Records determined by Robert Faden

Determinations: 84

The following is a list of the records determined by Robert Faden in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
109435Aneilema hockii4 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 290 RB Faden BNRH
Save floodplain.0Mozambique2134A2GI74

Herb with striped calyx, in open Brachystegia torrei woodland. In shade of tree.

80973Aneilema hockii26 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 475 RB Faden B Luwiika US
Sinazongwe District; Collecting near Siazwela village, Chief Sinazongwe, 4.1 km from Maamba/Sinazongwe Road turning East at the Sinazeze Shopping Center. 0Zambia1727A2S640

Trailing herb. Stems light green with white tough hairs; leaves glabrous; flowers light purple; roots difficult to remove from ground.

120956Aneilema indehiscens subsp. lilacinum15 Feb 1997MA Hyde
RB Drummond
A Mapaura
J Timberlake
RB Faden
PDJ Winter
RB Faden 97/15 RB Faden US
North of the Runde River, West of the Harare Beitbridge Road, Zimbabwe0Zimbabwe2030D4S567

Flowering. The record and image are online at and may be found by searching for Barcode 00578065.

62062Aneilema johnstonii2 Feb 1961ROB Rutherford-Smith
ROB Rutherford-Smith 466 RB Faden SRGH
Prince Edward Dam road about half a mile beyond Hunyani Bridge, Salisbury.0Zimbabwe1731C3C1435

Creeping herb; flowers yellow.

62064Aneilema johnstonii22 Feb 1956H Wild
H Wild 4792 RB Faden SRGH
In Baikiaea woodlandDett road, Wankie Game Reserve0Zimbabwe1826D2W1095

Flowers orange

62066Aneilema johnstonii22 Nov 1957R Goodier
R Goodier 404 RB Faden SRGH
Rengwe River Valley, S.W. Urungwe0Zimbabwe1729A1N0

Herb, yellow flowered monocot

62068Aneilema johnstonii8 Dec 1949HG Faulkner
HG Faulkner 492 RB Faden K
Near Mocuba, Quilemane Dist.0Mozambique1636D4Z165

80974Aneilema johnstonii31 Jan 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2539 RB Faden US
In miombo woodland once grazed. Soil silty, sand and hard-packed clay. Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba. Ca. 7 km W of Great North Road on road to Wardy Farm, collections on farm between farm house and Wangwe (sp?) River at western edge of property. 0Zambia1528C3C1140

Rare in miombo; to 1.5 m tall; calyx deep purple-red; petals orange; filaments purple; anthers yellow; immature fruits green. Roots with irregular, fleshy thickenings.

80979Aneilema nicholsonii1 Mar 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 1006 RB Faden US
Karoo sandy stone soils. Combretum-Terminalia bushy groups. Sinazongwe District; Chete Island National Park.1990Zambia1727B3S510

Herb to 1 m, occasional between rocks in bushy groups understory. Stems brown-red fading to green on young ones. Flowers blue. Fruits green with brown tints on the tips.

80978Aneilema nicholsonii4 Mar 1996NB Zimba
NB Zimba 769 RB Faden US
In Baikiaea forestSesheke District; Mulobezi, 27 km west of Mulobezi, 7 km off the Mulobezi-Sesheke Road, 2 km from Namena Settlement in Kazu National Forest. 0ZambiaB1020

Common; herb; as undergrowth in Baikiaea forest; plant green with white hairs; flowers blue; anthers yellow; inflorescence very hairy.

80977Aneilema nicholsonii26 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 491 RB Faden B Luwiika US
Sinazongwe District; Collecting near Siazwela village, Chief Sinazongwe, 4.1 km from Maamba/Sinazongwe Road turning East at the Sinazeze Shopping Center. 0Zambia1727A2S640

Herb, 12 cm. Stem soft light green with reddish-brown tint at base; leaves glabrous dark green; flowers lavender, forming clusters.

80975Aneilema nicholsonii2 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3924 RB Faden US
Slightly disturbed woodland near recent village. Soil rocky quartz with steep ravine. Gwembe District; ca. 9.1 km NW of Sinazeze and Choma-Maamba intersection on road to Choma, collections from hill miombo vegetation type along deviation in road. 0Zambia1727C4S780

Occasional; herbaceous, petals light purple, light purple with furry filaments, anthers bright yellow.

