Perennial herb, growing from a disk-shaped tuber, c. 2.5 cm diameter, 1.2 cm deep. Stems 3 or 4, erect, sparingly branched, to 7 cm
long, uniformly minutely puberulous. Leaves possibly
not fully developed, herbaceous, more or less erect, sessile, linear, 20–26 mm long, margins mostly strongly revolute. Inflorescences several per stem towards apex, extra-axillary, sessile, mostly 2-flowered, flowers opening in succession. Pedicel 4–7 mm long, sparsely minutely puberulous. Sepals triangular-lanceolate, c.2.5 mm long, acute, very sparsely minutely puberulent. Bud distinctly beaked, hairless. Corolla 5.5–6.5 mm long, divided to halfway down; tube campanulate, c. 2.5 mm deep, exterior and interior pure
white, hairless; sinuses flat; lobes linear-spatulate, c.4 mm wide at base, narrowing to 0.2 mm then widening to 0.4 mm, spreading, dull yellow towards the tips, slightly greenish near base, hairless. Follicles and seeds not recorded. |