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Records of this taxon from Mozambique are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.
Record number | No of images | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
109652 | 0 | 01 Oct 2005 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows SM Burrows 9075 | JE Burrows | BNRH | C.30km N. of Save Bridge on EN1, Sofala Province. | 0 | Mozambique | 2034C3 | MS | 0 | In mixed Acacia bushveld on clay loams. | 2 | |||||||
72270 | 2 | 11 Dec 2015 | BT Wursten J Guyton | J Guyton JAG_15_668A | BT Wursten | Sand Forest | Sand Forest, Gorongosa National Park Loop | 14 | 41 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 0 | -18.965530 | 34.346060 | 7 | ||||
109651 | 0 | 10 Oct 2005 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows SM Burrows 9169 | SM Burrows | BNRH | Pangene Peninsula, Cabo Delgado Province. | 0 | Mozambique | 1240A2 | N | 10 | On coral rag. | 2 | |||||||
109653 | 0 | 23 Dec 2006 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows SM Burrows 9763 | JE Burrows | BNRH | Ca. 13 km from turnoff at tarred Pemba-Metoro road, on road to Mecufi. | 0 | Mozambique | 1340B1 | N | 20 | Tree to 4 m tall in coastal woodland/scrub on sandy soils. | -13.223056 | 40.549167 | 7 | |||||
16376 | 1 | 24 Nov 2006 | BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Remnant deciduous woodland. | Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park. | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 38 | -18.980971 | 34.352564 | 7 | ||||||
16377 | 1 | 05 Feb 2007 | BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Remnant deciduous woodland. | Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park. | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 38 | -18.979598 | 34.352028 | 7 | ||||||
42712 | 2 | 12 Nov 2007 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB966 | BT Wursten | LMU | Remnant deciduous woodland. | Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park. | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 38 | -18.980950 | 34.351817 | 7 | ||||
16375 | 1 | 20 Nov 2006 | BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Remnant deciduous woodland. | Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park. | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 38 | -18.979598 | 34.352028 | 7 | ||||||
75085 | 4 | 18 Jan 2016 | W McCleland | W McCleland | Pande, Inhassoro District. | 0 | Mozambique | 2134B4 | GI | 60 | -21.340484 | 34.850496 | 7 | ||||||||
109657 | 0 | 01 Nov 2009 | M Lötter | M Lötter 1944 | JE Burrows | BNRH | Nacala Dam, 30 km west of Nacala. | 0 | Mozambique | 1440D1 | N | 72 | Tree to 5 m tall, bark grey & rough, flowers whitish; in woodland on sandy soils. | -14.714722 | 40.525278 | 7 | |||||
65645 | 0 | 26 Apr 2015 | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TM Müller | M Coates Palgrave | Densely shaded forest | Suni South Trail, Catapu, Mozambqiue | 82 | 35 | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 80 | Large tree; bark photographed | -18.041080 | 35.203140 | 7 | ||||
65642 | 2 | 26 Apr 2015 | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TM Müller | M Coates Palgrave | Sand forest | Nr Mphingwe, Catapu, Mozambique | 82 | 35 | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 80 | Leaves photographed | -18.040630 | 35.202650 | 7 | ||||
48621 | 0 | 15 Apr 2012 | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave | Woodland | Via Lavu, Catapu | 82 | 17 | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 80 | -18.051160 | 35.207590 | 7 | ||||||
48331 | 0 | 09 Apr 2012 | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave | MA Hyde 12.100.08 | TCT-Catapú | Woodland | By path from Mphingue to sawmill, Catapu | 82 | 17 | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 90 | In flower and fruit | -18.040650 | 35.202630 | 7 | |||
109658 | 0 | 27 Feb 2010 | M Coates Palgrave M van der Bank OG Maurin | OG Maurin OM2351 | M Coates Palgrave | BNRH JRAU | Catapu Region, at M'Phingwe Campsite, which is about 0.8 km ENE of Catapu. | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 128 | UJ DNA No. MvdB4142 | -18.040417 | 35.202417 | 6 | |||||
47739 | 0 | 27 Feb 2010 | M Coates Palgrave M van der Bank OG Maurin | OG Maurin 2351 | M Coates Palgrave | M Coates Palgrave | BNRH TCT-Catapú | At M'Phingwe camp site, which is about 0.8 km NEE of Catapu. | 82 | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 128 | -18.040417 | 35.202417 | 7 | ||||
48446 | 0 | 11 Apr 2012 | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave | Sand forest | Nhamacalapia road, Catapu | 82 | 17 | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 140 | -18.110480 | 35.163470 | 7 | ||||||
96263 | 0 | 15 Apr 2018 | BT Wursten T Castigo IAI Nuvunga | BT Wursten | On termite mound in tall miombo woodland | Along road to Mpawe Village, Coutada 12, Cheringoma | 184 | 53 | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A4 | MS | 147 | -18.427640 | 35.350900 | 7 | |||||
109655 | 0 | 19 Apr 2005 | M Coates Palgrave | M Coates Palgrave 69 | BNRH | Catap— Concession, Mpingwe between water tank and laundry. | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 180 | Habitat: sand forest.-x000D- Habit: small tree about 2.5 m, bark greyish, patterned near the top, becoming rough and striated near the bottom. Sena name: Nhandima Catap— no.: 121-x000D- Ex Cheringoma Herbarium No.: 192 | -18.037500 | 35.201111 | 6 | ||||||
109656 | 0 | 18 Oct 2006 | MJ Inacio J Maneka | MJ Inacio JM23 | BNRH | Catap— Concession, Sawmill area, close to workshops. | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 180 | Habitat: sand forest.-x000D- Habit: tree 8 m high, two-stemmed, bark pale; flowers cream. Sena name: Nhandima. Control 121-x000D- Ex Cheringoma Herbarium No.: 718 | -18.041389 | 35.211389 | 6 | ||||||
109654 | 0 | 04 Mar 2007 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows SM Burrows 9877 | SM Burrows | BNRH | Between Sav‚ River and Mashungwe on the EN1. | 0 | Mozambique | 2034C4 | MS | 200 | Small deciduous tree to 5 m tall, in dry mixed deciduous woodland., Occurrence: widespread | 2 | |||||||
96149 | 0 | 10 Apr 2018 | BT Wursten T Castigo IAI Nuvunga | BT Wursten | In disturbed secondary fringe of shrubs alongside railway track | Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma | 83 | 53 | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A2 | MS | 227 | -18.238740 | 35.323380 | 6 | |||||
109650 | 0 | 30 Jan 2005 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows SM Burrows 8844 | SM Burrows | BNRH | Sawmill area, Catapu Concession, +/- 30km S. of Caia, Sofala Province. | 0 | Mozambique | 1835A1 | MS | 300 | On sandy soils.-x000D- Photo. attached to specimen. | 2 | |||||||
109659 | 0 | 08 Nov 2014 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows 14323 | JE Burrows | LMA BNRH | Furancungo road, ca. 45 km from tarred R222 from Tete to Zambia. | 0 | Mozambique | 1533D1 | T | 400 | Erect many-stemmed deciduous shrub to 1.5 m, scattered in very dry deciduous woodland. | -15.605278 | 33.569444 | 6 | |||||
109660 | 0 | 08 Nov 2014 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows 14324 | JE Burrows | LMA BNRH | Furancungo road, ca. 50 km from tarred R222 from Tete to Zambia. | 0 | Mozambique | 1533D1 | T | 415 | Erect many-stemmed deciduous shrub to 1.5 m, scattered in very dry deciduous woodland. | -15.553267 | 33.652833 | 6 |
Total records found: 25
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