80976Aneilema nicholsonii15 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 4043 RB Faden US
Collection along valley bottom above Musaya stream, in Tonga (Sigongo) Reserve. Siavonga District; Zambezi Escarpment; along Malenga stream; ca. 14.4 km W of intersection of T2 (Kafue-Chirundu Road) and road to Siavonga/Kariba (MI5). 0Zambia1628B3S730

Occasional; along stream and in wet areas; upright; plant all green; calyx bracts translucent green to purple; petals blue; anthers yellow; seed capsule scarious, brown; seeds white (unripe?).

109437Aneilema nyasense var. nyasense6 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 293 RB Faden BNRH
Moribane forest Campsite.0Mozambique1933C2MS499

Trailing herb with tiny yellow flowers and purple stamens. Locally common in Afromomum riparian forest near river.-x000D- [Extract from R.B. Faden's e mail sent to B.C. Turpin in 2010]-x000D- Turpin 293 Aneilema nyasense C.B.Clarke-x000D- This is only the second reco

80980Aneilema pedunculosum22 Feb 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 2343 RB Faden US
Along the escarpment and into the gorge, exiting to the Zambezi River. In Mopane-Terminalia woodland with cambisol-luvisol soil. Kalomo District; 27 km east of the Lusaka-Livingstone Road. On the road to Mukumi Village. 0ZambiaS870

Herb; 60 cm, erect. Plant with white hairs. Flowering peduncles white tinged with blue. Calyx green, sticky, glossy. Corolla blue, anthers yellow, exerted. Fruits white tinged with green, sticky.

109438Aneilema pedunculosum20 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 260 RB Faden BNRH
18 km S of Macomia.0Mozambique1240A3N246

An erect herb 20 cm tall with a small, tight terminal inflorescence of tiny flowers and buds. Pedicels blue. Growing on a roadside verge in the shade of a tree.-x000D- [photograph of live plant attached to sheet]

109439Aneilema pedunculosum12 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 299 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp.0Mozambique1933C1MS592

Herb 10 cm tall with lilac flowers in tightly compact heads. Occasional. In humus-rich soil in dappled shade of riverine growth., Occurrence: occasional

109440Aneilema petersii subsp. petersii6 Sep 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 1815 RB Faden BNRH
27 km S of Palma.0Mozambique1040C4N87

KEW - ProNatura Project.-x000D- Prostrate., Occurrence: occasional

109442Aneilema petersii subsp. petersii21 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 262 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 20 km NW of Mocimboa da Praia.0Mozambique1140A2N78

A herb with lanceolate leaves. The lilac flowers have 3 almost equal-sized petals. Growing at the roadside in woodland on sand.

109441Aneilema petersii subsp. petersii21 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 261 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 20 km NW of Mocimboa da Praia.0Mozambique1140A2N78

Lilac flowers borne on erect flowering stems. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, some up to 8 cm long, hairy. Lower part of stems 'sticky'. Growing at the roadside in woodland on sand.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

49450Aneilema welwitschii30 Dec 1973PRJ Bamps
JJ Symoens
C Vanden Berghen
PRJ Bamps JJ Symoens C Vanden Berghen 448 RB Faden BR
Wet place with AlchemillaAbout 10 km ESE of Nyanga0Zimbabwe1832B4E2060

Flowers yellow

49452Aneilema welwitschii7 Jan 1974PRJ Bamps
JJ Symoens
C Vanden Berghen
PRJ Bamps JJ Symoens C Vanden Berghen 684 RB Faden BR
East facing grassy slopeLeopard Rock (Chinyakwaremba), Vumba20,63,1560Zimbabwe1932B2E1750

109443Aneilema welwitschii14 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 303 RB Faden BNRH
Serra Choa.0Mozambique1833A1MS1560

Small erect herb with tiny yellow flowers in tightly clustered heads, growing in long grass on forest edge.

80983Aneilema welwitschii22 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2089 RB Faden US
Collections around Kundalila Falls. Rocky soils, quartz sand and basalt outcrops. Kanona District; Kundalila Falls Picnic Area, 13 km S of Serenje-Mpika Hwy.1210Zambia1330B1C1590

Occasional herb among rocks in woodland; calyx translucent green; petals orange.

