Trees, shrubs or herbs; deciduous, massive to slender, tuberous when young and sometimes as adults; bark and pith with gum canals. Stipules absent, but stalked glands present at base of petiole and leaflets. Leaves alternate, 2-4-imparipinnate; leaflets glabrous to puberulent, opposite; margin entire. Inflorescence of axillary panicles. Flowers white to yellow or red, actinomorphic to zygomorphic; sepals 5, often reflexed; petals 5, also often reflexed. Fruit a capsule, 3-12 ribbed, sometimes with elongated beak, dehiscent. Seeds 3-winged or wingless, without endosperm.
Worldwide: 12 species in India, Africa and Madagascar.
Mozambique: 1 taxon. |