 m tall; frequent in dense mixed thicket on sands; flowers cream, sweetly-scented.

-26.341111 32.472222 7
111546 Psydrax moggii 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11521 JE Burrows BNRH
Road to school, western boundary of Licuati Forest Reserve. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 60

Spiky, straggly shrub to 2 m tall, in bush clump, in mosaic of coastal woodland and thicket, on sandy soils. Occasional.

109980 Pterocarpus rotundifolius subsp. martinii 16 Apr 2010 M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2080 M Lötter BNRH
21 km NE of Mungari, towards Lupata Gorge area. 0 Mozambique 1733B1 MS 423

Rounded tree 8 m tall. Bark fissured an brown. Occasional. -x000D- Habitat: Open woodland on a plain. In clay loam.

-17.043333 33.700833 6
111595 Rytigynia celastroides var. australis 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11514 JE Burrows BNRH
Entrance road leading to campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, west of Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 55

Spiky shrub to 1.8 m high; occasional to rare in dense thicket on sands; flowers pale yellow.

111610 Rytigynia umbellulata 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11505 JE Burrows BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2533A1 GI 67

Slender treelet 1.8 m tall, bark pale whitish-green, smooth; flowers pale yellow; scarce in forest patch on summit of low hill on coastal plain.

-25.191944 33.210000 7
111639 Tarenna junodii 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11507 JE Burrows BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia. 0 Mozambique 2532A1 GI 67

Scrambling shrub to 4 m high, leaves leathery dark green, flowers creamy-white, fragrant; in evergreen forest on low hill on coastal plain.

-25.191944 32.210000 7
111246 Vangueria dryadum 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11515 JE Burrows BNRH
Entrance road leading to campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, west of Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 GI 55

Spiky small tree to 2.5 m high; occasional to rare in dense thicket on sands; fruit fleshy, edible, brown, turning yellow when ripe.

-26.344722 32.473056 7
110327 Warneckea parvifolia 12 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows 11517 RD Stone NA Ntetha PRE
C. 1 km S of the campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, west of Bela Vista, Maputo Province. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 GI 50

Erect woody shrub or small tree 2-4 m tall; fruit dark purple-blue when ripe, flesh juicy, edible, delicious, juice staining blue (dye?); bark whitish-grey, smoothish, becoming vertically fissured; locally common to scattered in dense mixed thicket o

108452 Xylopia torrei 11 Dec 2009 JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11516 JE Burrows BNRH
Campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, west of Bela Vista. 0 Mozambique 2632A4 M 53

Tree to 6 m tall; in thicket on sands, occasional. Flowers pale yellow, FRAGRANT, scenting the evening air.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Records made by Barbara Turpin., retrieved 1 April 2025

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