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Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.
Record number | No of images | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
7176 | 2 | 16 Feb 2006 | BT Wursten P Ballings | In dry wooded grassland | Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve | 30 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2131B2 | S | 400 | 2 | |||||||||
22850 | 0 | 7 May 1987 | MA Hyde | RB Drummond | Sandy ground | Erith Road, Willowvale | 1 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1730D4 | TR870225 | C | 0 | 0 | |||||||
30038 | 0 | Feb 1954 | OB Miller | OB Miller 2190 | SRGH | Abandoned field | Farm Besna Kobila, Matobo | 57 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1430 | Herb 2.5 ft high. Flowers magenta. [See note 16] | 0 | ||||||
30410 | 0 | 17 May 1996 | MA Hyde RB Drummond | Sandy miombo woodland with extensive patches of cultivation | Hatfield, Harare | 1 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1731C3 | TR950237 | C | 1460 | -17.867900 | 31.064980 | 6 | ||||||
53646 | 0 | 31 Aug 2013 | M Coates Palgrave B Clegg | B Clegg | Sandveld woodland | Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve | 30 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2131B2 | S | 388 | -21.049417 | 31.892683 | 7 | ||||||
57705 | 1 | 25 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Disturbed roadside vegetation | Along Zvishavane - Mbalabala road | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2029B3 | W | 1121 | -20.466730 | 29.582650 | 7 | |||||||
61758 | 6 | 20 Nov 2014 | S Holt | S Holt | Disturbed land in rural area | Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique | 0 | Mozambique | 2235A2 | GI | 20 | Common | -22.000983 | 35.320470 | 7 | ||||||
61759 | 1 | 15 Jul 2014 | S Holt | S Holt | Open forest and shrubland | Cochua, Vilanculos Distr., Inhambane, Mozambique | 0 | Mozambique | 2235A3 | GI | 35 | Common | -22.343175 | 35.165338 | 7 | ||||||
63999 | 1 | 4 Jan 2015 | BT Wursten P Ballings C Stockil L Barrie T Mutombeni DL Muzengi B Madden C Reimer | BT Wursten | Wooded grassland and mopane scrub. | Road Northwest of Tembwahata, Gonarezhou National Park. | 160 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2132A4 | S | 173 | -21.281680 | 32.342878 | 7 | ||||||
69416 | 0 | 13 Jan 2016 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Disturbed area. | Behind Total Service Station, Gokwe town. | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1828B2 | N | 1239 | -18.218510 | 28.944320 | 7 | |||||||
73040 | 0 | 25 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Disturbed roadside vegetation | Along Zvishavane - Mbalabala road | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2029A4 | W | 1097 | -20.492270 | 29.415710 | 0 | |||||||
75648 | 0 | 22 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Disturbed wooded grassland at the base of rocky outcrop | Along main Zvishavane - Rutenga road | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2030C2 | S | 792 | iNaturalist record | -20.563700 | 30.312450 | 7 | ||||||
77109 | 0 | 31 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings C Sharp | BT Wursten | Mixed woodland on Kalahari sand. | Chesa Forest Land, Umguza District. | 196 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028A2 | W | 1263 | -20.012740 | 28.264300 | 7 | ||||||
77149 | 0 | 31 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings C Sharp | BT Wursten | In open grassy clearings in mixed woodland on Kalahari sand. | Chesa Forest Land, Umguza District. | 196 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028A2 | W | 1315 | -20.059890 | 28.280250 | 7 | ||||||
83651 | 0 | 28 Apr 1993 | MG Bingham | MG Bingham 9257 | MG Bingham | Old village site. | Mongu District; Lui River, Nalikwanda, Lusinde village. | 0 | Zambia | 1523B3 | B | 1050 | Flowers pink. | -15.450000 | 23.666667 | 5 | |||||
93387 | 0 | 21 Jan 2005 | S Kruger | S Kruger 101 | MM Hochobes | WIND | Caprivi: Mukwe District. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1722D4 | 994 | 50 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 50 cm high. Herbaceous. Stems slightly squared and green. Black glands at nodes. Leaves opposite with smaller leaves in tufts at nodes in leaf axils and palmately compound with 5 leaflets. Flowers a purple to light pink trumpet flower, dark purple centre, near sessile in leaf axil. Common, grows in white sandy soil. | -17.856670 | 22.910560 | 5 | ||||||
94536 | 0 | 6 May 1995 | C Mannheimer R Kubirske MM Strohbach-Fricke | C Mannheimer 130 | WIND | Caprivi: Road between Bukalo and Schuckmansburg. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724D1 | 0 | Notes: In sandy shallow depression next to seasonal pan. | 4 | |||||||||
94703 | 0 | 9 Jan 1959 | DJB Killick OA Leistner | DJB Killick OA Leistner 3319 | H-D Ihlenfeldt | WIND | Caprivi: Ngoma. Location common in tall grassveld. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724D3 | 0 | Herb; Notes: Erect herb, 3-4 feet high. Flowers pink. | -17.875000 | 24.625000 | 4 | ||||||
95523 | 0 | 22 Jan 2005 | S Kruger | S Kruger 117 | MM Hochobes | WIND | Caprivi: Mukwe District. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1822B2 | 988 | 40 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Shrub, 40 cm high. Stem herbaceous and squared. Leaves linear, opposite and palmately compound with 5 leaflets. Flower stalk, 5 mm long. Light pink flowers with striped staminodium. Fruits long capsules, 4 lobed; black glands present at nodes. Scattered, grows in white sandy soil. | -18.025000 | 22.916670 | 2 | ||||||
101838 | 1 | 28 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | at the foot of a wooded low rocky outcrop | Along Fort Usher road, Matobo | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1470 | -20.412300 | 28.560520 | 6 | |||||||
114828 | 2 | 17 Mar 2021 | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai | N Wightman I Kabinda M Chola M Mukelabai NCW558 | N Wightman | NDO | Ruderal area among short grasses and forbs on Kalahari sand | Mukamba Village, Luena, Kaoma Distr., Western Province | 0 | Zambia | 1424D4 | B | 0 | -14.856190 | 24.752720 | 6 | |||||
117440 | 0 | 8 Jan 2015 | BT Wursten P Ballings T Mutombeni DL Muzengi B Madden | BT Wursten | Disturbed remnant open woodland and regenerating old cultivated fields. | Road to Mozambique Border, Mahenye | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2132A4 | E | 165 | -21.311440 | 32.469940 | 7 | |||||||
122838 | 0 | 14 Dec 2023 | BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Disturbed sandy roadside | Macuti, Beira | 0 | Mozambique | 1934D4 | MS | 6 | iNaturalist record | -19.850834 | 34.884609 | 7 |
Total records found: 23
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