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The following is a list of the records determined by Martin Xanthos in species name order.
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
74054 | Acroceras zizanioides | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze |
JA Massunde JM168 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta sempre verde, com pouca vegetacao de estrato inferior, solos francos arrenosos, com paior ocorrencia de Funtumia africana, Newtonia buchananii, Craterispermum sp, Garcinia sp, Mirants sp, Bligh unijugata Dianella sp e Uapaca lissopyrena | Comunidade Maronga,sudeste de Chimanimani, floresta Comeni na zona Mandende no rio Murere | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 306 | Capim de folhas curtas, raises fasciculadas e caule dividido em nos | -19.953222 | 33.104667 | 7 | |||
62034 | Bulbostylis hispidula | 22 Apr 2014 | BT Wursten A Mapaura P Ballings J Timberlake J Hadj-Hammou H Matimele |
AM690 | M Xanthos | SRGH K BR LMA |
Growing in very shallow soil which was | East facing slopes of Mt Nhamedimu, Chimanimani Mts. | 168 | 32 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 1842 | Leaves hairy with a single inflorescence. Common in the area. | -19.739333 | 33.092139 | 7 | ||
61727 | Coleochloa setifera | 21 Apr 2014 | BT Wursten A Mapaura P Ballings J Timberlake J Hadj-Hammou H Matimele |
J Timberlake JT5972 | M Xanthos | SRGH K BR LMA |
Grassy gully in sandstone rocks. | Small hill near base of Mt Nhamedimu, Chimanimani mountains, Sussundenga Dist. | 168 | 32 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1730 | Clumped sedge to 20cm. Flowers ± finished, but with nutlets. Forming strong fibrous tufts on rock surfaces, hard to split. | -19.755722 | 33.092528 | 7 | ||
61728 | Coleochloa setifera | 22 Apr 2014 | BT Wursten A Mapaura P Ballings J Timberlake J Hadj-Hammou H Matimele |
J Timberlake JT5978 | M Xanthos | SRGH K BR LMA |
On sandstone rocks. | Below summit of Mt Nhamudima, Chimanimani mountains, Sussundenga Dist. | 168 | 32 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 2047 | Tufted sedge to 20cm high, with fibrous root mat adhering to rock shelves. Inflorescenece/fruits dark brown. Very common. | -19.737083 | 33.084528 | 7 | ||
74088 | Coleochloa setifera | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
J Timberlake 6146 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Brachystegia microphylla woodland among white Chimanimani sandstone boulders. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Madzirene area under Headman Comene, c.1 km W of Rio Thiegunvu. wp 548. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Small tufted sedge forming dense clumps or tufts on rocks. | -19.984880 | 33.077730 | 7 | |||
73631 | Danthoniopsis chimanimaniensis | 13 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze T Comeni |
I Darbyshire 876 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Margin of riverine forest, amongst large sandstone boulders on riverbank, in crevices in full sun. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni Forest, Murere River, from camp moving upstream | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 377 | Tussocky grass dominating small crevices in exposed boulders. | 7 | |||||
73992 | Danthoniopsis chimanimaniensis | 09 Nov 2015 | A Banze |
A Banze 343 | M Xanthos | K LMA |
Mutondo forest, along Mudzira river on the rocks. | Chimanimani, Mutonda forest, Chef Mahate. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 662 | Grass about 0.70 to 1 m tall, greenish inflorescence, rare at the local. | 6 | |||||
74722 | Danthoniopsis chimanimaniensis | 27 Oct 2014 | J Timberlake K Mutasa |
J Timberlake JT5990 | M Xanthos | SRGH K BR LMA |
Among quartzite boulders by river in coarse sandy soil. | Rio Mucano by Rio Mufomodzi, Chimanimani mountains. | 168 | 33 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1108 | Strongly tufted grass to 1.5m. Styems yellow-green. Awned inflorescence, glumes purplish, anthers yellow-brown. | 7 | ||||
74727 | Elionurus muticus | 27 Oct 2014 | J Timberlake K Mutasa |
J Timberlake JT5997A | M Xanthos | SRGH K BR LMA |
Quartzite grassland, sandstone. | Mudzunzo locality, between rios Mucano and Mufomodzi, Chimanimani mountains. | 168 | 33 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1152 | Grass to 40cm,tufted, hard to dig out. Inflorescence very narrow, purple-tinged, anthers hanging out. When seeding, glumes opening widely, very hairy, whitish. | -19.813778 | 33.151083 | 7 | ||
73687 | Eriochrysis pallida | 15 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze |
I Darbyshire 932 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Small area of open wet grassland with patch of swamp forest with Uapaca lissopyrena and Syzygium cordatum; drier parts of grassland cut and burnt fairly recently. Thick peaty soil, drying out in some areas. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, between Comeni's compound and Murere River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 270 | Tufted grass, erect. Spikelets golden-brown due to dense soft hairs. | -19.968611 | 33.102778 | 7 | |||
73681 | Fimbristylis aphylla | 15 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze |
I Darbyshire 926 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Small area of open wet grassland with patch of swamp forest with Uapaca lissopyrena and Syzygium cordatum; drier parts of grassland cut and burnt fairly recently. Thick peaty soil, drying out in some areas. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, between Comeni's compound and Murere River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 270 | Tufted sedge to 50 cm tall. Spikelets brown with white anthers. | -19.968611 | 33.102778 | 7 | |||
