Clump-forming robust plants (in ours) with a small rhizome. Leaves linear, rosulate to subdistichous, usually keeled. Peduncle terminal. Inflorescence a
simple raceme of numerous flowers. Bracts persistent, scarious, longer than pedicels. Pedicels articulated at apex. Flowers spreading
or pendulous, yellow and often red near the apex. Perianth
fused to form a campanulate to cylindric or ± funnel-shaped tube for more than 3/ 4 of its length; lobes short, unequal. Ovary sessile, ovoid. Capsule spherical to ovoid, triquetrous. Seeds ± flattened, acutely 3-angled or winged. Derivation of name: For J.J. Kniphof, 1704-1765, professor at Erfurt, Germany Worldwide: 65 species, mainly tropical and South Africa; 1 in Arabia and 1 in Madagascar Mozambique: 2 taxa. |