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Polhill, R.M. & Wiens, D. (2006) Loranthaceae Flora Zambesiaca 9(3)
Small well branched shrubs from a single haustorial attachment; hairs stellate and dendritic; twigs slightly compressed to angular, soon terete. Leaves opposite or subopposite, shortly petiolate. Flowers in racemes; bract small. Calyx short, entire to shortly toothed; corolla joined halfway, 5-lobed, radially symmetrical, orange to pink or red, with a dark glandular patch at the base of each lobe, stellate pubescent; tube with a basal swelling; bud tip fusiform to obovoid; lobes usually erect, often partly cohering at the tips. Fruit berry white to red (sometimes turning black), ellipsoid, with persistent calyx. Worldwide: Four species in East Africa. Mozambique: 1 taxon. |
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curviramea (Engl.) Danser | N |
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