62143 | Fuirena stricta var. stricta | 25 Apr 2014 | BT Wursten A Mapaura P Ballings J Timberlake J Hadj-Hammou H Matimele |
J Timberlake JT5985 | M Xanthos | SRGH K BR LMA |
Peaty marshy grassland. Growing in middle of path in peat + water + Eriocaulon. | Slopes of Mt Binga on gariempero path, Chimanimani Mts. | 168 | 32 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1655 | Tufted sedge to 30cm. Stems spreading, dark green. Nutlets green/brown, terminal and axillary. Locally common. | -19.768883 | 33.097223 | 7 | ||
73689 | Imperata cylindrica | 15 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze |
I Darbyshire 935 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Small area of open wet grassland with patch of swamp forest with Uapaca lissopyrena and Syzygium cordatum; drier parts of grassland cut and burnt fairly recently. Thick peaty soil, drying out in some areas. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, between Comeni's compound and Murere River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 270 | Erect, usually single-stemmed grass. Spikes white-woolly. | -19.968611 | 33.102778 | 7 | |||
98347 | Melinis nerviglumis | 02 Jul 2015 | A Banze |
A Banze 273 | M Xanthos | K LMA |
Thequeza forest, above the mountain. | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 549 | Grass, about 50 - 100 cms tall, green reddish inflorescence. | -19.915000 | 33.191556 | 6 | ||||
73711 | Melinis repens | 17 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake I Darbyshire A Banze VR Fijamo |
I Darbyshire 958 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Low ridge with numerous outcrops of quartzite, with open Brachystegia microphylla woodland; other common trees include Diplorhynchus, Vangueria and Syzygium guineense. Coarse sandy soils, recent widespread burning. Quartzite rocks with abundant Coleochloa | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Madzireni area, ridge west of Chiira River. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 376 | Tufted perennial with grey-green foliage; pale yellow-brown spikelets. | -19.984889 | 33.077722 | 7 | |||
98336 | Oplismenus compositus | 24 Jun 2015 | A Banze |
A Banze 260 | M Xanthos | K LMA |
Moribane forest, Mpunga, along Ntave river | 84 | 45 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C2 | MS | 505 | Grass about 80 cms tall, inflorescence green yellowish. | -19.745861 | 33.323056 | 6 | |||
73742 | Panicum brevifolium | 18 Nov 2015 | I Darbyshire A Banze |
I Darbyshire 991 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Riverside moist forest on loose sandy-loam soils. With numerous Uapaca lissopyrena, Millettia stuhlmannii, Breonadia; Funtumia africana common in the understorey. Growing on damp riverside sands. | Chimanimani foothills, Maronga, Murere River camp, Madzireni Forest. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 334 | Trailing and spreading rhizomatous grass. Spikelets pale green. | -19.966889 | 33.104167 | 7 | |||
74075 | Panicum dregeanum | 13 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake VR Fijamo |
J Timberlake 6133 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Swamp grassland; frequently burnt. | Sussundenga Dist., Maronga, Comene forest near Rio Mucoco. wp 510. | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 271 | Tufted perennial grass to 1 m. | -19.968570 | 33.102720 | 7 | |||
74728 | Rhytachne rottboellioides | 27 Oct 2014 | J Timberlake K Mutasa |
J Timberlake JT5997B | M Xanthos | SRGH K BR LMA |
Quartzite grassland, sandstone. | Mudzunzo locality, between rios Mucano and Mufomodzi, Chimanimani mountains. | 168 | 33 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1152 | -19.813778 | 33.151083 | 7 | |||
74042 | Setaria megaphylla | 09 Nov 2015 | J Timberlake A Banze VR Fijamo JA Massunde |
JA Massunde JM155 | M Xanthos | K LMA Ndzou |
Floresta semi-aberta quase miombo, solos franco arrenoso com maior predominancia da Brachystegia spiciformis, Julbernardia e Erythrophleum suaveolensis | Floresta Mahate na zona de Mutonda proximo da residencia do regulo Mahate | 44 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 676 | Capim com cerca de 1m de altura, raizes fasciculada, aglomerado mais de 5 planta num solo fertil | -19.681667 | 33.171083 | 7 | |||
74800 | Trachypogon spicatus | 02 Nov 2014 | BT Wursten A Mapaura |
A Mapaura AM732 | M Xanthos | SRGH K BR LMA |
In wet quartzite grassland. Soak zone of a small stream. | Along stream about 200 m before it enters river flowing from Bakoramambo towards Mubvumodzi, Chimanimani mountains. | 168 | 33 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1409 | Plants to 70 cm tall. Showy inflorescence with anthers falling easily. Yellow anthers appear to be arranged in rows on one side of inflorescence. Locally common. | -19.828350 | 33.106150 | 7 | ||
74729 | Tristachya leucothrix | 27 Oct 2014 | J Timberlake K Mutasa |
J Timberlake JT5998 | M Xanthos | SRGH K BR LMA |
Quartzite grassland, sandstone. | Mudzunzo locality, between rios Mucano and Mufomodzi, Chimanimani mountains. | 168 | 33 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1152 | Grass to 1m, densely tufted. Roots fibrous. Inflorescence long-awned. Rows of raised glands on glume with long spreading hairs. Lot of old burnt shoots at base. | -19.813778 | 33.151083 | 7 |
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