Olea europaea L.
subsp. cuspidata (Wall ex G. Don) Cif.

QDS maps by: Google Maps Point records by Google Maps

All records: View Mozambique records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
12584504 Oct 2024MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Open rocky groundCamp Dwala, Matobo Hills570Zimbabwe2028B3 W1477-20.43649828.7496797
12524907 May 2024MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
In adjacent gardenWillowmead Lane, Rolf Valley, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3 C1489-17.77294931.1120067
124827023 Mar 2024MA Hyde
D de Swardt
MA Hyde
In gardenBlue Haze Lane, Umwinsidale12Zimbabwe1731C1 C1393-17.71472631.1915827
122406025 Jul 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
T Alegria
In open woodlandBotanic Garden, Harare1,212Zimbabwe1731C3 C1524-17.79864131.0542727
122245018 Jun 2023MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
IC Riddell
T Alegria
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
In arboretumPrince Edward School, Harare1,2352Zimbabwe1731C3 C1494-17.81929431.0371217
116402026 Feb 2022MA Hyde
K van Laeren
T Alegria
MA Hyde
K van Laeren
T Alegria
In miombo woodland at site of former gardenHawkshead Drive Extension, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C1 C1581-17.71169631.1293217
115337016 May 2021MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
In garden25, Trafalgar Avenue, Sentosa, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3 C1503-17.78896231.0114437
114549028 Mar 2021MA Hyde
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
In garden131, Enterprise Road, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3 C1523-17.79610231.0987247
107705019 Jan 2020MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
In riverine forest in steep valleyChriston Bank70Zimbabwe1731C1 C1342-17.58725631.0098367
10758808 Jan 2020MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
T Alegria
In garden56, Knightsbridge Road, Highlands12Zimbabwe1731C3 C1513-17.80706031.0914636
106086026 Oct 2019MA Hyde
K van Laeren
A Sinclair
J Van Bel
K van Laeren
In groundsBorrowdale Park Vet Hospital, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3 C1532-17.78562931.0776947
103725012 May 2019M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
M Coates Palgrave
Rocky kopjeBig Cave Camp, Matobo Hills0Zimbabwe2028C2 W1358-20.50362528.4448296
10349905 May 2019M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
M Coates Palgrave
Amongst rocks, open woodland Farmhouse top Camp site, Matobo Hills0Zimbabwe2028C2 W1400-20.50261528.4260727
101601027 Apr 2019MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Open woodlandChapungu Sculpture Park, Msasa, Harare12Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520-17.84275931.1224687
103433016 Sep 2018M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
G Stephens
M Coates Palgrave
Granite dwalaTop of Drum Kopje, Matobo Communal Land0Zimbabwe2028B4 W1450-20.47721128.8583607
107499024 Aug 2017MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
T Alegria
In parklandGreenwood Park, Harare1,2252Zimbabwe1731C3 C1500-17.81735031.0570177
84685315 Apr 2017BT Wursten
T Castigo
IAI Nuvunga
BT Wursten
BT Wursten


