Checklist: Ophioglossaceae



This is a checklist of taxa generated from the database. Genera and species which are purely cultivated have been excluded.

To go to the main family page, click on the family name above.

Ophioglossum reticulatum
Crouch, N.R., Klopper, R.R., Burrows, J.E. & Burrows, S.M. (2011) Ferns of Southern Africa, A comprehensive guide Struik Nature 
Jacobsen, W.B.G. (1983) The Ferns and Fern Allies of Southern Africa. Butterworths, Durban and Pretoria. 
Roux, J.P. (2001) Conspectus of Southern African Pteridophyta. Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report 13  
Schelpe, E.A.C.L.E. (1970) Pteridophyta Flora Zambesiaca  
NamesFZ Divisions
Ophioglossum costatum R.Br. T
Ophioglossum aphrodisiacum Welw. ex Hook. & Baker
Ophioglossum felixii Tardieu
Ophioglossum fibrosum Schumach.
Ophioglossum polyphyllum A.Braun GI
Ophioglossum capense Schltdl. var. regulare Schltdl.
Ophioglossum cuspidatum Milde
Ophioglossum regulare (Schltdl.) C.Chr.
Ophioglossum vulgatum L. var. polyphyllum (A. Braun) Milde
Ophioglossum reticulatum L. Z,?T
Ophioglossum vulgatum L. var. reticulatum (L.) D.C. Eaton
Ophioglossum rubellum Welw. ex A.Braun N

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Checklist: Ophioglossaceae]., retrieved 29 March 2025

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