81480Commelina africana15 May 1994CN Nkhoma
CN Nkhoma 206 RB Faden US
Mpika District; North Lwangwa National Park. 8 km from Mwaleshi River on road to Mahula Puku Camp.910Zambia1132D1N940

30 cm prostrate vine growing in seasonal flooded area. Pink and yellow inflorescence.

109445Commelina africana12 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11574 RB Faden BNRH
Albizia Campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista.0Mozambique2632A4M53

Small-flowered bushy herb with erect wiry maroon stems ca. 20 cm high. Leaves lanceolate-acuminate, slightly recurved and folded. One population seen in the shade of a huge spreading Albizia adianthifolia, on sandy soils in a clearing in Licuati Thic

109446Commelina africana4 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 289 RB Faden BNRH
Save Sand forest.0Mozambique2134B1GI76

Spreading herb with yellow flowers; glabrous except for cilia on leaf sheath. In dappled shade of Brachystegia torrei sand forest. On a sand bank.

109447Commelina africana11 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 297 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp.0Mozambique1933C1MS592

Erect bushy herb 30 cm tall with yellow flowers and narrow leaves. Growing at campsite in bare sandy soil, still flowering in the afternoon.

109448Commelina aspera var. aspera10 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 250 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 55 km S of Lichinga.0Mozambique1335C4N1053

A 20 cm tall, erect herb with yellow flowers, mauve claws and purple filaments. Spathes terminally clustered and acuminate. Leaves partially folded. Growing in Miombo woodland in dappled shade.

61928Commelina aspera var. aspera16 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
A Mapaura AM650 RB Faden SRGH
Growing in humus rich shallow soil in quartzite rock crevices. Slopes of Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts. 168320Mozambique1933C1MS1455

Spathes have white bases with a green lining on top. Yellow flowers. Base of leaves were slightly hairy. Flowers occur in groups at the tip of the stem. Fairly common on these slopes.

109451Commelina benghalensis23 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 264 RB Faden BNRH

A herb with 1 m long stems scrambling through grass. Tiny blue flowers. Ovate leaves and red cilia on leaf-sheaths.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

109450Commelina benghalensis20 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 258 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 55 km S of Macomia.0Mozambique1240C1N179

An uncommon herb with erect stems to 40 cm tall. Flowers blue. Subterranean flowers collected, too! Growing in woodland at the base of a granite outcrop in shade. In deep soil.

109449Commelina benghalensis12 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11578 RB Faden BNRH
Road to school, western boundary of Licuati Forest Reserve.0Mozambique2632A4M60

Blue flowers. In light shade of coastal woodland in woodland /thicket mosaic on sands.

109452Commelina bracteosa19 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 256 RB Faden BNRH
Reserva de Crusse.0Mozambique1440D2N56

A locally common herb with 'variegated' lanceolate leaves, forming a ground cover. Flowers blue. Growing in coastal Androstachys sand forest in the shade next to the gravel road., Occurrence: locally common

109453Commelina bracteosa19 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 254 RB Faden BNRH
Reserva de Crusse.0Mozambique1440D2N45

A groundcovering herb with blue-green leaves and blue flowers. Locally common.-x000D- Habitat: Growing in coastal Androstachys sand forest in shade along the gravel roadside., Occurrence: locally common

109454Commelina bracteosa24 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 265 RB Faden BNRH
Alto Ligonha.0Mozambique1538C1N591

A herb with blue flowers and erect shoots. Leaves linear-elliptic. Growing on a steep S-facing granite outcrop; in shallow pockets of soil.

81481Commelina bracteosa17 Mar 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 635 RB Faden B Luwiika US
Local ForestGwembe-Munyumbwe District; Collecting in Munyumbwe Local Forest No. 187, 4.9 km from the junction of the Gwembe-Chipepo Road. 0Zambia1627D2S570

Herb. Stems light green with brown coloration; leaves light green; flowers purple.

