Croton menyharthii Pax

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All records: View Mozambique records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
8169704 Jan 1995MG Bingham
MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Grasmere Farm, Lusaka W. 35 km. 0Zambia1527B4 C1150-15.35000027.9666675
8169805 Feb 1995DK Harder
DK Harder
Kew Staff

Collections in woodland and grassland around mouth of cave and on adjacent rocky hillside. Lusaka District; Shimabala Cave, National Heritage Site; ca. 1 km N of Kafue Road near Chilanga Cement housing; ca. 10 km S of Chilanga and 23 km S of Lusaka. 1430Zambia1528C1 C1200Occasional; shrub; to 2.5 m tall; leaves bright green above; silvery-white below; new leaves brown; immature fruits light silver-green with brown-black spots.-15.65277828.2375005
36670015 Jan 2011MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Sandy open grassy ridgeRoad from Main Road to Vundu Camp590Zimbabwe1529C4 N370-15.75098029.3584407
36730016 Jan 2011MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Mopane woodlandMana Pools, by main road to camp590Zimbabwe1529C4 N420-15.85737029.3687907
68260022 May 2015M Coates Palgrave
H Dawson
Mixed woodland, sandstoneRoad to Tafika Camp, Zambezi Valley, Sapi Safari Area590Zimbabwe1529D2 N350-15.61983329.8570837
68326025 May 2015M Coates Palgrave
H Dawson
Mixed and mopane woodlandChewore Safari Area590Zimbabwe1529D2 N360-15.68388329.8549507
448000No date0Zimbabwe1628B2 0Tree Society mapping record0
448010No date0Zimbabwe1628B4 0Tree Society mapping record0
448110No date0Zimbabwe1628C3 0Tree Society mapping record0
3203567 Jan 2009MA Hyde
BT Wursten
09.007.09Riverine vegetation Ruia River, Kariba0Zimbabwe1628D2 N500-16.54208028.9675800
94830013 Jan 1959DJB Killick
OA Leistner
DJB Killick
OA Leistner

Caprivi: Impalila Island. Livingstone.2080Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1725C3 930Shrub; Notes: Occasional, fairly frequent in woodland. Shrub 6 - 10'. Fruiting.-17.78330025.2075005
448020No date0Zimbabwe1725D4 0Tree Society mapping record0
448030No date0Zimbabwe1727B2 0Tree Society mapping record0
448040No date0Zimbabwe1727C3 0Tree Society mapping record0
448050No date0Zimbabwe1727C4 0Tree Society mapping record0
448060No date0Zimbabwe1728A1 0Tree Society mapping record0
448070No date0Zimbabwe1728A3 0Tree Society mapping record0
121205030 May 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
In woodlandNational Botanic Garden, Harare1,212Zimbabwe1731C3 C1519-17.80007731.0518767
95567014 Apr 2001K Sharpe
K Sharpe
C Mannheimer

Caprivi: Lianshulu Lodge.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1823A2 0Shrub; Notes: Height: 1 - 3 m. Leaves present. Occurence: uncommon.-18.12500023.3750002
448080No date0Zimbabwe1827A1 0Tree Society mapping record0
448090No date0Zimbabwe1827C3 0Tree Society mapping record0
448100No date0Zimbabwe1828A1 0Tree Society mapping record0
52203120 Apr 2013BT Wursten
LP Oliveira
BT Wursten
A Short
LP Oliveira
BT Wursten


In shallow soil vegetation island on limestone rock. Plateau above Nhagutua Gorge, Gorongosa National Park, Cheringoma.140Mozambique1834D2 MS214Leaves alternate, mostly emarginate at apex; roughly hairy above. -18.64356034.8153407
6576701 May 2015MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Scattered trees in grasslandNear calcite area, Catapu, Mozambique820Mozambique1835A2 MS60-18.03439035.2580107
4789409 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave


Nhambita, edge of Gwasha, 1.45 km N of the Pungwe river, measuring from 400 m W of the point in river closest to the Old cotton factory.890Mozambique1934A1 MS57-19.01122234.1756947
10979609 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave


Nhambita, edge of Gwasha, 1.45 km N of the Pungwe River, measuring from 400 m W of the point in the river closest to the old cotton factory.0Mozambique1934A1 MS57UJ DNA No. UJ04864-19.01122234.1756946

Total records found: 26

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Species information: Records of: Croton menyharthii., retrieved 14 March 2025

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