Scandent shrubs or lianes. Stipules either laciniate and 5-9-lobed (orientalis) or oblong-triangular with 1 linear lobe. Leaves petiolate; domatia 0 or present in axils of secondary or even tertiary veins. Flowers bisexual, 4-5-merous. Inflorescences of panicles, terminal or on short axillary branches. Calyx limb-tube with 4-5 lobes. Corolla white or cream; tube cylindric to funnel-shaped; lobes 4-5, spreading or reflexed. Ovary 2(-3)-locular; ovule 1, ascending from the base of each loculus. Fruit yellow, orange or red, spherical, fleshy with 1 seed. Worldwide: 22 species in tropical Africa and Madagascar Mozambique: 2 taxa. |