Rocky woodland on limestone slope Along road near Khodzue Gorge Camp 2020Mozambique1834D2 MS228-18.56484034.8714307
74236017 Jul 2016MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Near termite mound in miombo woodlandHarava Dam490Zimbabwe1731C3 C1435-17.98627231.1040237
73390019 Jun 2016MA Hyde
C Sharp
MA Hyde
C Sharp
In woodlandBy entrance road to Camp Amalinda, Matobo0Zimbabwe2028A4 W1337-20.47881528.4352277
74929422 Jan 2016BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Along margin of sprayzone forestVictoria Falls National Park.240Zimbabwe1725D4 W888In flower.-17.92408025.8477907
71456022 Jun 2015J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Limestone Gorge Picnic Spot, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834D2 MS205Shrub with opposite leaves, glossy, simple, entire, medium green on top, very pale green on underside, buds appear to be naked. Fruits are light green, reddish purple, and black. Spherical with a pointed tip. -18.68182034.7689606
71455022 Jun 2015J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Limestone Gorge Picnic Spot, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834D2 MS205Shrub with opposite leaves, glossy, simple, entire, medium green on top, very pale green on underside, buds appear to be naked. Fruits are light green, reddish purple, and black. Spherical with a pointed tip. -18.68182034.7689606
71454022 Jun 2015J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Limestone Gorge Picnic Spot, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834D2 MS205Shrub with opposite leaves, glossy, simple, entire, medium green on top, very pale green on underside, buds appear to be naked. Fruits are light green, reddish purple, and black. Spherical with a pointed tip. -18.68182034.7689606
71453022 Jun 2015J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Limestone Gorge Picnic Spot, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834D2 MS205Shrub with opposite leaves, glossy, simple, entire, medium green on top, very pale green on underside, buds appear to be naked. Fruits are light green, reddish purple, and black. Spherical with a pointed tip. -18.68182034.7689606
71450022 Jun 2015J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Limestone Gorge Picnic Spot, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834D2 MS205Tree with opposite leaves, very glossy, thick. Dark green above, pale green below. Shape is ovate to lanceolate. Flowers in axles toward tip of branch, in panicles. Appear to be small and white. -18.68182034.7689606
60521020 Jul 2014MA Hyde
MA Hyde
In acacia woodland below dam wallImire, near Bush Camp0Zimbabwe1831A4 C1404-18.47361031.4965807
12417101 Feb 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
C Sharp
BT Wursten
On wooded rock outcropBesna Kobila, Matobo570Zimbabwe2028A4 W1473iNaturalist record-20.43671028.7506306
71397125 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

Rocky riverine vegetation Along Zvishavane - Mbalabala road 0Zimbabwe2029B3 W1121-20.46673029.5826507
5421102 Jan 2014MA Hyde
Rocky hillsideNear summit of Hill Complex, Great Zimbabwe620Zimbabwe2030B4 S1200-20.26752030.9338807
53402015 Sep 2013M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave
RiverineThetford Estate1580Zimbabwe1731C1 C1280-17.58483331.0348007
60674521 Apr 2013BT Wursten
BT Wursten
A Short
LP Oliveira
BT Wursten



Shallow soil island on bare limestone ridge Plateau above Nhagutua Gorge, Gorongosa National Park, Cheringoma 140Mozambique1834D2 MS215In fruit-18.64348034.8155907
3854619 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Riverine vegetation in rocky gorgePokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo780Zimbabwe2031A1 S1050-20.12201031.0247507
3846758 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Amongst rocksUpper part of Hill Complex, Great Zimbabwe620Zimbabwe2030B4 S1190-20.26756030.9338307
74363020 Nov 2011M Coates Palgrave
MG Bingham
Termite moundPicnic area Harava Dam490Zimbabwe1731C3 C1430-17.98631731.1040507
20082023 Dec 2007MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Riverine forest nearer to Dam wallMaleme Dam, near camp site19,1700Zimbabwe2028D1 PH568276W12600
21393016 Sep 2007MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Near streamChriston Bank70Zimbabwe1731C1 TR888547C13400
16346015 Jul 2007MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Termite mound in sandy miombo woodlandNear Jacana Yacht Club, Lake Chivero110Zimbabwe1730D4 TR678206C13900
110642027 Aug 2006JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows
SM Burrows
SM Burrows

Licuati Thicket, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista area0Mozambique2632A2 M50Small tree in dense thicket on sands, to 2.5 m tall. Scarce., Occurrence: scarce-26.21000032.2800007
18613018 Aug 2002MA Hyde
Amongst rocky bouldersPax Park, Lake Chivero110Zimbabwe1730D4 TR628188C13800
124461029 Mar 2002MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Shumba Shava, Besna Kobila570Zimbabwe2028B4 W1486-20.44166028.7519106
54592028 Oct 2000MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Deep shade among rocks by streamChriston Bank70Zimbabwe1731C1 TR888546C13406
1027110 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Edges and gaps in submontane evergreen forest Jembya Plateau 2160Malawi1033A2 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989. -10.13156033.4492305
1050160 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Edges and gaps in submontane evergreen forestSouthwestern Escarpment, Nyika National Park1800Malawi1033D1 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-10.58380033.7164004
1055240 1989F Dowsett-Lemaire
Edges and gaps in submontane evergreen forestChimaliro Hill, North Viphya2190Malawi1134A1 N0Listed by Dowsett-Lemaire in Bull. Jard. Bot Nat. Belg. 59(1/2): 3-131, 1989.-11.09853034.0600605
299260 Jan 1953OB Miller
OB Miller

