This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular genus.
Pteris catoptera |
N,Z,T,MS |
Photo: Bart Wursten Moribane Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Pteris cretica |
MS(other?) |
Photo: Petra Ballings Nyanga N.P.
Photo: Petra Ballings Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback
Photo: Bart Wursten Along northern loop, Nyika National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Along northern loop, Nyika National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Along northern loop, Nyika National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Along northern loop, Nyika National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Along northern loop, Nyika National Park
Pteris dentata |
MS |
Photo: Petra Ballings Davies property, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Davies property, Vumba
Photo: Petra Ballings Tsetsera
Photo: Petra Ballings Tsetsera
Pteris friesii |
N,Z,MS |
Photo: Petra Ballings Main road from Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Main road from Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Main road from Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Main road from Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Main road from Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Main road from Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Main road from Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Main road from Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park
Photo: Petra Ballings Luwawa Forest Reserve, Viphya, Mzimba
Pteris hamulosa |
MS |
No living plant images found |
Pteris intricata |
MS |
No living plant images found |
Pteris muricella |
MS |
Photo: Petra Ballings By road to Chirinda Forest camp site
Photo: Petra Ballings By road to Chirinda Forest camp site
Photo: Petra Ballings By road to Chirinda Forest camp site
Photo: Petra Ballings By road to Chirinda Forest camp site
Photo: Petra Ballings Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Chirinda Forest
Photo: Petra Ballings Mt. Gorongosa, forest Canda side
Photo: Bart Wursten Khodzue River Gorge
Photo: Bart Wursten Khodzue River Gorge
Photo: Bart Wursten Khodzue River Gorge
Photo: Bart Wursten Khodzue River Gorge
Photo: Bart Wursten Khodzue River Gorge
Photo: Bart Wursten Khodzue River Gorge
Photo: Bart Wursten Khodzue River Gorge
Photo: Bart Wursten Khodzue River Gorge
Pteris vittata |
Photo: Petra Ballings Kopje tops, Mavhuradonha Wilderness Area
Photo: Petra Ballings Kopje tops, Mavhuradonha Wilderness Area
Photo: Petra Ballings Kopje tops, Mavhuradonha Wilderness Area
Photo: Bart Wursten Osborne Dam RP
Photo: Petra Ballings Mahogany cottage, Hippo Pools, Umfurudzi Safari area
Photo: Petra Ballings Nhabawa River, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.
Photo: Petra Ballings Nhabawa River, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.
Photo: Petra Ballings Nhabawa River, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.
Photo: Petra Ballings Nhabawa River, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.
Photo: Petra Ballings Nhabawa River, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.
Photo: Petra Ballings Nhabawa River, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.
Photo: Petra Ballings Nhabawa River, Chimanimani National Conservation Area bufferzone.