Perennial herbs or small shrubs. Leaves petiolate, usually lobed, 5-9-veined from the base. Stipules present. Flowers borne in small terminal or axillary cymes, relatively large (in ours). Sepals 4-5 with an apical or subapical gland. Petals 4-5, clawed, pink, purplish or white, without glands. Stamens many; fertile stamens 12 or fewer, longer than the rest. Ovary 4-8-locular, with numerous ovules per loculus. Stigma lobed or minutely toothed at the apex. Fruit a dehiscent, 4-8-valved capsule, bearing many stiff bristles externally. Seeds discoid. Worldwide: 2 species in tropical Africa Mozambique: 1 taxon. |