109455Commelina bracteosa12 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11575 RB Faden BNRH
Albizia Campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista.0Mozambique2632A4M53

Bushy herb to 20 cm tall, with trailing and erect stems. The blue flowers open early in the morning. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, ca. 60 mm long, with oblique base and auricles at the sheath. Cilia at the mouth of the sheath are white. Spathe ca 20 mm lo

109456Commelina bracteosa12 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11576 RB Faden BNRH
Licuati Thicket, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista.0Mozambique2632B3M32

As var. lagosensis in BNRH. Small trailing herb, glabrous, with blue flowers. On sandy margins of track, on ecotone between Licuati Thicket and coastal woodland.

109457Commelina diffusa subsp. diffusa13 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 300 RB Faden BNRH

Herb, rooting at the nodes; with tiny blue flowers with conspicuous 3rd petal. Rare. Growing in semi-shade of forest edge next to road on an earth bank., Occurrence: rare

67082Commelina diffusa subsp. diffusa1 Nov 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
J Timberlake
A Mapaura AM724 RB Faden SRGH
Growing in shelter of quartzite boulder. Locality receives some very early morning sunshine. Some plants growing in dark rock shelter where they receive no direct sunlight. Near summit Mt Shangani, eastern Chimanimani Mts168330Mozambique1933C3MS1391

Only one plant seen flowering. Plant rooting at nodes. Flowers blue flowers. Dark green leaves.

67080Commelina diffusa subsp. diffusa3 Nov 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
A Mapaura AM736 RB Faden SRGH
Along dry water course with Syzygium. c.800 m from Mevumodzi river. Along footpath from Mevumodzi to Matimati market, Chimanimani Mts. 168330Mozambique1933C3MS1270

Flowers with 2 large blue petals, sepals whitish with blue tint at edges. Leaf sheath purplish.

84979Commelina eckloniana7 Jan 2017H Matimele
BC Turpin
A Jordaan
S de Villiers
BC Turpin BCT1500 RB Faden BNRH
In dappled shade of Licuati Thicket along sand track. c. 19.2 km W of Bela Vista along road 202, c. 2.4 km S of turn-off on to sand track, Matutuine district. 0Mozambique2632A4M49

This is also a first record of the species and subspecies from Mozambique. The subspecies is otherwise known only from Zimbabwe, South Africa and Swaziland. (Robert Faden pers. comm with Barbara Turpin, 2017).

109464Commelina erecta4 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 291 RB Faden BNRH
Save floodplain.0Mozambique2134A2GI74

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. Bushy herb with lilac flowers and scabrid leaves; in dappled shade of forest margin.

109463Commelina erecta26 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 266 RB Faden BNRH
Save Sand Forest, 16 km SE of Save River bridge on EN1.0Mozambique2134B1GI80

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. A trailing herb with blue flowers on ascending shoots. Much-branched. Leaves linear-elliptic. Growing along the road in sand forest.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]

109462Commelina erecta11 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 295 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp.0Mozambique1933C1MS592

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. Herb with lilac flowers, lanceolate leaves with light green mid-rib. Growing on the edge of forest near the Little Mussapa River.

109461Commelina erecta11 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11570 RB Faden BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia.0Mozambique2533A1GI67

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. A sub-erect herb with glabrous leaves with lighter coloured midrib. Spathes and leaf sheaths hispid. Spathes terminally clustered, producing ink-blue flowers. Locally common in clearing in evergreen forest on coastal plain, on gentle slope.

109460Commelina erecta11 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11567 RB Faden BNRH
Casa Lisa Campsite, between Maracuene and Manhica, Maputo Province0Mozambique2532D1M55

As Commelina erecta livingstonii in BNRH. A sub-erect herb with glabrous leaves with lighter coloured midrib. Spathes and leaf sheaths hispid. Spathes terminally clustered, producing ink-blue-flowers. Locally common in open short grassy area, occasionally mown.

109459Commelina erecta6 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 294 RB Faden BNRH
Ndzhou Campsite.0Mozambique1933C2MS630

As Commelina erecta erecta in BNRH.Common herb with blue flowers, growing in a clearing in the forest., Occurrence: common

81482Commelina erecta21 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 456 RB Faden B Luwiika US
Boiling Pots, rain forestLivingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. 1200Zambia1725D4S860

Stems dark green, semi solid complete glabrous; leaves dark green, glabrous; flowers purplish-blue with light green calyx.