Besna Kobila, Matopos570Zimbabwe2028B3 W143010ft high, 12 inches diameter. Breast height. Flowers: green-white. [See note 16]0
901920No date0Zimbabwe1730D2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902280No date0Zimbabwe2030C2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902290No date0Zimbabwe1928D3 0Tree Society mapping record0
902300No date0Zimbabwe1730D4 0Tree Society mapping record0
901990No date0Zimbabwe1731D4 0Tree Society mapping record0
901980No date0Zimbabwe1731C4 0Tree Society mapping record0
901970No date0Zimbabwe1731C3 0Tree Society mapping record0
901960No date0Zimbabwe1731C2 0Tree Society mapping record0
901950No date0Zimbabwe1731C1 0Tree Society mapping record0
901940No date0Zimbabwe1731A3 0Tree Society mapping record0
901930No date0Zimbabwe1730D3 0Tree Society mapping record0
902270No date0Zimbabwe2030B2 0Tree Society mapping record0
901910No date0Zimbabwe1730B4 0Tree Society mapping record0
901900No date0Zimbabwe1730B1 0Tree Society mapping record0
901890No date0Zimbabwe1727D2 0Tree Society mapping record0
901880No date0Zimbabwe1725D4 0Tree Society mapping record0
1217160No dateD de Swardt
In gardenMidsummer Hill Nursery, Glen Lorne12Zimbabwe C0Checklist 80
901870No date0Zimbabwe1631C4 0Tree Society mapping record0
901860No date0Zimbabwe1831D1 0Tree Society mapping record0
707460No dateMount Mulanje1790Malawi1535D3 S0Checklist 60
222371No dateM Coates Palgrave
Kruger National Park, South Africa.0South Africa 0
902140No date0Zimbabwe1932B2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902010No date0Zimbabwe1829B3 0Tree Society mapping record0
902020No date0Zimbabwe1829D4 0Tree Society mapping record0
902030No date0Zimbabwe1830A2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902040No date0Zimbabwe1830A4 0Tree Society mapping record0
902050No date0Zimbabwe1830C2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902060No date0Zimbabwe1830C4 0Tree Society mapping record0
902070No date0Zimbabwe1831A4 0Tree Society mapping record0
902080No date0Zimbabwe1831B3 0Tree Society mapping record0
902090No date0Zimbabwe1831C2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902110No date0Zimbabwe1928C2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902120No date0Zimbabwe1930A4 0Tree Society mapping record0
902130No date0Zimbabwe1930C4 0Tree Society mapping record0
902000No date0Zimbabwe1829A4 0Tree Society mapping record0
902150No date0Zimbabwe1932D1 0Tree Society mapping record0
902160No date0Zimbabwe2028A3 0Tree Society mapping record0
902170No date0Zimbabwe2028A4 0Tree Society mapping record0
902180No date0Zimbabwe2028B1 0Tree Society mapping record0
902190No date0Zimbabwe2028B2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902200No date0Zimbabwe2028B3 0Tree Society mapping record0
902210No date0Zimbabwe2028B4 0Tree Society mapping record0
902220No date0Zimbabwe2028C1 0Tree Society mapping record0
902230No date0Zimbabwe2028C2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902240No date0Zimbabwe2028D1 0Tree Society mapping record0
902250No date0Zimbabwe2029A2 0Tree Society mapping record0
902260No date0Zimbabwe2030B1 0Tree Society mapping record0

Total records found: 92

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Species information: Records of: Olea europaea.
https://www.mozambiqueflora.com/speciesdata/species-display.php?species_id=144170, retrieved 14 March 2025

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