Details of record no: 85003

Crotalaria shirensis (Baker f.) Milne-Redh.

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Record details:

Date: 26 Mar 2013
Recorder(s):L Merrett
Collector(s):L Merrett
Determiner(s):MG Bingham
Habitat: Miombo woodland. Tree layer: Julbernadia paniculata, Brachystegia floribunda, B. longifolia, Parinari curatellifolia, Ekebergia benguelensis, Uapaca kirkiana, U. nitida, Faurea rochetiana, Faurea saligna, Ochna schweinfurthiana, Protea angolensis var. divericata, P. angolensis var. trichanthera, Phyllocosmus leaireanus, Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia, Xylopia odoratissima, Pleurostylia africana, Garcinia huillensis, Rourea orientalis, Rothmannia engleriana, Strychnos spinosa, S. pungens, Herb layer: Hypoestis forskaoli, Psychotria spithamea, Inula glomerata, Schistostephium artemisiifolium, Hibiscus rhodanthus, Psychotria djumaensis, Cyphostemma kerkvoordei, C. junceum. Sandy loam soil.
Location: Mutinondo Widerness Area, Mayense Main Camp: On track at end of airstrip
Location code(s): 116
Outing code:
Planted code: Not planted
Country: Zambia
Quarter Degree Square: 1231A4
Grid reference:
FZ Division: N
Altitude (metres): 1442
Notes: "Annual Dwarf herb, thread-thin stems changing direction at leaf junctions, leaves with single leaflet, flowers yellow with red markings at base of standard.
Not common
Latitude, Longitude: -12.442500,31.275333
Location Accuracy Code: 6

Map of species record


Image: 11

Crotalaria shirensis
Species id:128230
Image id:11
Image number:28684
Photographer: L Merrett
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave 2007-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Mozambique: Individual record no: 85003: Crotalaria shirensis., retrieved 22 December 2024

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