109469Commelina forskaolii16 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 306 RB Faden BNRH
Changara area, road 103.0Mozambique1633C4T485

Herb with tiny blue flowers and blue filaments. Capsules present. Rare - only one plant seen. Growing in rocky, sandy soil next to the road in full sun on a quartzite outcrop., Occurrence: rare

109468Commelina forskaolii7 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 247 RB Faden BNRH
Along the road, EN 1, 10 km S of Chilene.0Mozambique2235C3GI97

A mat-forming herb with erect flowering shoots and tiny blue flowers. In coastal thicket on deep sand in deep shade.

109467Commelina forskaolii19 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 253 RB Faden BNRH
Reserva de Crusse.0Mozambique1440D2N45

A blue flowered herb with erect flowering stems 15 cm tall. Growing in coastal Androstachys sand forest in full sun along the gravel roadside.

109465Commelina forskaolii11 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11568 RB Faden BNRH
Casa Lisa Campsite, between Maracuene and Manhica, Maputo Province0Mozambique2532D1M55

A creeping herb with erect flowering stems. Scabrid, light green leaves. Locally common in open short grassy area, occasionally mown.

61886Commelina pycnospatha16 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
A Mapaura AM643 RB Faden K
Growing beside small stream below a rock cliff face in quartzite soils with Aeschynomene sp. In semi shade. On slope below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts. 168320Mozambique1933C1MS1318

Scrambling Commelina to about 50cm. The flowers seem white but they could have been yellow when they were fresh. Only one plant seen.

81490Commelina subulata19 Mar 1996DK Harder
DK Harder 3694 RB Faden US
Along path in degraded plain vegetation; deep sandy, black, muck soilsMongu District; Bulozi plain; (Mongu North) ca. 5 km NW of Mongu. 0Zambia1523A1B1050

Occasional; somewhat succulent; annual; in rice field; stems dull orange-green at base; bracts streaked boldly in red; tepals dull orange; anthers bright yellow.

81491Commelina subulata20 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3831 RB Faden US
Collections along roadside in Mutemwa thicket on Kalahari Sand. Livingstone District; ca. 18.1 km W of intersection of Livingstone-Sesheke and Lusaka Road, ca. 3 km W of Simonga ca. 1.5 km E of Makunka. 0Zambia1725D3S930

Common; in open grassy areas; full sun; base of stem red-purple, bracts light green; petals orange pale.

109471Commelina zambesica20 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 257 RB Faden BNRH
Ñ 55 km S of Macomia.0Mozambique1240C1N179

An uncommon herb with stems looping along the ground rooting at the nodes. Flowers already over when collected. -x000D- In woodland at the base of granite outcrop in shaded, shallow soil.

109472Commelina zambesica23 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 263 RB Faden BNRH

A robust herb with large leaves with undulating margins. The big blue flowers have 'cup-hook'-shaped purple stamens [illustration]. Growing at the roadside in tall mixed woodland.

81493Commelina zambesica19 Feb 1997NB Zimba
NB Zimba 886 RB Faden US
In undifferentiated mopane woodlandLivingstone District; Chief Mukuni. 2.2 km eastward along road to Songwe village, from road junction with Victoria Falls Road. 0Zambia1725D4S960

Herb growing between rocks in shade. Stems light green. Leaves rough to touch. Flowers blue. Anthers yellow.

93417Commelina zambesica23 Jan 2005S Kruger
S Kruger 125 RB Faden WIND
Caprivi0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1723C1988

Creeper; Notes: Herbaceous creeper-like plant. Purple flowers. Leaves sheathed. Short roots at nodes. Stems covered in short white hair. Grows in shade in sandy white soil.

81492Commelina zambesica9 Mar 1997DK Harder
DK Harder 3972 RB Faden US
Collections in roadside, degraded miombo on micaceous soils.Choma District; ca. 38.2 km N on M11 of intersection Choma-Namwala Road and Choma-Lusaka Roads, ca. 5.6 km S of Ngonga stream. 0Zambia1626B4S1200

Upright; perennial; stems red at base; bracts bright green; tepals and filaments bright blue; anthers yellow.

