Shrubs. Stems 2-ribbed, with pale corky bark. Stipules 2 (-many)-fid. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3-4; bacterial nodules 0; domatia present. Calyx limb short. Corolla yellow or white; tube shortly cylindric.
Flowers 5-merous, often appearing before the leaves are fully developed, in small terminal heads (in ours).
Ovary 2-locular; ovule 1 per loculus, erect. Style with 2 stigma lobes.
Fruit a drupe with 2 pyrenes.
Pyrenes opening by 2 marginal slits. Seeds with a pale testa; endosperm not ruminate.
Differs from Psychotria, to which it is closely related, by the dehiscent pyrenes, the pale testa and the non-ruminate endosperm. Worldwide: 25 species in tropical Africa Mozambique: 2 taxa. |