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The above links show records made of species which occur in Mozambique. The actual records may have been made anywhere.
Date of birth: 3 Mar 1942 BiographyThe following short biography was kindly provided by John Loveridge in December 2011. Lived in Plumtree, Salisbury (Harare), Gwelo (Gweru). Education at Selborne School, Salisbury, Prince Edward, Chaplin, University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (BSc, Hons in Botany and Zoology 1963; PhD¸Lond. in Entomology, 1967. Taught in Zoology Department, University of Rhodesia, later Department of Biological Sciences, University of Zimbabwe. Collected plants in Gweru, Kwe-Kwe areas, Salisbury (Harare), Chimanimani District, Ruwenzori, Mwinilunga, Sinamwenda, most deposited in SRGH. Botanical PublicationsCottrell, C.B. and Loveridge, J.P. (1966). Observations on the Cryptosepalum forest of the Mwinilunga district of Zambia. Proc. Trans. Rhod. Sci. Ass. 51: 79-120.Loveridge, J.P. (1968). Plant ecological investigations in the Nyamagasani Valley, Ruwenzori Mountains, Uganda. Kirkia, 6(2): 153-168. Loveridge, J.P. and Moe, S.R. (2004). Termitaria as browsing hotspots for African megaherbivores in miombo woodland. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 20 (3):337-343. |
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