Collections made by Frances Chase (née Crawford)

Records: 13

The following is a list of the collections made by Frances Chase (née Crawford) in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Mozambique (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
111903 Allophylus rubifolius var. alnifolius5 Dec 2008DJ Goyder
FM Chase (née Crawford)
A Banze
GP Clarke
C de Sousa
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC298 BNRH
South of Palma, of main road Western side of Muanzana village.-x000D- Way Point 0730Mozambique1040C4N90

Brachystegia forest.-x000D- 2 m shrub. Leaves trifoliate, margin not entire. Inflorescence a spike, in bud. Occasional.

112263 Ampelocissus obtusata subsp. kirkiana9 Dec 2008DJ Goyder
FM Chase (née Crawford)
C de Sousa
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC369 BNRH
South of Palma.-x000D- Way Point 1120Mozambique1140A1N90

Miombo Woodland margin opening on to dambo.-x000D- Long-growing creeper. Leaves 40 cm in width. Flower red in axils with yellow anthers.-x000D- Photos: 3332, 3433, 3435, 3436

110727 Antidesma venosum9 Dec 2008DJ Goyder
FM Chase (née Crawford)
C de Sousa
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC367 BNRH
South of Palma.-x000D- Way Point 1110Mozambique1140A2N90

Miombo Woodland.-x000D- Low woody shrub. Stems grey. Inflorescence spike with yellow tinge.

111800 Bivinia jalbertii7 Dec 2008FM Chase (née Crawford)
FM Chase (née Crawford) 359 JE Burrows BNRH
Survey cutline, 0.5 km SSE of Lago Nhica, Rovuma River valley, Palma District.0Mozambique1040C1N35

Tall tree to 20 m tall; in seasonally dry mixed semi-deciduous forest, the canopy dominated by Terminalia sambesiaca, Bivinia jalberti, Pteleopsis myrtifolia, Dialium holtzii and Milicia excelsa; on sandy soils in area of low hills.

110911 Cassipourea mossambicensis29 Nov 2008TM Müller
FM Chase (née Crawford)
A Banze
T Alves
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC267 BNRH
Quiterajo. Within Namacubi Forest, W of Quiterajo. Way Point: 0510Mozambique1140C4 N90

Dry Caesalp-dominated coastal forest. -x000D- Tree, thin stem. Bark smooth, slash orange with purple underbark. Leaves opposite. Flowers white, in axils.-x000D- -x000D-

109377 Combretum illairii25 Nov 2008J Timberlake
H Matimele
FM Chase (née Crawford)
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC232 BNRH
Quiterajo. Namacubi Forest, c. 2 km W of Quiterajo. Way Point 020.0Mozambique1140C4N90

Dry Caesalp-dominated coastal forest. Growing within canopy. -x000D- Liana. Bark grey. Leaves dark green, venation conspicuous. Flowers in bud. Old fruit brown, wings reduced to ridges. Common.-x000D- Photos: 2907, 2908, 2909, 2910, 2911, Occurrence: common

109507 Cyperus macrocarpus26 Nov 2008J Timberlake
DJ Goyder
FM Chase (née Crawford)
A Banze
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC236 BNRH
Quiterajo. NW of Namacubi Forest, W of Quiterajo.0Mozambique1140C2N90

On margin of open miombo woodland and open seasonal waterlogged valley.-x000D- Erect, bright green. Large linear bracts surrounding the inflorescence. Inflorescence large yellow-white. Leaves flattened. Common.-x000D- Photos: 1940 [?2940], 2941, Occurrence: comm

109516 Kyllinga crassipes26 Nov 2008J Timberlake
DJ Goyder
FM Chase (née Crawford)
A Banze
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC239 AM Muasya BNRH
Quiterajo. NW of Namacubi Forest, W of Quiterajo.0Mozambique1140C2N90

On margin of open miombo woodland and open seasonal waterlogged valley. Growing in shade.-x000D- ñ 10 - 15 cm high. Rhizome present. Linear bracts surround inflorescence. Inflorescence a tight white ball. Uncommon.-x000D- Photos: 2940, 2941, 2944, 2945, 2946, Oc

111262 Leptactina delagoensis subsp. delagoensis29 Nov 2008TM Müller
FM Chase (née Crawford)
A Banze
T Alves
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC270 BNRH
Quiterajo. Within Namacubi Forest, W of Quiterajo. Way Point: 0530Mozambique1140C4N90

Dry Caesalp-dominated coastal forest. -x000D- Scandent shrub up to 5 m. Bark grey, shallowly longitudinally fissured, scaley, slash wine-red. Flowers white, long white tube. Uncommon.-x000D- Photos: 3088, 3089-x000D- -x000D- , Occurrence: uncommon

110007 Mostuea brunonis var. brunonis27 Nov 2008FM Chase (née Crawford)
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC257 H Matimele BNRH
Quiterajo. Within Namacubi Forest, W of Quiterajo. Way Point: 0430Mozambique1140C4N90

Dry Caesalp-dominated coastal forest.-x000D- Shrub 1.8 m high. Bark dark brown, rough. Fruit present, heart shaped. Uncommon.-x000D- Photos: 3015, Occurrence: uncommon

108366 Ozoroa reticulata9 Dec 2008DJ Goyder
FM Chase (née Crawford)
C de Sousa
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC368 BNRH
South of Palma.-x000D- Way Point 1120Mozambique1140A1N90

Miombo woodland margin opening on to dambo.-x000D- Multi-stemmed shrub 2 m high. Stem green-brown. Leaves green above, grey below. Young fruit green with speckles, older fruit black, shrivelled. Milky latex.-x000D- Photos: 3332, 3433, 3435, 3436

108596 Strophanthus kombe25 Nov 2008J Timberlake
H Matimele
FM Chase (née Crawford)
FM Chase (née Crawford) FC235 DJ Goyder BNRH
Quiterajo. Namacubi Forest, c. 2 km W of Quiterajo.0Mozambique1140C4N90

Dry Caesalp-dominated coastal forest. High in canopy.-x000D- Leaves opposite, very hairy. Flowers yellow with red-yellow stripes in throat. Petals extended. Latex present, clear, turning yellow. Uncommon.-x000D- Photos: 2928, 2929, 2930, Occurrence: uncommon

110324 Warneckea albiflora27 Nov 2008FM Chase (née Crawford)
FM Chase (née Crawford) 259 RD Stone BNRH
Quiterajo. Within Namacubi Forest, W of Quiterajo. Way Point: 0440Mozambique1140C4 N90

Dry Caesalp-dominated coastal forest. Cutting through forest. Lots of leaf litter.-x000D- Tree 6 m high. Leaves dark green above, light green below. Flowers white. Bark smooth, grey mottled with longitudinal streaks. Slash extremely thin, pale yellow-brown


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Collections made by Frances Chase (née Crawford)., retrieved 13 March 2025

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