Details of record no: 94880

Perotis patens Gand.

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Record details:

Date: 18 Feb 1988
Recorder(s):GL Maggs
Collector(s):GL Maggs
Location: Caprivi: Inkasa Island: malapo on banks of Linyandi River.
Location code(s): 208
Outing code:
Planted code: Not planted
Country: Namibia (Caprivi Strip)
Quarter Degree Square: 1725C3
Grid reference:
FZ Division:
Altitude (metres): 930
Notes: Graminoid; Notes: Tall, tufted, annual grass, up to 1 m high when in flower. Culm erect and shortly articulated, branched, terete, sturdy, smooth, glabrous, beige to purple-tinged. Leaf blade broadly sagittate, short, 5 x 1 cm, dull grey-green with purple tinges, expanded, usually not reflexed, clearly ciliate with margins harshly scabrid, abaxially, conspicuously striate, base auriculate. Ligule an inconspicuous membranous ridge without indumentum. Leaf sheath beige to pale green, glabrous, up to 4 cm long, not overlapping, margins not imbricate or touching although circumculmate. Inflorescence a dense spike, up to 25 cm long, initially sheathed by foliar spathe, rapidly withering; peduncle 10 cm long. Spikelets 2-awned, narrowly ovoid, up to 3 x 0,5 mm, initially adpressed against axis but 1 prior to falling. Awns pale green but later discolouring to deep purple, flexuous, unbristled.
Latitude, Longitude: -17.783300, 25.207500
Location Accuracy Code: 5

Map of species record

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Individual record no: 94880: Perotis patens., retrieved 12 March 2025

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