Annual, biennial or perennial
herbs, sometimes acaulescent. Leaves (in ours) in basal
rosettes, usually appearing after the flowers. Receptacle without scales.
Phyllaries 2-several-seriate, becoming swollen and
corky towards base; innermost ± equal, usually
greatly exceeding the outer. Florets yellow, the ligule often
purplish or red outside. Achenes (in ours) truncate at apex,
without a beak and also without ascending hairs or ascending
rough projections on the ribs or margins above. Pappus
many-seriate. Derivation of name: named after J Mordant de Launay (1750-1816), French author and editor of horticultural works and librarian at the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris. Worldwide: 30 species extending from the Canary Is to South Africa, East Asia and the West Indies Mozambique: 5 taxa. |