Records determined by Paul Herman

Determinations: 7

The following is a list of the records determined by Paul Herman in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
108819Anisopappus kirkii12 Jun 2012M Koekemoer
M Koekemoer 4253 PPJ Herman PRE
Between Mupandeia and Rotanda, S o Lake Chicamba on the road to Victor Carvalho House.0Mozambique1932B4MS1695

Shrub, 0.80 m high. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: forest at the roadside on moderate mountain slope; in well-drained rocky loam; in full sun.

108857Helichrysopsis septentrionalis26 Feb 2014A De Castro
A De Castro 1394 PPJ Herman BNRH
Inhassoro district.0Mozambique2135C1GI40

Common on white sands in the seasonally to periodically flooded zone of a 16 ha 'Barrier Lake'.

95668Seddera suffruticosa var. suffruticosa15 Nov 1970G Mahundu
G Mahundu 444 PPJ Herman WIND
Caprivi: Caprivi: Chobe river.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823B30

Herb; Notes: Small herb, growing on granite soil in short grassland, near bank of river. Flowers white. Local name: Kanvuna.

54006Vernonia adoensis var. mossambiquensis17 Apr 2007MJ Inacio
J Maneka
MJ Inacio J Maneka 65 PPJ Herman TCT-Catapú
Disturbed woodlandVia entrada on the container yard road W side, about 10 m 820Mozambique1835A1MS90

Shrub with slender stems, about 1,5 - 2 m tall, flowers cream

108823Vernonia adoensis var. mossambiquensis17 Apr 2007MJ Inacio
J Maneka
J Maneka JM65 PPJ Herman BNRH
Catap— Concession, Via entrada on the container yard road W side, about 10 m from the turn-off.0Mozambique1835A1MS180

Habitat: sand forest.-x000D- Shrub with slender stems, about 1.5 - 2 m tall, flowers cream. Control no: 328-x000D- Ex Cheringoma Herbarium No.: 881

54082Vernonia colorata subsp. colorata27 Aug 2005M Coates Palgrave
JA White
MJ Inacio
M Coates Palgrave JA White MJ Inacio 205 PPJ Herman M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Clump of woody vegetation in grassland near pan NNW of Catapu pan, 50 m east of ring road820Mozambique1835A1MS90

6 m tall

108853Vernonia colorata subsp. colorata12 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11170 PPJ Herman PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 7.8 km NNW from Condué and 36 km SW of Inhaminga, c. 7 km W of ranger's post near Condué.0Mozambique1834D2MS248

Tree or shrub 4 m tall with purple disc flowers only - most plants just starting to flower. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland on a plain. In well-drained sand, in full sun. Biotic effect: roadside.-x000D- -x000D- J.E. Burrows has a photo of the same plant.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Records determined by Paul Herman., retrieved 31 March 2025

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