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Photo: Richard Vernon
On the job' in the Mt Makulu herbarium, in 1983. My assistant was Francis Lupia who came to acquire a good knowledge of plants as he prepared the herbarium specimens
The above links show records made of species which occur in Mozambique. The actual records may have been made anywhere.
Date of birth: 20 Jun 1942 BiographyBorn Cambridge, UK. B.Sc. (Hons) Botany and Zoology, Durham University, Post Grad Diploma Tropical Agriculture, U. of West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago. 1967-70 Zambia, Dept of Agriculture, Land Use Planning Officer, Western Province 1970-73 Zambia, Officer in Charge, Agricultural Research Western Province: established Mongu Regional Research Station, sub-stations at Kataba Valley & Sesheke, initiated research programmes in crops and cattle. 1973-81 Zambia, Leader, Weed Control Research & Extension Team, Mt Makulu Central Research Station, Chilanga: Established & managed a specialist team for wide ranging agronomic studies on small and large scale farming systems. Published Weed Control Recommendations for Zambia and Field Guide to Important Arable Weeds of Zambia. 1981-82 Zambia, Chief Agricultural Research Officer, Department of Agriculture. 1983-84 UK, Agricultural Consultant 1984-85 UK, M.Sc in Computer-based Information Systems, U of Brighton 1985-89 Nigeria, Information Systems Specialist: designed & implemented management information system for World Bank funded agricultural project in Nigeria. 1989-92 UK, Deputy Head, Information Systems Unit, ODA now DFID, London, UK 1992-2000, The Netherlands, CGIAR’s International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), Management Information Systems Specialist. Designed management information system for agricultural research "INFORM- R" assisting implementation of such systems in Latin America, Africa (including Zambia) and Asia. Authored “Knowing Where You’re Going: Information Systems for Agricultural Research Management”, 345pp. 2000-04, Fiji Islands, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Development of a Pacific Islands Pest List Database to facilitate trade. 2005-10 France, retired, set up fruit small-holding 2010-date, Oxford, UK, retired, set up fruit small-holding, Secretary for Oxfordshire for charity Population Matters – overpopulation being the driver of climate change, start of 6th Mass Extinction of other species, pollution of seas, air and land etc |
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