Lambinon, Jacques Ernst Joseph

List: records (0) | collections (0) | images (0) | determinations (0) | confirmations (0) made by Jacques Lambinon

The above links show records made of species which occur in Mozambique. The actual records may have been made anywhere.

Summarise: records by year Map: records by QDS

General Information

Date of birth: 28 Sep 1936

Date of death: 14 Nov 2015


Belgian botanist (bryologist, mycologist, lichenologist), Professor of Botany in Liège and visiting professor at the University of Burundi. Undertook botanical expeditions in southern France and tropical Africa (Burundi, Congo, Kenya, Rwanda). Wrote among other things about Belgian lichens, but also 'Contribution to the study of lichens from Kivu (Zaïre), Rwanda and Burundi', 'Flora van België, het Groothertogdom Luxemburg, Noord-Frankrijk en de aangrenzende gebieden (Pteridofyten en Spermatofyten)'. His specimens are stored in BR, LG, P.

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2007-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Mozambique: Person details: Lambinon, J., retrieved 28 March 2025

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