109473Commelina zambesica11 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 296 RB Faden BNRH
Chimanimani Gate Camp.0Mozambique1933C1MS592

Herb with blue flowers and colourless hairs on leaves. Growing near the Little Mussapa River on edge of forest.

109474Commelina zambesica4 Jan 2012JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows 12539 RB Faden BNRH
Macomia District, 11.6 km N of Macomia on road to Diaca.0Mozambique1240A1N195

Robust herb froming colonies, with large leaves flushed through with purple-pink, apparently sterile; growing in shade of forest patch in high-rainfall woodland on sandy soils.

61878Cyanotis barbata18 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
A Mapaura AM668 RB Faden SRGH
Growing on a rock in wet moss. Quartzite grassland Small pass on ridge North of Mt Peza.168320Mozambique1932D2MS1977

Petals pink and anthers blue with succulent stem. All flowers terminal. Up to 20 cm tall. A few plants seen.

109475Cyanotis barbata14 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 301 RB Faden BNRH

Erect herb 40 cm tall with cauline leaves. Rosulate leaves absent. Bulb-like root near surface of soil. Localised. Growing on forest edge in long grass. Rocky., Occurrence: locally common

81727Cyanotis foecunda3 Jan 1993MG Bingham
MG Bingham 8780 RB Faden US
Mumbwa District; Chibuluma, 5 km SE of Lutale Camp. 0Zambia1526D2S1050

81728Cyanotis foecunda31 Jan 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2531 RB Faden US
In miombo woodland once grazed. Soil silty, sand and hard-packed clay. Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba. Ca. 7 km W of Great North Road on road to Wardy Farm, collections on farm between farm house and Wangwe (sp?) River at western edge of property. 0Zambia1528C3C1140

Rare at edge of dry dambo on sand; stems with light reddish tinge; upper edge of inflorescence bracts with reddish tinge; tepals deep purple; anthers yellow-orange.

81729Cyanotis foecunda17 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika 73 RB Faden B Luwiika US
Collecting from rock outcrop in Jirundu plains/swampSolwezi District; Jirundu National Forestry Reserve (Botanical Reserve). 95 km E of Solwezi/Mwinilunga Road, near the Kambizhi Primary School.0Zambia1125C4W1470

Herbaceous; runner; in flat plain; stems and leaves growing in the flat plains, stems and leaves red and green; leaves are red adaxially, green abaxially; flowers white, with light green bracts.

81730Cyanotis foecunda21 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 453 RB Faden B Luwiika US
Boiling Pots, rain forestLivingstone District; Victoria Falls, Boiling Pots, rain forest. 1200Zambia1725D4S860

Lianescent shrub ca. 1 m. Stems light green with brown tint; leaves green with short shiny hairs; flowers bright purple with yellow stamens.

109476Cyanotis foecunda11 Mar 2009JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows SM Burrows 11144 RB Faden BNRH
59 km from Unango on road to Rovuma River bridge.0Mozambique1235A4N1044

Low-growing/semi-prostrate herb in light shade on outer margins of termite mound forest, in miombo woodland. Locally frequent.

81732Cyanotis lanata17 Mar 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 656 RB Faden B Luwiika US
Local ForestGwembe-Munyumbwe District; Collecting in Munyumbwe Local Forest No. 187, 4.9 km from the junction of the Gwembe-Chipepo Road. 0Zambia1627D2S570

Erect to 10 cm on rocks; leaves light green to yellow with red-purple sheath; flowers purple.

109477Cyanotis lanata8 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
M Lötter 2034 RB Faden BNRH
Trail leading up on to Chimanimani Mountain, Banks of Nhamadza River, Chimanimani National Park, Sussendenga district.0Mozambique1933C1MS750

Growing in crevices in granite boulders., Occurrence: common

81733Cyanotis lanata28 Feb 1997HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 2425 RB Faden US
In sandy soils along beaches and shorelines. Sinazongwe District; Chete Island Game Park, on eastern edge of Lake Kariba. In much disturbed Combretum woodland, heavily grazed by elephants and game. 1990ZambiaS550

Herb; 20 cm, erect. Plant succulent. Stems reddish. Leaves green to red. Fruits straw brown, inconspicuous. At base of sandstone rock.

