Home | > | List of families | > | Convolvulaceae | > | Ipomoea | > | tenuirostris |
Synonyms: |
Ipomoea acuminata Baker Ipomoea gracilior Rendle Ipomoea halleriana Britten Ipomoea mweroensis Baker Ipomoea zambesiaca Britten |
Common names: | |
Frequency: | |
Status: | Native |
Description: |
Perennial herb with trailing or twining stems up to 3 m long. Stems more or less densely covered with spreading yellowish hairs. Leaves ovate to oblong, 4-12 cm long, more or less densely hairy on both surfaces, cordate at the base; apex pointed; margin entire but wavy; petiole 2.5-8.5 cm long, hairy. Inflorescences laxly several-flowerd, peduncle much longer than pedicels; bracts lanceolate, c. 3 mm long. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, 7-12 mm long with a long narrow apical tip, yellowish hairy. Corolla funnel-shaped, 2-4 cm long, white, mauve or purple, often darker purple on the midpetaline areas. Capsule globose, hairless, tipped with the persistent style base. |
Type location: |
Ethiopia |
Notes: | |
Derivation of specific name: | tenuirostris : with a slender beak; possibly referring to the long and narrow apex of the calyx lobes. |
Habitat: | In woodland, grassland and cultivated land. |
Altitude range: (metres) | 600 - 1900 m |
Flowering time: | |
Worldwide distribution: | Cameroun, DRC, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. |
National distribution: | Z,T,MS |
Growth form(s): | |
Endemic status: | |
Red data list status: | |
Insects associated with this species: | |
Spot characters: | Display spot characters for this species |
Images last updated: | Friday 6 July 2012 |
Literature: |
Burrows, J.E. & Willis, C.K. (eds) (2005). Plants of the Nyika Plateau Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 31 SABONET, Pretoria Page 133. Chapano, C. & Mamuto, M. (2003). Plants of the Chimanimani District National Herbarium and Botanic Garden, Zimbabwe Page 34. As Ipomoea tenuirostris Gonçalves, M.L. (1987). Convolvulaceae Flora Zambesiaca 8(1) Pages 72 - 73. Mapaura, A. & Timberlake, J. (eds) (2004). A checklist of Zimbabwean vascular plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 33 Sabonet, Pretoria and Harare Page 37. Phiri, P.S.M. (2005). A Checklist of Zambian Vascular Plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 32 Page 44. |
Home | > | List of families | > | Convolvulaceae | > | Ipomoea | > | tenuirostris |