Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs. Stipules 0. Leaves alternate, opposite or fasciculate, often ± succulent. Inflorescences terminal or lateral, cymose, often umbel-like. Flowers bisexual, whitish or greenish.
Per. segments generally unequal, 5 , free. Stamens (5-)7. Ovary superior, with two 1-ovulate loculi. Style 1. Stigmas 2. Fruit dehiscing into 2 mericarps. Mericarps indehiscent, 1-seeded with outer face reticulate, rugose, spine-tipped or
± smooth; base often auriculate; margin winged or not. Worldwide: 20 species, most in southern Africa, also tropical Africa, Arabia and Pakistan Mozambique: 10 taxa. |