81731Cyanotis lanata26 Feb 1997B Luwiika
B Luwiika 492 RB Faden B Luwiika US
Between rocksSinazongwe District; Collecting near Siazwela village, Chief Sinazongwe, 4.1 km from Maamba/Sinazongwe Road turning East at the Sinazeze Shopping Center. 0Zambia1727A2S640

Annual herb between rocks, 8 cm. Stems light green with brown tint; leaves light green with white hairs; flowers dirty white to creamy.

45452Dichrostachys cinereaNo datePRJ Bamps
JJ Symoens
C Vanden Berghen
RB Faden 20,63,1560Zimbabwe1829C40

Tree Society mapping record

45453Dichrostachys cinereaNo datePRJ Bamps
JJ Symoens
C Vanden Berghen
RB Faden 20,63,1560Zimbabwe1829D10

Tree Society mapping record

82342Floscopa glomerata27 May 1994HH Schmidt
HH Schmidt 1472 RB Faden In open grasslands, dambos, and adjacent cultivated fields. Oxosolic soils, derived from basalt and volcanic rock. Isoka District; 36.8 km SE of Tunduma on the Tunduma-Chitipa (Malawi) road (M14). At the southern edge of the Mpande Hills. 0Zambia0932D2N1400

Herb; 60 cm, semi-erect. Calyx pale lavender, fuzzy, corolla pale lavender, anthers yellow. Uncommon on edge of dambo.

40866Lomariopsis warneckei18 Mar 1992J Timberlake
J Timberlake 4108 RB Faden SRGH
In full shade. Moist evergreen forest.Valley of the Giants, Chirinda Forest.60Zimbabwe2032B3E1100

Tufted fern, no fertile fronds

82977Murdannia simplex19 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 1983 RB Faden US
In miombo vegetation on sandKasanka National Park; ca. 11 km E of Musande Tent Camp and 4 km W of pontoon over Kasanka River. 990Zambia1230C2C1170

Infrequent suffrutex from fleshy roots; nodes purple; pedicel and base of calyx purple-black; at anthesis calyx translucent green; petals light purple; filaments white; anthers blue.

82978Murdannia simplex29 Nov 1993DK Harder
DK Harder 2168 RB Faden US
Collections along road to Kalombo Falls. Ridgetop miombo woodland with large boulders and sandy soils.Mbala District; Lungu Protected Forest Area. 1250Zambia0831C1N1560

Frequent and widely scattered herb from fleshy root; lower nodes red; nodes of inflorescence and base of calyx purple; calyx lobes green; petals light purple; anthers yellow.

82979Murdannia simplex31 Jan 1995DK Harder
DK Harder 2549 RB Faden US
In miombo woodland once grazed. Soil silty, sand and hard-packed clay. Kabwe Rural District; Chisamba. Ca. 7 km W of Great North Road on road to Wardy Farm, collections on farm between farm house and Wangwe (sp?) River at western edge of property. 0Zambia1528C3C1140

Occasional herb from thickened roots; leaves reddish at bases; pedicels light pink-purple; calyx light green; petals purple; anthers yellow; style white; immature fruits light green to light purple.

82980Murdannia simplex17 Feb 1995B Luwiika
B Luwiika 44 RB Faden B Luwiika US
Collecting from rock outcrop in Jirundu plains/swampSolwezi District; Jirundu National Forestry Reserve (Botanical Reserve). 95 km E of Solwezi/Mwinilunga Road, near the Kambizhi Primary School.0Zambia1125C4W1470

Upright; red at the base; roots fibrous, white; leaves sheathed at base; red-brown at base, green towards the tip; stems light green to reddish-brown, hard, round; common; in the swampy area.

109481Murdannia simplex21 Mar 2009M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 267 RB Faden BNRH
Palma Camp 26 km W of Palma.0Mozambique1040C3N125

A herb with lilac flowers - 3 equal-sized petals - flowering in the late afternoon. Erect stems. Growing in open woodland/Berlinia thicket.-x000D- [photo of live plant attached to sheet]


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Records determined by Robert Faden., retrieved 1 April 2025

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