Commelina subulata Roth

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All records: View Mozambique records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
100567518 Feb 2019BT Wursten
P Ballings
J Sibale
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

Margin of montane grassland and firebreak Zovo Chipolo Trail, Nyika National Park 1800Malawi1033D1 N2194-10.57505033.7108207
81490019 Mar 1996DK Harder
DK Harder
RB Faden

Along path in degraded plain vegetation; deep sandy, black, muck soilsMongu District; Bulozi plain; (Mongu North) ca. 5 km NW of Mongu. 0Zambia1523A1 B1050Occasional; somewhat succulent; annual; in rice field; stems dull orange-green at base; bracts streaked boldly in red; tepals dull orange; anthers bright yellow.-15.24222223.1322225
36673015 Jan 2011MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Sandy open grassy ridgeRoad from Main Road to Vundu Camp590Zimbabwe1529C4 N370-15.75072029.3581507
701490No dateMount Mulanje1790Malawi1535D3 S0Checklist 60
81491020 Feb 1997DK Harder
DK Harder
RB Faden

Collections along roadside in Mutemwa thicket on Kalahari Sand. Livingstone District; ca. 18.1 km W of intersection of Livingstone-Sesheke and Lusaka Road, ca. 3 km W of Simonga ca. 1.5 km E of Makunka. 0Zambia1725D3 S930Common; in open grassy areas; full sun; base of stem red-purple, bracts light green; petals orange pale.-17.81666725.7163895
57427016 Feb 2014MA Hyde
In seepage area on bare rocksAt base of Chivarairwa Kopje, Canonkopje Crane and Game Sanctuary0Zimbabwe1730B1 N1280-17.19650030.6086407
4123216 Jan 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
Seepage zoneDomboshawa150Zimbabwe1731C1 C0
6517114 Feb 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
Shallow soil pockets on open rocky plateau, somewhat disturbed by use as church prayer site Ngomakurira, Chinhamora CL.360Zimbabwe1731C1 C1495-17.55662931.2372117
99601026 Dec 2018MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
MA Hyde
BT Wursten
In vleiMonavale Vlei1,770Zimbabwe1731C3 C1457-17.80743631.0100247
100222015 Feb 2019MA Hyde
MA Hyde
In wet bottom of ditchBy Dandaro10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1531In quantity-17.78272231.0778477
101595027 Apr 2019MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Damp groundChapungu Sculpture Park, Msasa, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1519-17.84300931.1220907
119078029 Jan 2023MA Hyde
IC Riddell
MA Hyde
In damp sand in woodlandMukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1481Small annual plants with yellow flowers in damp sand; vey common.-17.84314431.0846617
3445404 Jan 2011BT Wursten
P Ballings
Shallow soil crevice on seepage rock surface in Brachystegia woodlandAlong road from Small Bridge to Penhalonga0Zimbabwe1832D3 E1642-18.78712032.6972207
72543620 Apr 2013BT Wursten
A Short
LP Oliveira
BT Wursten
BT Wursten



Open area with shallow gravelly soils on limestone Plateau near rim of Nhagutua Gorge, Gorongosa National Park, Cheringoma. 140Mozambique1834D2 MS216Small yellow-flowered species with reddish, semi-succulent stems. -18.64366034.8147907
114387331 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
C Sharp
BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten

Mixed mopane woodland Chesa Forest, Umguza District 1960Zimbabwe2028A2 W1320-20.10972028.2969507
296230 Jan 1953OB Miller
OB Miller

Besna Kobila, Matopos570Zimbabwe2028B3 W0Flowers white. [See note 16]0

Total records found: 16

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Species information: Records of: Commelina subulata., retrieved 14 March 2025

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